Sun and the Beach (3)

"Hmm?" Shen Mochen looked at her with interest, repeating her words in a low voice, "Let me push you down?"

"Yeah, is that okay?" Peach blinked at him with large innocent eyes.

"Yes." Shen Mochen's lips quirked into a strange smile, "But I won't do that for the time being, save it for another time."

"Huh? Save it?" Peach scratched her head. Is this something you can save? However, seeing that Shen Mochen seemed to be feeling better, she stopped wondering about it and hugged his arm while grinning, "So you're not angry anymore?"

"Yeah." Shen Mochen nodded

"Yay! That's great!" Peach excitedly dragged the dinner plate that she had placed in front of Shen Mochen back to herself. Finally, she took back her food and drink, and dispelled his hatred for her. Peach was in a good mood and began to eat heartily.

A radiant twinkle flashed across Shen Mochen's deep eyes.

The person involved was entirely unaware that with that simple agreement, she had completely sold herself to Shen Mochen.

(Author: Why are you thinking about pushing her down! Shen Mochen, should you really be thinking about something so far ahead?

Shen Mochen: It's none of your business!)

After the cheerful seven-day tour in Hainan, their family group finally returned to their homes. With only a few days left of the summer vacation, Peach spent every day of the rest of her holiday enjoying air-conditioning and eating watermelons.

The day before school started, Peach's father had already brought her along to report for school, paid the tuition fees, collected the new textbooks, and conveniently checked out the class placement situation.

In elementary school, there were only four classes in each grade, and each grade took up one floor.

In middle school, there were more classes, with ten classes in each grade and each grade took up one building.

Looking at the class placement, Peach's father saw that she was assigned to the second class of the seventh grade. It was said that the first four classes of each grade are the main classes and the teachers are relatively better. Peach's father felt a weight lifted off his chest.

Shen Mochen was in the second class of the eighth grade and his classroom was in the building right behind Peach's classroom block.

The No.1 Middle School in the city was an elite provincial middle school. Every year, countless students would try to get admitted into the school. If they could get into the No.1 Middle School which was affiliated to the No.1 High School in the city, it was as good as having one foot in the No.1 High School.

Peach's father was very satisfied with Peach's class placement. If things continue going smoothly like this, it should not be a problem for Peach to be admitted into the City's First High School, followed by an entry into an elite university.

The new semester began on the 1st of September.

Excited, Peach woke up early. From today, she could finally go to school with Shen Mochen again.

When Peach's mother entered Peach's room, she was shocked to find that Peach had already woken up and was dressed. She could not help but be surprised as she asked, "Peach, why are you up so early today?"

Peach grinned at her mother and replied, "Hehe, a new semester, a new me!"

After eating breakfast, Peach scampered downstairs with her backpack. Shen Mochen was already waiting for her there.

Peach took the initiative and hopped onto the back seat of Shen Mochen's bicycle. Wrapping an arm around his waist, she exclaimed excitedly, "Let's go! Let's go!"

"Do you have to be so excited?" Shen Mochen glanced at her briefly before sitting down and riding steadily towards their school.

When they arrived at the school gate, Peach hopped off the back seat and waved to Shen Mochen as she said, "I'll head to the classroom first."