My Daughter-in-law (8)

Shen Mochen glanced up at the clock hanging on the office wall of the Students' Affair Office. Reaching out, he pulled Peach over by her hand and said with a frown, "Let's go, it's time for class. Dad, I'll leave this to you."

After saying his piece, he dragged Peach directly out of the door of the Students' Affairs Office.

"You…" The Devil Teacher furiously gasped behind them.

Behind her, Professor Shen's said calmly, "Teacher, don't be angry. Let me tell you about historical Emperors who married early…" Anyway, he did not have any class this morning, so he had enough time to share with the Devil Teacher about famous examples in history.

Supposedly, later that morning, after Professor Shen had spoken at length with the Devil Teacher for Lord knows how long, there were no longer any legends about the Devil Teacher ever since then. When she saw male and female students interacting with one another, she would close one eye and turn a deaf ear to them.

However, that morning, the scene of Shen Mochen holding Peach's hand and walking out of the Students' Affairs Office was witnessed by many students. Once again, the news spread like a spring breeze passing through the Earth, spreading across the entire school.

Unbeknownst to Peach, she had become a celebrity in the school on the second day after she started school. After coming out of the Students' Affairs Office, she returned to her classroom with a stunned look on her face.

Although the early morning classes had yet to start, most of the students were already in class. Some of the students who arrived later had also heard about the exciting scene just now, and returned to their class to share the gossip. The entire classroom was in an uproar.

Therefore, when Peach appeared at the door of the classroom, the noisy classroom immediately became quiet and every one looked at Peach curiously.

"Uh…" Feeling rather uncomfortable at being stared at, Peach hurried back to her seat. The moment she sat down, Zhao Xue tugged on her arm and whispered, "Peach, you are really dating that Shen Mochen?"

"Well…" Rumours spread as quickly as wildfires indeed!

Peach's face turned incredulous.

"I heard that Shen Mochen kept on holding your hand when you two were in the Students' Affairs Office and he adamantly stood up for you against the Devil Teacher!" Zhao Xue was so excited and animated, it was as if she witnessed the scene with her own eyes.

"That's so exaggerated!" Peach recalled the cold expression on Shen Mochen's face when he was in the Students' Affairs Office. All those rumours about them 'holding hands tightly' must have been in their imaginations.

"How did the both of you meet?" Zhao Xue's curiosity was like a small bud emerging from the ground in spring, full of vitality as it tenaciously grew towards the sun.

"Well…" Peach scratched her head. How should she explain how they met? She has known Shen Mochen for as long as she could remember.

Suddenly, Mr. Zhao Guang entered the classroom, and placed the language textbook on the lectern before urging everyone to start reading, "Good morning, class! Let's begin our morning reading!"

Zhao Xue stuck her tongue out at Peach, before quickly picking up her language textbook and reading.

Peach did not know if it was psychological, but she felt that the whole morning during reading class, Mr Zhao's eyes kept flickering towards her, intentionally or otherwise. As a result, Peach sat upright and read loudly during the whole morning reading class.

Finally, when the early morning reading class ended, Peach got up and planned to walk past the lectern to head to the toilet. As she passed by Mr. Zhao, he looked at Peach with a smile, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear. "Daughter-in-law? Right?"