I am Rich And On The Run


In the one of the rooms in the dormitories of Clock Tower, a Haggard man could be seen holding two futuristic looking tablets that has runes falling in their screens(Imagine matrix texts but with blue runes)

This man happened to be poor me that has just finished the Magi Tablet and it's OS. I am currently running it to see if there's any obvious mistakes, research couldn't find any bugs but i wouldn't be at ease without checking again, Material Transmutation came in like a savior allowing me to just alter and reinforce the materials i got from Zelretch, thanks to having the perfect blueprints in my head and my alteration reaching high levels while i practiced Tracing, i was able to finish the equipment in two weeks, the RuneOS was written in the research section i just had to rewrite it in real world, synching up the jewels was easier than i expected, the jewels themselves use 5 units of mana for a month worth of non stop operation and that's an amount that can be filled with people's Od, now that the RuneOS has no apparent issues i synched up one set with my Od and the other set is empty and ready to use, cracking the gem Zelretch gave i was abducted from my room.


They say cats always fall on their four feet, unfortunately i am not a cat so i fell like a sack of potatoes.

Zelretch: Good, it's been three weeks you even finished early now get it over here.

Saying that he didn't even give me time to give the tablet to him, he just took it out of my hand and synched his signature with the Id Jewels tossed one at me, now i am back in my room and my tablet is ringing with a tune that would probably get me sued if not for Steve Jobs not being born yet, while i was still in a daze, i picked up the tablet absentmindedly.

Zelretch: Haha how's the voice quality my boy.

Chris: It's.. fine ?

Zelretch: What happened ? you sound lost.

You're asking me! after that fast pace of events

Chris: Sorry it happened too fast yes sir, sound quality is good.

Zelretch: Good...

As he was talking i got abducted again only to find myself kissing Zelretch's floor, i swear he's doing it on purpose.

Zelretch: Now that we have confirmed it works and i have confirmed it's security we can patent it, come along.

This man is way too energetic for his age maybe it's a vampire thing ?, while we were walking through the Tower i have drawn the eyes of others again, last time i was able to lock myself in my room and order food to survive i probably even got fired from my job, since i didn't put much of a defense in my bounded field, over 300 people took a peek at what am i doing, now with this my life is going to be hard. I should go on a trip saying i am going to gain experience in the real world and take some dead apostle jobs as well, at least until heat dies down.

While i was in my thoughts, we have arrived at the Patent Bureau, going in i can see the shocked and hopeful gazes of the workers i guess whenever Zelretch brings something it's well received, seeing that Zelretch will take the reins, i decided to let him, it's not like i didn't get involved in Clock Tower politics it's just something i rather not deal with so far i managed to not be someone's lacky, so having Zelretch's help is tremendous.

Zelretch: Hello i would like to patent this artifact it could be mass produced so do the papers accordingly, the artifact itself was made with me and wait what's your name.

Holding the urge the facepalm, i told my name, i guess the workers got what's happening they asked the questions to me, people were shocked to learn i did the inner workings with runes, sure you can make a spell to replace the RuneOS but you'd have to cast it every time or have an extension for a mystic code that would start the spell whenever the ID jewel gets a signal but that's cumbersome after my explanation. I was forced to make that extension because they didn't want to use RuneOS, at least i will get more money.

After the paperwork we teleported back to his workshop and i realized that he did the whole walk for the dramatic effect. (*Chibis in my head are facepalming*) Note to self figure out teleportation. Sitting down Zelretch asked.

Zelretch: You've just finished your 5th year right, what's your plans ?

Chris: I figured that i should get away from the Tower for a couple years maybe take some easy enforcer jobs.

Zelretch: Good, good, goood.

Please don't do that, Star Wars hasn't filmed yet it's not funny.

Zelretch: Well don't let me keep you then, your royalties will be in your bank account, try not to die kid. Ah i might contact you keep your tablet open.

Saying that he just opened a portal beneath my feet and i am back in my room with my tablet( They didn't take it i just gave the blueprint and got a patent for the rest)

Chris: Now what ?


Even in the days i lost myself in my research, i never slacked off Tai Chi, it barely takes an hour since research was unable to come up with a normal cultivation method that i can just sit down and cultivate, so in these five years i finished my body refinement including my bone marrow and by this time, all of my blood has been replaced increasing my prana output. Once the refinement was done the Qi inside me turned into liquid, most of it has been absorbed into my body but didn't give any extra boost at least not that i am aware of but now that the absorbsion has done i think i have to solidify the Qi ? *Shrugs*

I don't have a clear measurement on how strong i am but if i were to say something, i would say i have E+ rank in all physical parameters without reinforcement and i have no comparison to make since i have never fought a magus or anything really, let's hope i won't get flattened in my first fight, so i have no idea about my progress but now that i am going on a travel i am going to choose some low risk Dead Apostles that are sighted in east not like i am hunting the big names so it should be doable, i am also choosing east so i can go and look at temples and see if i can get my hands on their books but don't mistake it from the magus community of east what i am looking is non magi temples that are doing practices maybe i can get some inspiration. What were the eastern magi called Ommyoudou ?

