Sun and the Beach (2)

"Are you not going to get up? Or do you intend to crush me?" Shen Mochen's brows furrowed as he looked at her, reaching out to push her away as if mildly disgusted.

"Hehe, I shan't." Peach smiled like a sly fox, and shamelessly threw herself onto his body.

A big wave came along, and before Shen Mochen had time to say anything, the wave washed over them.

When the wave ebbed, Peach stared at Shen Mochen whose soft hair was now wet and plastered on his forehead, with rivulets of water trickling down from his hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. His deep dark eyes appeared to flash with fury.

"Uh… haha, I didn't mean it!" Peach hurriedly laughed it off, stood up, and escaped as quickly as possible.

"Peach Su! Stop right there!" Shen Mochen raised his hand and wiped the sea water off his face. Turning over, he swiftly chased after Peach.

"Aah! Aah! Godfather, help me!" Peach rushed straight to Professor Shen and hid behind him. Shen Mochen could only watch on as his dad hid Peach behind him like an old hen.

"Chenchen, you are a big boy already, why are you bullying Peach? She is still a child, you should give in to her more." Professor Shen frowned as he looked at Shen Mochen. This rascal was being so fierce to his daughter-in-law. What if his daughter-in-law ran away?

"Child?" Shen Mochen narrowed his eyes and glared at Peach dangerously.

Peach quickly nodded and agreed with Professor Shen, "Yeah, yeah, I'm a child! I'm a child!"

"Humph." Shen Mochen turned his head and stormed off.

Peach pulled a face behind his back.

As she was making a face, Shen Mochen, who had just taken a few steps, suddenly turned his head around as if he was telepathic.

Awkward, Peach stood rooted to the spot, watching as Shen Mochen's face darkened. She could only cry inwardly.

It's all over now. He was really furious this time.

When they were having lunch at noon, Peach sat obediently beside Shen Mochen. Looking at him like she was trying to curry favour with him, she pushed the food in front of her to him and said, "Husband, eat this. It's for you."

"I don't like these." Briefly glancing at the food on her plate, he saw that they were all sweet foods. There was nothing that he liked.

"How about I give you my drink?" Peach reluctantly placed her cup in front of Shen Mochen.

"Not interested."

"How about I massage your back?" Peach thought about it and proposed this idea which she found more feasible. Back at home, when her father was angry with her, as long as she offered to massage her father's back, his anger would immediately subside.

"Massage my back?" Shen Mochen's deep dark eyes finally looked at Peach in all seriousness.

"Yeah yeah!" Peach smiled like a dog trying to kiss up to him.

"I'm not an old man. You can massage my back when I grow old," Shen Mochen said emotionlessly, instantly shattering Peach's expectations.

"Sniff… Sniff…" Peach looked at him pitifully. If he did not want for anything, how was she supposed to apologize?

"How about I let you push me down too?" Peach was at a loss for a long time. Eventually, she thought that given Shen Mochen's character, he would want to give her a taste of her own medicine.
