Days in Tower And Wizard Marshall


It's 1918, the war has ended alongside my research. Actually not really ended just there's nothing left to learn from the books i had, only spell i was able to create, or should i say re create was Trace spell of Emiya Shirou in a documented way so, anyone can pick it up and use it but mind you that Shirou was only able to accomplish what he did due to him being "Sword" Incarnation, as it is this spell allows more in depth analysis of materials and you need practice to see into the history of the material yet alone making a viable copy of the items you scanned but i am going to keep training with it to see if i can make something to keep the traced objects from dispersing(Doesn't that makes it just creation though ?).

During these years, my labours in "Tai Chi: Remastered" came to bear fruit now i have golden gaseous energy sitting in my lower dantian, i was quite freaked out when i saw that it was golden and i was even more freaked out since i have no idea what to do with this energy, just revolving it in my body might prove harmful just getting it in my body was painful i don't even have an idea why it hurt, i was expecting DxD type of Ki not CN type Qi, so i let research focus on that, so far only thing that happened is my blue colored prana turned a shade lighter.

On the side note i have started building a artifact that will replace the messed up magical fax machine thingies that was shown in the Fate Zero and Apocrypha, most magi have such things or rely on letters sent by familiars, i ain't waiting until 1970's for a cellphone, the thing i am designing is a tablet, yes you read me right, a tablet that works with prana of it's user and has a mystic code that would basically make it work like one including video chat(Might scratch that one, can't see it happening without using actual eyeballs), of course i don't have the knowledge on how it will work nor the resources to build it but once i enter Clock Tower i can submit Tracing Spell as a advanced Gradation Air and get some fame and starting funds from to start my project.


During the three past years of my life which included graduating the school i was sent to. I was observing the interactions between, my Research, Purification and my own reactions to them.

Generally i would set some goals on the research side and those little guys start working on it until they get stuck, then they get frustrated which turns me frustrated only to have priests from the purification side to calm us, it's something that drawn my attention out of sheer boredom but it's really funny to watch them interact and i might be going crazy but that can be handled later.

Apart from my mental health concerns which was also pointed out by the head priest in my "purification" side, research side finished their project, after 2 years they finally created "Tai Chi: Cultivation V1.0", since we're treading the unknown waters they decided to make different versions this is the most stable one according to calculations, this one involves letting the golden energy(I am just going to call it Qi for convenience sake) flow along my body as i do the Tai Chi moves and during the last one year my body have become more durable, more flexible and my muscles have become leaner but also more defined while getting stronger it's a bullshit transformation for someone of my age, most magi don't have good bodies even if they're on the field they can just use reinforcement even if it's hard to reinforce flesh, this is something that's going to change as years pass, there was even CQC classes in Clock Tower by the time Rin goes to study.

But one might ask, doesn't mana enhance the body as well, yes it does that's how magi live longer than normal people and avoid getting fat(I have no idea how there's still a fat magus) but their flesh still remains the same, sure they are enhanced to the peak human in quality but not to some ridiculous levels on the other hand i am going with the whole CN body refinement package thankfully my purification makes sure my body doesn't have impurities.(Flash news Immortal Cultivators Hate him click here to learn why)


Putting those aside it's 1921 and i am finally getting in the Tower, my family send their first and hopefully their last letter that held my recommendation but i am going to register as someone without a family backing, becoming a enforcer alongside my research is going to be my best shot, i can keep my theories going with the "Research" while i am hunting people it will be good practice or just find a way to get money without risking my life.


Currently i am in front of the British Museum i can feel the bounded field around it, following it will lead me to the entrance of the Clock Tower, since the letter i have acts like a permission to enter i didn't draw much attention sure there's a new face but no one knows me and it's that time of the year where new students enroll, i gone and gave my papers which plummeted the respect i was getting a minute ago to zero, i have never talked about my looks right, well i have black hair blue eyes well defined face to be honest i look like young Henry Cavill but most magi are good looking as long as they don't get in some accident during experiments.

Anyway stopping the rant about my looks i read the forms and choose my classes i am going with, General Fundamentals, Individual Fundamentals, Spiritual Evocation(For that sweet spirit surgery), Astrology, Mineralogy and newly opened Modern Magecraft Theory.

I also asked to get to the Lore department but they said i cannot enter there, i was really curious of that department since i know that they directly report to the Director and i just ignored the Curses since my purification can handle any curse or poison, with my department choices are done, i quickly sold some blood, for some quick cash so i can actually pay for the dormitory, one can live outside of the Clock Tower but dormitory rooms comes along with ready to use workshops you just have to claim it, in my 16 years here in this world, i never had a place to call workshop.


Getting in, i quickly set up my own bounded field not that it was to stop people, this one just takes a note of whoever entered i don't need paperwork everything is in my head and sorted, i have no fear of something getting stolen the only thing that's stealable is my money and future materials but spatial storage is not far away i just need one more year then i can make myself some storage rings. Now let's gets get ready because the next 5 years is going to be pain in the ass thanks to politics.


