End Of The War And Dimensional Traveling


While we're going back to our room i decided to ask Brynhildr about what happened.

Chris: What was that Brynhildr, why didn't you inform me when you engaged an opponent.

Is she slipping ?

Brynhildr: I am sorry master, he just looked familiar.

Sigh, whatever as long as it doesn't comes back to bite me, it's not like i can change her legend.

Chris: Just let me know so that i could be prepared.

Brynhildr: Master is not angry ?

Is this how it feels to have a child ? let's hope not.

Chris: Nothing bad happened this time so it's fine but i won't tolerate it next time.

Then why do i feel like i am scolding a child ?

Brynhildr: Yes!

I ended up patting her head again *sigh*


Next day there was a announcement from church saying they detected something, something they're offering something valuable to find that something, basically they are looking for me but they're not giving any details, i expected some reaction from Church but this is rather tame, rest of the masters just scoffed at them well, at least their familiars did.

Talking about the church the spear "Imitation Longinus" has took place in middle of purification center and changed the half of that place into a Church now there's a head priest of the temple and a father(Pope?) from the church but it's getting unnerving since they are all chibi versions of me.

Following that night i set up some defenses making it look like we're at the temple and left to roam the city while Brynhildr carried me through the top of the buildings, sure i could have done that myself but why bother, we are looking for the Faldeus, since he's supposed to have puppets and stuff, i guess it was family trade from what i know, i wanted to get rid of him quickly but alas there was no luck.

Coming back to the temple we saw that there was at some attempts at breaking in and some of the mines i set up inside has been triggered alongside with some puppets frozen in ice pillars which i destroyed upon sighting, after making sure there's no Assassin lingering around we called it a day after fixing the damage.


Night of the third day Rider Mandiricardo came to the stairs, after seeing Brynhildr waiting he just said "Too troublesome" and left. This guy perfect, i almost wanted to let him live till the end.

Rest of the night went as me and Brynhildr watched through the eyes of my familiar while eating popcorn.

There was some fighting between Younger Sumanai and Rider but Rider was called back after Older Sumanai came to aid.

I didn't see Archer or Assassin yet but shit went down at the night of the fourth day thanks to one of them.


Seeing that no one's coming and Assassin probably plotting something that requires us to be absent form the temple we decided to take some risks and leave our comfortable temple, after setting my botched teleportation marker of course, just in case.

During our patrol we ran into eldest of the Edelfelt sisters alongside Older Siegfried which servants started to fight right after seeing each other, i never seen Siegfried looking this uncomfortable. Brynhildr's smile is getting really disturbing there, they proved to be on somewhat similar level to be honest only thing that kept Siegfried alive was his fafnir armor the younger version wouldn't be able to hold Brynhildr back.

Eldest Edelfelt: It's courtesy to greet each other before a fight but you must already know who i am so who are you tin man?

Chris: Sorry,*Mock bow* it'd be too troublesome if i let my identity known.

As our servants fought, me and rip off Rin ( or is she the OG Rin since she's older ?) started throwing spells i am using Ice Flames since it's winter, it's easier to focus ice on a point, i don't have a muzzle for the Ice Flames thus no gun action but it's okay, spell is also freezing her jewels without causing them to explode, due to this, so i started a small wind spell with my off hand surprising her with that dual spell combo, sending the clumps of explosive jewel filled ice to her surroundings but when i was about to fire her up to next year Younger Siegfried came crashing down in front of her and took the firecrackers i put together.

But wait there's more after his crash, Mandiricardo came after and attacked him, he's looking like he'd rather be anywhere else then here, it looks like that's the reason two sisters weren't together and we stopped the younger sister from getting reinforcements.

While servants fought i had to keep dodging spells from the two sisters to avoid getting hit due to sheer number of attacks. You might have D rank parameters but it's hard to flex them ranks when there's a rain of death coming your way, those Jewels have at least have B rank attacks and like how many Jewels these bitches are carrying they are throwing them like snow balls, in return i switched to my gun using Ice Bomb to make the Jewels explode mid air and creating chain explosions.

While i was about to hit them with that Drunken Sailor+Ice Bomb combo to hit the jewels while they were holding them, somehow i felt danger like something didn't make sense here, we have both sabers, rider and lancer alongside their masters. Okay discount Rider's master that worm wouldn't leave his house, but most people are here, we are fighting, on the other hand Archer and Assassin are missing, knowing that it was Tohsaka's victory in the original timeline and they couldn't get the Grail because the lesser grail's destruction i called Brynhildr back to my side ASAP, while ordering my familiar keep watching from the air.

