The Beginning of the Journey Part 2

The remains of a dead man, that is. The body seemed to have been there for a very long time as the corpse had long turned into a skeleton. The skeleton wore a combination of leather, and rusty chain mail armor. On its waist hung a pair of belt bags and a bamboo container. An arrow can be seen stuck on the skeleton's right shoulder. Malosi assumed that the person must have died from blood loss or poison. A backpack laid next to the skeleton, and a shortsword can be seen protruding from the backpack. The twins were elated at the sight,

"Okay Saya, you know the drill." Malosi said.

"Yep, I'll keep a lookout while you loot the body! Hopefully, there's something useful we can use." Saya gave a light smile before turning around to guard the entrance of the hole.

The twins were no stranger to looting corpses. In the crime-ridden city they used to live in, dead bodies laying on the streets was considered normal and they had long been accustomed to seeing and scavenging them.

"Good, keep it up Saya." Malosi replied with a smile of his own before looting the skeleton and its belongings.

Malosi first unbuckled the skeleton's belt to search through the belt bags. He found three red vials, a couple gold and silver coins, folded pieces of paper, and a dagger. He piled them up next to him before searching the rest of the skeleton's body. The leather and chainmail armor was too rusty and beat up, so Malosi left it alone. He then unhooked the bamboo container from the belt and added it to the pile. After making sure the skeleton had nothing useful, he turned to search through the bag next to it. Malosi picked up the sheathed shortsword he saw and examined it but was interrupted by Augustus' voice in his head.

"Master, let me know if you need help identifying any of the items you find. I will help you find their uses."

"Alright, let me search the rest of the items here and I'll get back to you."

"As you wish, Master."

Malosi added the shortsword and its sheath on to the pile and continued to search the bag. Moments pass as Malosi finally finished searching through the backpack. He looked at the loot and saw that he got: a few rolls of bandages, clothes, rations, a sleeping bag, a few more red vials, a weirdly shaped knife, two sealed scrolls, another folded piece of paper, and a small strongbox. Malosi contacted Saya via telepathy before motioning for her to come over.

"I found plenty of stuff, most are useful but there are some things here I don't recognize.. But Uncle mentioned that he will help us identify the items we know nothing about." Malosi said.

"Okay!" Saya skipped to Malosi's side before examining all the items in the pile.

The twins and their guardians identified and sorted the loot before putting away the non-essential items back into the backpack. Malosi grabbed the leather belt, which was still in decent condition, and wore it around his waist. There hung a shortsword in its sheath, and one of the belt bags he looted. Malosi rested the shortsword next to him before setting up the campfire. After a few minutes of effort, Saya and Malosi got a fire going to cook the fish they caught earlier. Malosi, with Augustus' instructions, properly prepared the fish before cooking it in the fire. Saya waited patiently for the fish to cook, but while waiting, she heard Aurelia's voice in her head.

"Master Saya, now would be a good time for both you and your brother to begin our lessons."

"Mm, okay. I will let Kuya know."

Saya informed Malosi of Aurelia's words, and soon they both begin to learn the basics of the legacies. Saya sat down on one side of the cave and listened to Aurelia's instructions.

"Master Saya, as you have no experience in magical studies, we must learn the simplest forms of sorcery. I am sure that it will not take you long to master these minor lessons. So let us begin; Before learning any offensive spells, we must first learn to focus our mind, lest we lose control of our spells and harm ourselves and our surroundings. We must learn to feel the mana around us and in ourselves..."

Saya and Aurelia continued their lessons while Malosi stepped outside of the small cave they were in.

"Master Malosi, The way forward to your goals is riddled with many difficult obstacles. You must learn various ways to overcome them. I will teach and help you with all my knowledge. The first step is to prepare your body to be a vessel, strong enough to withstand the mighty power of the legacy. You must be strong and endure my rigorous training regimen. Only then will you be able to learn the contents of the legacy…"

Hours pass as the twins train themselves under their guardian's tutelage. They took small breaks when needed and they snacked on the fish they cooked earlier. Hours more passed as they continued training, stopping only once the sun set. Malosi looked at the sky before returning to their camp.

Wow, I can actually see stars in this world. So bright and beautiful… The only thing different from the old world is that there are three moons instead of one… and the sun in this world is much bigger and brighter.

Malosi contemplated for a few more moments before finally returning to the camp. Saya greeted him on his way in.

"Hi Kuya, how are you… W-what happened?" Saya examined his brother's body carefully and was horrified at the sight. She saw that his fists were bloody, he had a couple scratches on his arms, and his clothing had a few rips and tears.

"Don't worry, it was just training. I actually feel stronger already, and this was only our first day training. How about you?" Malosi replied.

"Hmm, alright then." Saya eyed Malosi's wound worryingly before continuing.

"I also feel a bit stronger and my mind feels clearer after today's training. Aunty Aurelia is quite the teacher." Saya yawned before pulling out the sleeping bags from the backpack.

"I also feel very exhausted though so I would like to go to sleep right now."

"Me too but I'll take the first watch so you could sleep right now-"

Malosi was interrupted by Augustus.

"Master, you can sleep without any worries, Aurelia and I can keep witch with the radar ability."

"Are you sure? Don't you need to sleep too?"

"No master, I have long passed the stage of needing sleep to recover strength."

"Very well then."

Malosi let Saya know of what Augustus said before pulling the sleeping bags together. The twins lay down and talked softly about their experiences that day and fell asleep shortly. Just like that, they ended their first day in the world of Ashiomon.