Grow up quickly (7)

After hearing this, Peach's father suddenly regretted his decision.

He left the room and was about to ring the doorbell next door, when the door of Shen Mochen's room opened.

As soon as He Yue looked up, she saw Peach's dad standing outside the door about to ring the doorbell. She was stunned for a moment but quickly came to her senses and snickered, "Is Peach lying in again?"

"Yeah." Peach's father admitted, smiling somewhat awkwardly before he continued, "She doesn't respond no matter how her mom and I call her. Maybe she was too tired yesterday, so we wanted to ask Chenchen to help wake her up."

He Yue stepped to the side. Shen Mochen, who was standing behind her, walked out slowly and briskly greeted Peach's father when he saw him, "Good morning, Uncle." Shen Mochen then headed straight towards Peach's room and said, "I'll wake her up."

"Hahh." Peach's father quickly followed behind.

Entering the room, Shen Mochen greeted Peach's mother before standing next to Peach's bed. He remained mum and did not even let out a squeak. He simply looked at Peach in silence.

The next moment, a miracle happened.

Peach, who was sleeping soundly, shuddered inexplicably, before blearily opening her eyes. Through her sleepy eyes, she saw the person standing by her bed.

Shen Mochen looked at her expressionlessly. Seeing that her eyes were opened, he said lightly, "Awake? Get out of bed then."

"Okay." Hugging her quilt, Peach shakily sat up and looked around only to find her parents looking at her with a complicated look. Scratching her head, Peach turned over to get out of bed and headed to the bathroom to wash up.

"Hahh." Peach's father let out a helpless sigh from behind them.

After getting ready and eating breakfast, they set off for Yalong Bay.

Peach followed closely behind Shen Mochen, but realised that he seemed to have changed back to how he was previously, being indifferent to her and ignoring her. Only when there was a crowd around, would he take the initiative to hold her hand, so that she would not wander off.

Puzzled, Peach scratched her head, wondering if she had dreamt Shen Mochen's gentleness the night before.

Subconsciously, Peach touched her lips. There still seemed to be remnants of Shen Mochen's soft and warm touch. She still remembered her heart palpitating wildly yesterday. This seemed too real to be a dream, right?

"Why are you in a daze?" Shen Mochen frowned as he looked at her. Her fair, rosy face was flushed, and her large bright eyes were glistening as she looked at him, like she wanted to say something but hesitated.

Well, if he's speaking in such a fierce tone, last night must have been a dream.

Peach shook her head to drive away her train of thought. Wrapping both hands around Shen Mochen's arm, she said with a grin, "I wasn't in a daze, I'm just a bit hungry."

"Hungry?" Shen Mochen looked at her strangely, before touching her soft belly with his other hand and asking, "Didn't you have a steamed dumpling, a bun, a bowl of porridge, two tea eggs and a glass of soy milk this morning? Why are you still hungry? "

"Uh…" Peach was speechless. Sniff… sniff… She cried inside as she thought, "Do you have to remember what I ate so clearly?"

Peach replied with a slightly awkward smile, "Well… I'm still growing… Hehe…"

"Oh…" Shen Mochen dragged out the last syllable as he sized her up funnily. "I don't see that happening."