Brynhildr came to my side while drawing the older Siegfried with her, then i saw him in the distance. The fucking Napoleon Bonaparte using his NP.

Without wasting time i hugged Brynhildr and started teleportation leaving the place.


First thing i did when we came back to the temple was opening the mouth part of my armor and freeing my dinner out if it's confines.

Hearing sound of clashing i looked up, it seems Brynhildr didn't get effected by the teleportation and she's fighting over 20 puppets plus a running Jing Ke ? shit can't let her escape that sevant has mad planning skills.

Chris: Lancer! focus on Assassin leave the puppets to me!

Brynhildr nodded to my order and ran after the women while i reinforced myself to the limit, raising my stats to D+, then jumped in the fray of puppets. These stuff might be deadly to a magus in numbers but i am already inhuman at this point, by the time i was done "testing" my moves with them Brynhildr came back to report her kill.

After cleaning the place i cooked some meals and popped some popcorns for us and started to watch the memories of my familiar in summary this is what happened after we noped out of there.


- Napoleon's NP that is the giant rainbow laser filled with NOPE tore through younger sumanai and Rider while older Sumanai not having time to use his NP, stood before the two sisters taking the blow head on.

- Following that Tohsaka's master showed up and clicked his tongue because i ran away then ordered Napoleon to finish off Sumanai.

- Sumanai is hurt due to tanking that NP and can't fight but offers to ensure the sisters safety while offering his life while readying his NP.

- Elder Edelfelt fucking chops off her sisters arm and uses command seals to teleport back home taking Siegfried with her (Why didn't i thought of that my stupid head) plus #HavingPurpleHairInFateIsSuffering

- Younger Edelfelt sister is shocked and has been taken away by Tohsaka's master by force. Wiki said she was never seen after the war considering how Rin and Sakura looks like them what happened is pretty obvious.

Chris: I guess that's the reason they are saying being a Magus is to walk with death.

Brynhildr: That man reminds me of him, i am sorry... but i have to kill him

*Head pats intensifies*

Yeah Brynhildr's mental facilities have been going down and her spear has doubled in size we need to finish the war quickly not like she's falling for me but just seeing her like this is saddening.


Next evening i was expecting a two man team up to get here and take me down, since i am the only one that didn't took a major hit but i was surprised to hear a explosion in the direction of the mansion of the eldest Edelfelt sister.

Quickly making our way over there we managed to get here in time to watch injured and weakend Siegfried die while making sure his master survived the attack *Sniff*

Finally noticing me and Brynhildr Tohsaka's master addressed to me.

Tohsaka: Hello there young man how's life going for you.

Chris: Fine i guess, you know chillin, killin.

He seems somber like he accepted loss or something like that to be honest he looks like he's going to commit suicide.

Tohsaka: You see i was going to propose an alliance, to take you out but her servant was more injured then i thought.

Not wanting to listen his rambling i used all of my command spells except one to power up Brynhildr's NP, quickly handling Napoleon.

Tohsaka: Might i ask which heroic spirit is she and why does her attacks do more damage than expected.

Chris: She's the a Valkyrie it's her job to take heroes to afterlife.

After that i, of course didn't wait for him to attack me that man is shrewd as hell, i used the last command seal to nope out of there dodging the giant fireball that's coming my way.


Getting back to the temple i took the lesser grail out of it's hiding place and we made our way to the Church that was the place where grail's going to manifest.

Getting in we looked for ambushes not finding anything i proceeded to drink the blood in the grail, at this point it no longer looked like blood it's color have turned golden. I guess something changed in it after it got refined by souls of six heroes, after drinking it i put the grail to the altar at the church while ignoring the burning sensation in my chest and waited.

After 10 minutes of waiting me and Brynhildr found ourselves in front of Akasha but it appears Brynhildr is not conscious she's just mumbling Sigurd again and again.

Akasha: Well that went well but i expected you to pursue true magic.

Yeah for the whole deal you need all seven servants to die you can only get a wish with 6 servants.

Chris: Yeah, from what you showed me, the "True Magic" would just work in Type-moon worlds but i don't intend to stay here more than i need, so it wouldn't be beneficial in the long run.

Akasha just nodded seemingly approving my decision then flashed a devilish smile at me.

Akasha: Well then what is your deepest desire young one ?

Ignoring the reference i started to think. Hmm a wish from Akasha herself huh, to be honest i have no idea, i never thought about it. I just figured i should win the war while i am here.

