The Celestial Leviathan and The Abyssal Dragon Part 3

Malosi motioned for everyone to come together for a discussion. Malosi sat down on the ground and the group followed suite. Malosi started the discussion once he saw everyone was ready.

"I am glad that you both seem to like your names. Now, Saya and I still have many questions that need answering. First, the place we are in..." Malosi thought for a moment before continuing.

"You said it was a shared consciousness? Is this place safe? If so, how long can we stay?" Aurelia answered Malosi,

"Young Master, every minute spent here is only a second in the real world. We have been here for around 20 minutes; meaning that only 20 seconds have passed in the real world." Aurelia let the twins digest her words for a couple moments before answering the rest of Malosi's questions.

"As for how safe you are in this state, an exact answer is impossible and we can only make assumptions. However, we will warn you beforehand whenever danger is approaching. You can maintain this state for a maximum of 1 hour before your bodies forcefully expels you from this state. As you get stronger, the maximum increases. You can access your shared consciousness every six days."

The twins sat silently, slowly coming to an understanding with what has just been said. After a few minutes, Saya asked Aurelia and Augustus a few questions.

"How can we guarantee our safety once we go out into the real world? How much can you help us out there? Will we see you two in action just like in our visions!?"

Augustus gave a light smile at Saya's last question before replying,

"Only with power and strength will you able to guarantee your safety. We will imprint upon each of you the basics of our legacies when you both emerge from this state. At your current level, the most Aurelia and I can do is efficiently manage your bodies' subconscious body functions such as making sure blood is being pumped to organs that need it, making sure all muscles are being used, and so on. Another way we can help you is to act as a radar, letting you know where living entities are. It has a passive and active function. We can actively search for living beings 20 meters around you for only a couple seconds and with a maximum of 3 uses per day. The passive function can only detect living entities 5 meters around you both but it can be activated for an indefinite amount of time. Fortunately, it will get better as you both get stronger. "

The twins again took some time to absorb all the information. After a few more minutes, Malosi spoke once more.

"I have just realized that I feel more... mature? No, I am not sure what exactly changed within me but I noticed that something changed inside Saya and I. I can't figure out what it is exactly but both of you might have something in mind about this."

Aurelia responded to Malosi,

"There no need to worry about this young master, the change comes from your visions and your "gifts" some you have already noticed. Your body differs completely from your bodies of your previous world. The main differences is that although your are both only 12 years old, your body has grown a noticeable amount. 167 cm or 5'5" to be exact Master Malosi is slightly taller at 172 cm or 5'8". Another difference is that your body is a lot healthier, toned, and definitely much better than an average human's body." Aurelia made sure the twins were following along. "It is not only your body, but also your mind that had undergone a transformation. I am sure that you've noticed that you can maintain a calm mind amidst intense situations. That is one of the "gifts" you have received. Despite all these changes, there are still many things that remained the same. Your beliefs, ideals, and experiences are examples of what remain the same. I also want to add that you both can talk to each other using telepathy. Its current maximum range is five meters."

The twins took a deep breath at Aurelia's words. They examined their own bodies to confirm what Aurelia said. Malosi broke the silence by teasing Saya.

"I knew Saya looked even more beautiful than before!" Malosi eyed Saya after examining his own body. Malosi continued to bombard Saya with compliments until she cut him off.

"Kuya! Thanks for the compliments but... please stop, it's a little embarrassing." Saya blushed as she looked down in embarrassment.

Malosi patted her head before seeing tears fall from her eyes. Malosi panicked before quickly apologizing.

"Saya what's wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make your cry."

"It's alright, Kuya! These are happy tears!" Saya looked at Malosi and gave him a warm smile before continuing.

"I was just thinking... we haven't had a happy moment like this for a very long time."

Malosi said nothing and just hugged Saya happily for a short while. Augustus cleared his throat loudly before speaking.

"Master Saya and Master Malosi, forgive me for interrupting but we only have 10 minutes left before we are expelled from our shared consciousness. Now would be the time to form a basic plan for the future, what do you think young masters?"

The twins broke off from each other and turned serious once more. Saya spoke first this time.

"Then uncle and aunty, please advise us."

"As you wish young master. My advice is to first secure sites to procure necessities such as food and water. Immediately after that, start practicing the basics of your respective legacies in order to have a way to defend each other and to hunt for food."

Saya and Malosi nodded in agreement.

"We will do as you say. Aunty Aurelia, do you have anything to add?"

"I only want to give both masters a warning. You must not interact with any intelligent creatures unless we all are sure we can overpower them or escape from them."

"That is sound advice, we will act accordingly." Malosi said.

"Master Malosi and Master Saya, time is up. We will see you again when we exit." Aurelia said.

They all closed their eyes, waiting for the moment they emerge from their shared consciousness. They suddenly felt themselves rise rapidly, as if they were leaves being carried by storm winds.