Birth And Differences


[You have entered a abandoned world would you like to claim it ?

- Due to not being a complete god you can only use "Destiny" system command in low power.

*(Low)Destiny: Invisibility from Otsutsuki clan.]

I certainly didn't expected this upon entry, alas there's only benefits for me here and once i have become a God i can just do whatever i want with this place but Otsutsuki is like Bootleg Reapers(ME) of Naruto world. Harvesting organic life(Chakra) in fruits and eat them sure, they can turn someone that killed them in to them(I don't read Boruto but i'll take that plot point) why not. So yeah why not have protection against those Future/Destiny seeing eyes as well, although i am getting really concerned over this Travel Shard thingy not like i can do something about it since it's embedded in my soul, seriously though wasn't this just allow me travel. What's up with all of these add-ons.

[The moderator gods permissions granted, partial ownership has been transferred, please complete ascension to have full ownership]

That was fast, i thought i would get that test world from Akasha as my first world but sure let's roll with this, i am going to be here for at least 40-50 years better have the ownership.

[Would you like to turn off the English Dub. ?]

Is this why Hagoromo spoke perfect English*sigh* yes please turn off the dubs.


When i came to myself i was looking at a baby that happened to be in a womb, it took me a solid minute to realize that this little guy is me.

Then why am i here looking at my still in the womb self instead of being inside the body. I started as a five year old in the previous world there was nothing like this, but the answer is that this place has owner to help me out so i have to go through with this.

[Reincarnation protocols activated.

- Would you like to use "Previous Life Talent"]

Of course you don't even have to ask. OP Shard thingy

[Warning! use of middle dantian with a weak body will have consequences.]

Uhhh, sure why not, so what i am like one of those legendary cultivators reincarnating and forced to start again ? ohh wait.

*Reads a page from the book Akasha gave*

So it's not locked or anything. I'll just explode if i use it before meeting the requirements. Sure why not, just shoot. With that i lost myself to sleep, only to wake with a slap on my ass. DAMN IT! I thought i was just going to select those options like a character creation and be done with it, it seems i really have to go through babyhood.


-July 10/ 38 Years Before Naruto's Birth.


After my birth my sensory organs were a bit off, after all it's the human starter set, blurry eyes, over sensitive ears, low motor functions and i was pretty apprehensive about using Qi to boost my senses but that didn't mean i could not see or hear what's going on.

Thanks to my time spent as just a soul however little time that was, i do not require ears and eyes to hear and see but what i learned was really plummeted my mood.

First of all my father Kazezuki Uzumaki died two months ago during a sealing gone wrong(Shit happens), sending my mother Inamiya Uzumaki into crippling depression that caused complications during last two months of pregnancy that made problems during birth and had to use up her life force to pull through but she died right after my birth due to using up all her life force, the midwife was crying about how my mother didn't even get to see her son before dying and how sad my fate is and shit like that to be honest i stopped listening after learning i was born an orphan.

I mean what the fuck, can't i get a happy family for once, this is the third time my family gets messed up. In my first life my parents died in a plane crash when i was 8, then i had to bounce between orphanages until i was legally an adult, there's no need to talk about the second life, now this over dramatic background am i cursed or something ?

While i was ruminating about my life, door of the room burst opened, then someone entered the room and seeing the man that got in here i legit shat myself(Evidenced by my diapers), the man that came in from the door was freaking Hashirama Senju in all his glory but the reason i shat myself is not because i was seeing the legend alive but because he was in sage mode. Following after him came a flustered Mito Uzumaki, who kept apologizing to her clansmen due to her husband's sudden actions.

Why is this guy here, don't you have a granddaughter that's going to be born next month what are you doing here.


Currently Hokage is looking at me with his eyes squinting making me uncomfortable.

Midwife: Hokage-sama, Mito-sama, what happened ?

Mito: Sorry Hima-san he just jumped to his feet middle of our talk and came here, i have been asking him but he didn't answer it looks like he got interested in that child, wonder what happened.

What happened indeed....

After looking at me for a while Hashirama gathered some bluish chakra on his index finger hoping that this guy who was peace incarnate wouldn't kill a new born i didn't even flinch but neither me nor Hashirama was expecting what happened next.

After his finger touched my belly, my dantian sucked his chakra burned it in the yellow star and send it up to the middle dantian but energy got blocked before reaching middle dantian and got distributed in my body. My eyes cleared up, my ears adjusted and now i can see the bewildered Hokage with my physical eyes and from the reflection of his eyes, i saw that i now have a whirlpool symbol right on my heart connected to my middle dantian.

