Peach is Shy

Finally, when the early morning reading class ended, Peach got up and planned to walk past the lectern to head to the toilet. As she passed by Mr. Zhao, he looked at Peach with a smile, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear. "Daughter-in-law? Right?"

Peach covered her face and fled.

When school was about to be dismissed, Peach remembered that before school the day before, Mr. Zhao had asked them to register for the evening self-study today if they were keen. However, Peach's parents were not at home. Peach thought about it over and over again, before finally summoning up her courage and made a trip to the building where Shen Mochen's classroom was.

In a short time span of one day, all the students in the eighth grade building knew about Peach.

Today, when Peach climbed up the stairs, there were often students who passed by her while giggling before pointing at her and whispering to the person next to them, "Look, that's Shen Mochen's girlfriend."

Peach suddenly felt extremely stressed.

When she arrived at the door of Grade Eight Class Two, before Peach even stood still, someone in the classroom shouted to Shen Mochen, "Shen Mochen, your girlfriend is here to look for you."

At that time, Shen Mochen was looking down and doing his homework. Hearing the voice, he turned his head and briefly glanced at the entrance of the classroom and saw Peach standing there seemingly at a loss of what to do.

Shen Mochen calmly sauntered out of the classroom amidst his classmates' whistling, and asked Peach, "What's wrong?"

"The form teacher asked us to register our interest in attending the evening self-study sessions…" Peach suddenly regretted asking Shen Mochen, as he was not her parent after all.

Shen Mochen calmly spat out two words, "Not attending."

"Eh?" Peach looked up at him in puzzlement.

Shen Mochen frowned and explained flatly, "I don't want to attend, so you don't need to either."

"Will that be okay…"

"If you want to attend, no one will pick you up after school." After saying his piece, Shen Mochen then headed straight back into the classroom.

Peach stood rooted to the ground. After going through an intense internal struggle, she eventually decided to give in and opt for Shen Mochen's free transport service.

This episode at the beginning of school soon came to a close. After all, for students, studies were still their priority. With their hectic study life, this earth-shaking gossip was gradually drowned out by the extensive sea of ​​books.

Within a few months after entering middle school, Peach appeared to have grown significantly in height. Her once round face gradually developed a sharp chin. Her large, bright and beautiful eyes, coupled with her tiny cherry-like mouth and her attractive smile, made Peach seem increasingly beautiful.

Peach's male classmates also seemed to notice the sudden changes in Peach and her secret admirers slowly grew in numbers. During Physical Education lessons, there were always male students who would diligently offer to help Peach take this and that. There were also others who would secretly place a can of milk in Peach's drawer every day.

Peach found it strange, as there was a lot of food in her drawer all of a sudden, but she could never find who placed the food there.

On the other hand, Zhao Xue was completely heartless and did not care who was giving Peach food. She would smilingly accept all the food on Peach's behalf without any question. In her own words, "Might as well eat it since it is free rather than let it go to waste. Besides, this is food that my Peach is earning with her beauty."

When school was dismissed that day, Shen Mochen was writing assignments while waiting for Peach to come to him. However, as his classmates left one by one, there was still no sign of Peach.

Shen Mochen frowned and raised his hand to glance at the watch on his wrist. It was long after school was dismissed, and even if the teacher dragged on the class for a while, Peach should have come over by now.