After selecting two dead apostles, one in India other in China, i nearly ran away from the Tower, everyone's talking about me, wondering if the Second Magician got another disciple or was it really me that made those inventions i even felt three curses bouncing back from my purification (Chibi priests learned counter curses). After getting out i gone over to the bar i worked to check about my job just as i expected i was fired not that i need a job now, even the RuneOS will make me rich once people realize it's potential, so i don't need work.

Finishing my business in England i left the country by ship after all there are no commercial flights until 1952 currently it's 1926 there's 4-8 years until 3rd grail war i just remember that it's in 1930's.


During the whole voyage i managed to sell myself as someone who buys spiritual enlightenment books and wants to see India to learn more, it was not my intention but why bother correcting people, during the voyage i gone over the details of my first target, dude is British and it's said that he was slaughtering the protesters, relationship between India and England is strained at best India has been wanting independence for a while so this dead apostle who happened to be wanting more meals for himself thought Mage's Association would close an eye to his actions, well they are not. Also Zelretch called, it seems like i won't be able to go back to the Tower before the 3rd war *sigh*, he said all three of the factions inspected my past like i was some rare specimen not that i would get a sealing designation but no one would let me go until i joined a side, it appears i have to work on the Jeweled Sword a bit earlier.

Halfway through my journey ship ran into pirates, our ship was about to be boarded but then the pirates who gotten lost their footing fell from their ship as if they were drunk like never before, Drunken Sailor spell indeed.

After months on sea i have arrived at India.


India is a interesting country well if you can ignore the poverty, crime and corruption, you know the standart 3rd world country deal, not that it's the country's fault but you wouldn't think that telling someone to not pee on the street would end up in a epic(It wasn't epic) 10 VS 1 battle (Which i won pfft i can shrug off bullets what are they going to do).

Anyway i inserted some cables made of Ehter clump in some birds, they weren't harmed it would even enhance their bodies, well at least until the cables ran out of mana which i am watching over it and i made them my temporary familiars, research side is keeping an eye on them and they can use the "impurity sensing" stuff while being connected to me and i decided to visit some shrines while waiting, so i can talk with Buddhist monks. The talks have gone rather religious really fast, which i expected but according to the monks way to enlightenment is through the way of Buddha and self acceptance which i already knew. Apart from that one monk was talking about four elements being pillars and human being the fifth which was really close to elements system of magi, not much happened in these days. So i continued to travel from temple to temple talking with monks day after day until my familiars found a clue after two months.

It appears my target is actually hiding in one of the abandoned temples that happened to be sitting on a ley line. Why am i not surprised.


Going over i collect my temporary familiars and send them over the perimeter i don't want surprises.

Getting my breathing under control i start going up the stairs, maybe i should make a combat suit with ether clumps and put some runes on it, like Bazzet had runes on her clothes, yeah let's put that on the to do list but i might need to infuse them with metals.

When i finally arrived at the temple i wasn't surprised to see my target waiting for me, he's a magus as well and he probably already converted this place in to his workshop only thing i am putting my faith is my upped stats alongside reinforcement and my Qi handling the suppression effect.

Chris: You're Mr. Williams i presume.

Dude looks like nightmare fuel his black hair is wriggling like worms his eyes are blood shot his pupils are red, his teeth sharp and ready for action, his skin pale and you can see his muscles bulge in his rigth arm without his control as if he's trying to keep looking human.

Williams: I figured they'd send someone after my last meal but it's an insult to send a child!, didn't they teach you not to jump in your enemies workshop.

God his voice is messed up as well. As he's talking i look over the environment of course there's nothing i can use and my magecraft will be restricted but if i can distrupt his balance i can get him. It's not like he's a True Ancestor at worst with Flash Air i can displace the coming attacks.

Chris: Well can't say i am the sharpest tool in the box. *Scratches back of his head*

He got up from his sitting position while laughing.

Williams: Then you're just meal!

Sensing the attack i rolled to the side dodging his long whip like right arm, so that's what he's been keeping, shaking my head i got up and reinforced myself to the best i can my speed shocked him enough to let me attack his left knee. You see at the time i wasn't really paying attention to myself i thought he was shocked because of my speed but during that time i had a tiger like silhouette behind my back attacking alongside me.

Severing his left leg i dodged another attack and shot a spell i call "Ice Flame" to his right shoulder, you see this spell pushes all the heat in the hit area to outwards with great speed, burning his arm and face while freezing his shoulder(I wanted to make it in to bullets but didn't have time nor a suitable bgun). His arm locked and on one leg he decides to escape only to find gravity messed up and fall in front of little old me.

Chris: Good night Mr. Williams.

Did i have to be dramatic, no but i had some bottled up frustration from a certain Wizard Marshall, saying my piece i cut his head of, taking my proof of job done i incinerated his body to ash and left while chibi me's cheered me on.