Akasha: It seems you're not sure let's narrow it down, once you reach at Creator God level you will be able to do most of the stuff i can do albeit less powerful.

Chris: How about knowledge, yes i can do those but how can i do them if i don't know how.

Akasha: Good, there you go then *Zaps a light to my forehead*

[How to become a good Creator God for dummies]

It has more pages than i can count !!

[Page 1: My monkeys turned into humans and they're rebelling what to do.

Page 2: How to efficiency wipe out your human population



Chis: Thanks, i guess but what about her.

Akasha: You decide.

Chris: Can you send her to a version of Chaldea where Sigurd is already summoned.

Akasha: Aha! i will send her to the same Grand Order that your heroic spirit will go and keep her memories so she could identify you hahaha it's going to be so funny.


After she came back from her laughing trip and send Brynhildr to Chaldea we started talking about important stuff.

Chris: You said you're going to explain more.

Akasha: Yes, you see i was expecting you to ascend through the way people in that Chinese temple showed but you gone and did something on your own. Although it was better but Type-moon doesn't support conceptual human bodies so, you kept hurting yourself.

Chris: That's the reason i progressed slowly but what do you mean conceptual bodies ?

Akasha:*Gasp* He said slowly *Cough* You see human bodies there doesn't have physical magic circuits, circuits themselves are conceptual but since there are no representations of them in the body it reacts badly, mainly the overheating. That's the reason it took so long for you to make a cultivation technique and it's subsequent tiring use of it since your physical body doesn't support conceptual techniques.

Chris: Is that the reason i got stuck at D rank ?

Akasha: Yes that's the most your body was capable during the Age of Man if it was Age of Gods you'd already would have become a god whether conceptual body or not . Before you say anything i want you to travel to a world where you can find conceptual powers alongside their physical representations be it Qi network in Cultivation worlds, Chakra or whatever but if you stay in here you will explode to death.

That's a lot to take in and sounds like whatever questions i have could be answered with just saying "It's conceptual", is that the reason they didn't allow me to reincarnate in the age of gods ? what world should i go, not like i would survive in a cultivation world but wait she said "Chakra" does Naruto count ?

Chris: Fine i will make a stop at another world but can i jump back real quick to kill Zouken

Akasha: You can do that after you come back you still didn't get Irisviel

Chris: Hey! you said you didn't look in to my head after i was born in your world.

She just made an oops sound.

Chris: What about the power i have accumulated here.

Akasha: Just throw your body to the star you have inside you it works like a refiner it will separate good stuff from this body and transfer it to your new body there and the parts you can't use will get recycled, don't worry about your face though once you breakthrough divinity you can change your looks however you want.

Chris: I have to train again ? aww men.

Following Akasha's advice i looked in my dantian only to see the 4 beasts gone looking up i saw another star in my heart this ones blue and those guys just chilling there while orbiting it.

Chris: What about the 4 planets in me ?

Akasha: Ah they're going to crash into your star in you lower dantian to make a "Big Bang" so you can support life in you while the beast will act like your workers looking after the Galaxy that will be born inside you.


Taking refuge in my soul alongside my storage necklace, i watched my body sucking itself in, leaving just a white soul that being me, looking at the star i can see my former body giving me a Terminator style thumbs up while melting.


Chris(as a soul): So i am going.

Akasha: Aww such a cute soul please do come back quickly things are dull without watching you.

She pinched my souls cheecks how does that work, ignoring her comments (My soul blushed dammit) i activated my ROB's Travel Shard.

[Dimensional Travel]

-World Selection: Naruto

-Place of birth : Uzushiogakarure

-Date of birth : I don't know send me at 4 years before the first shinobi war

-Arrival time: 10 minutes


After going through the void once more, i was stopped by Sage of Six Paths himself.

Hagoromo: Sorry young soul but as the protector of this world i cannot allow your entry.

Now what ? and did he just spoke fluent English ?

[Entry denied by unauthorized being: initiating turtle bondage]

I am currently 29 in this life and i have lived 28 years in my previous life and i can say i saw some messed up shit but this is something beyond.

It's a different kind of horror watching a Eldritch type octopus manifesting from the void itself to bind this elderly sage into turtle bondage and slapping him a couple times for good measure, i really wanted to help but my body wouldn't move due to fear, after that thing was gone my soul entered Naruto world while leaving the sage bound in bondage.

While my research powers was dealing with the disturbing footage that made me curse my Eidetic Memory, some of the Chibi researchers started to commit suicide while the Purification center did their best to save many as they can.
