My Daughter-in-law

When they arrived at the school gate, Peach hopped off the back seat and waved to Shen Mochen as she said, "I'll head to the classroom first."

"Okay." Shen Mochen unhurriedly got off of his bicycle and pushed the bicycle behind Peach for about two steps before he suddenly called out, "Peach!"

"What is it?" Peach stopped skipping ahead and spun around to look at him.

Calmly looking at her excited expression, Shen Mochen instructed flatly, "Wait for me outside the door of my classroom after school."

"Eh? Okay!" Peach nodded. She thought for a while before asking, "Is there anything else?"

"No." After that, Shen Mochen pushed his bicycle straight over to the parking lots without looking at her again.

Peach was left feeling awkward.

In the classroom of the second class of the seventh grade, as it was still early, the form teacher had yet to arrive in class. Peach looked around the classroom and nonchalantly sat down in a seat at the corner of the classroom.

"Classmate, is there anyone sitting in the seat beside you?"

Turning around, Peach was greeted with a little girl's smiling round face, with a pair of eyes curved like crescent moons, and a rosy mouth. The girl was standing behind her and had her hair in a ponytail.

"Nope." Peach shook her head as she dragged the backpack on the table next to hers, onto her own table.

"Then I'll sit here." The girl with the ponytail was very friendly. Placing her bag next to Peach, she smilingly introduced herself, "My name is Zhao Xue. What's yours?"

"Peach Su, but they all call me Peach." Peach scratched her head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Peach. That's such a cute name!" Zhao Xue was about to continue when the class suddenly quietened down. She glanced towards the classroom door and it turned out that their form teacher had come.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhao Guang. I'll be your form teacher from today." Standing at the lectern was a plump male teacher who looked remotely like Buddha when he smiled.

"His surname is also Zhao, and he loves to laugh as much as you do." Peach looked at her form teacher standing at the lectern, then looked at Zhao Xue who was sitting next to her, and thought that they really looked like each other.

"Hehe, he's my father." Zhao Xue discreetly winked at Peach.

Peach nodded and said, "No wonder you guys look alike."

In the first class on the first day, there was no substantive content covered. It was simply asking the students to introduce themselves at the lectern, sharing about which elementary school they graduated from and their interests.

When all the students had finished introducing themselves, their form teacher, Zhao Guang, said with a smile, "Okay, all of you are now going to stand outside the classroom along the corridor and arrange yourselves according to your heights so that we can rearrange your seats. The girls will stand in front and the boys behind. All right, go on out! "

The classroom, which was extremely quiet at first, immediately became clamorous. The students, who had just met, began talking and laughing as they headed out to the corridor to line up.

Due to her short stature, Peach ended up sitting in the second row upfront after the seat allocation. With Zhao Guang being the form teacher and Zhao Xue's father, naturally, he would not let her sit at the back. Hence, Peach and Zhao Xue coincidentally became official tablemates.

Having said that, because their form teacher was Zhao Xue's father, throughout her three years in middle school Peach enjoyed a lot of special treatment sticking to Zhao Xue. Of course, this was something to be taken up later on.

After a noisy first two lessons, the school's loudspeaker rang out with the music of the athletes march, signalling the start of the annual general welcome assembly for students.