What followed after that was exactly 5 years of grueling work, on the first year i got the patent for Tracing Spell, people didn't really get interested just marked as poor attempt to make something greater ahh if they only knew but i heard rumors that Zelretch said it's pinnacle of Material Transmutation let's hope i didn't get myself marked, that guy can time travel you know, on the other hand i finally managed to make my spatial necklace, i decided to go with necklace since i always wear leather gloves (So that it's known, it's going to be useful when my command spells appears) since wearing a ring over gloves doesn't look good i have gone with necklace and started on the creation of the "Magi Tablet" and refinement of my muscles has finished now i am refining ligaments then comes the bones, bone marrow(Thus Blood) it appears it's going to take my whole 5 years to refine my body after that i have no idea what's coming.

On the second year i had to deal with my brother that somehow thought, it was a good idea to curse your own relative which failed every time, i didn't even bother with anti curses, chibi headpriest deserved a vacation after all the work but my brother got multiple warnings because he couldn't even make a decent curse which got the entire class cursed which he got hit with over 20 anti curses, i don't know how he's still alive and i started mastering basic elemental spells(I can just overload fireball to oblivion), i have a lot to master, i also started working on Flash Air that shit has potential, ohh i am also working at a bar now that i am 18.

On the third year i mastered the basic elements and started mixing them like i mixed wind and earth to make a AOE spell that randomized gravity around 5M(elements themselves are more than they are called, wind can be "flow" and earth can be "gravity") i named it Drunken Sailor(Sue me!) and got the Flash Air to displace moving items, i should be able to get it on the level of Ainsworths by the time of 3rd war of course i won't use it to displace people's souls and shit but it has good defensive uses.

On the fourth year i finally had time to look into runes since i didn't have time before and i regret it to no end. If you imagine the world as a giant OS, runes are one of the programming languages even with the modern runes(Which are lacking compared to primordial ones, i mean come on it has primordial in front of it that shit must be powerful) i have developed leaps and bounds and cracked my bottleneck on the Magi Tablet, i started to write a OS(I am just gonna call it RuneOS) with the runes and my research even started creating runes, OS will work in the tablet much like a certain apple themed products and using jewelcraft that i have learned i can make sets of Jewels sync with other Jewels, people can have their "ID Jewels" that will acts as their phone number and will keep it inside their tablet, if you want you can give out copies to others, they can inset your "ID Jewel" if they want to send messages or call, but due to lack of materials i can only have two jewels at the same time, one of them being the "User ID Jewel" that's always open to receive messages, meaning no tele-conferences but that's fine, now i just need to finish the blueprint and produce the prototype.

On the fifth year i lost myself in runes due to my studies on the other fields ending earlier than expected there's nothing left for me to learn in them without selling my ass to some political house, so most of my time went to Transmutation and runes since they are going to be needed for this project the only thing i lack is the jewels since i don't have money to experiment on the jewels, the ones i buy for class get used up quickly since jewels break when you use all the power in them. While thinking about jewels i did not notice the giant Wizard Marshall that i ran into.


Zelretch: You seem distracted young one what's in your head ?

Gasps are heard, whispers spread about who the hell i am, Wizard Marshall doesn't approach someone casually even if you somehow bump into him hell there's no way you'd bump into him dude can teleport, even though i should have been careful of him due to him being able to see the future as well, at the time he looked like a Magical Saint that arrived in my time of need.

Chris: *Cough* I was on a breakthrough on one of my projects sir, sorry for bumping.

I have a feeling that he knows that i know that he knows something ? damn my head's getting heavy when did i last slept again, right last week.

Zelretch: Haha if it got your eyes blinded enough to not see this giant of a magician i would like to hear it, come with me.

Chris: Somehow i feel like i am at the death's door.

Zelretch: Hahaha don't worry most live to tell.

Getting to his workshop wasn't hard he just twirled his cane and boom we're gone, i heard some people whispering how this might be my last day of living and such but he's not that bad right ?

I was expecting some grand workshop that would awe anyone coming but there's only some barrels of tar, bags of chicken feathers and.... Wait.

Zelretch: Sorry, wrong room.

What was that .... somehow i fell like i shouldn't ask, after finally getting to the Wizard Marshall's workshop which i can confirm looks cool as hell, he sat down and gestured me to explain my project which i did, that guy pushed back an Ultimate One you know. Hearing the project and looking over the blueprint he seemed surprised of the product.

Zelretch: I see this is really ground breaking but you lack funds, let me tell you what. I am going to fund this and it's going to be patented alongside my name, if you release something like this you'd be devoured in politics.

Huh? Haaa!(*Mental Girlish Scream*) i forgot that i was so engrossed that i forgot where i am! even basic communication would be major improvement in this age.

Chris: Sir may i ask why are you covering for me ?

He pointed at my necklace ahh right.

Zelretch: You might fool others but i can sense your little storage trick, here take this it's the same with the one i gave to Tohsakas i have been watching you for the past 4 years, you don't get a Magus with Imaginary Numbers who's also not arrogant every year, i would normally send people to some challenges but you're not one of my disciples.

Damn jackpot! it's not second magic but i'll take anything related, i don't think it will work in other worlds but i'll take it and it appears he doesn't see me as a threat which is always nice.

Zelretch: The only reason you're getting this is because i can see that you're not like those savages, so don't disappoint me.

Chris: Yes Sir!

Zelretch: Now, have that chest over there it should be enough, you have a month to make a working prototype otherwise i'll claim it for myself hahaha you're still navie boy.