Mito: Senju Hashirama what in the name of sanity are you doing.

Ohhh shit, she looks pissed off, looks like not even God of Shinobi is spared from wrath of a wife. Turning to Hashirama, he looks like he got caught while stealing cookies.

Hashirama: Ahaha i felt something in the boy, so wanted to look, looks like he can withstand nature chakra even without training.

Did he just inserted nature chakra inside a newborn baby like the one that could turn you into stone, it's better off to ignore the fact that i might've died from that thankfully it looks like my Uzumaki bloodline made a seal on my middle dantian, so i didn't blow up. Note to self investigate that shit but it seems the seal just adjusts how much chakra can pass so, it's not like i lost my connection to the middle dantian and the 4 beasts.

Mito: and how did you learned that, Hashirama ?

I know that look, poor dude doesn't even see it coming. TAKE AIM.

Hashirama: By pushing some nature chakra in him...


Mito: So you gave a newborn a chakra that could turn him into stone or just straight up kill him.


Hashirama: But i was fairly sure he would be fine.

Mito: No buts, now apologize to his parents.

At the mention of my parents midwife burst into tears once more and told about my tragic birth subsequently Mito asked Hashirama to take me to Konoha he was about to reject but she whispered something in his ears that rang alarm bells in my head even though i didn't hear what she said. Note to self don't piss off Mito Uzumaki.

As they were talking to the midwife, i learned that Hokage and his wife was here for their yearly visits. Apparently they would visit Uzushiogakarure once a year and i was born in the same day and thus by sheer dumb luck it was decided that i was going to be taken (Kidnapped?) by them to Konoha.

Also i was named Haru Uzumaki by Hashirama himself, the name itself means "Springtime Whirlpool" the joke here is that i was born in July. Really good one there Shodaime.


After the decision my adoption (?) the duo left for Uzukage's house since they left abruptly, i was just too tired from processing the abruptly inserted Qi or should i just call it chakra here ? sure i was just too tired refining chakra with my little baby body, so i just slept.

When i woke up, we were traveling through the trees with moderate speed alongside a cheerful looking Mito who was carrying me and a pouting Hashirama.

Hashirama: But i wanted to carry Haru-kun.

Mito: No dear, this your punishment, you're not allowed to play with any children for a month.

Dude legit got depressed because of that, at least he didn't have that depression aura thing he had in the anime.

Mito: Did you check his body after the trick you pulled.

Hashirama: Yeah, it seems like his chakra pathways got enhanced but no damages.

I really want to say something snarky but it was that incident that got my body enhanced like this. I'd gone crazy i have to keep watching and listening ghost style.

Mito: What about the seal on his chest i can't decipher it without hurting the Haru-chan.

I admit my name sounds weird with chan suffix and the name itself keeps reminding me of someone.

Hashirama: Ahh you see, Haru-kun has extra pathways converging in his heart, i assume the seal prevented chakra going in.

Mito: Hmm... my mother always said sealing is in our blood guess she wasn't just talking about our talent in sealing.

Hashirama hummed seemingly agreeing with his wife. Looks like there's more than it seems when you talk about bloodlines but that can wait for now also i need to figure out cultivation in this world, i had some nice data from the move Hashirama pulled but it needs further research.

Hashirama: But isn't nice Minami's going to give us a granddaughter as well ahh good times are coming.

He looked sad when he said "good times" well i can guess why. It should be right about fifth year after he "Killed" Madara.


During road we stopped regularly because i needed to be fed(Baby formula FTW) and baby stuff you know. The duo managed to go into full grandparent mode during the road then in about a week we made it to Konoha unfortunately the first thing i saw wasn't the glorious gates and the giant fire kanji but a angry Tobirama.

Tobiraba: How many times do i have to say take your guards with you aniki and what's up with the child.

This dude needs something for his nerves damn but can't blame him after looking at Hashirama.

Hashirama: Hahaha like anyone would attack me Tobirama and this child's name is Haru Uzumaki, orphan. Mito asked me to bring him back here.

Tobirama looked at Mito for confirmation seeing her nod and she held me from my armpits to show me to him, he turned to look at and i was just too wrapped up in their dynamic, so i just shrugged my baby shoulders stunning the poor guy.

Mito: Hashirama did something to the Haru-chan. I'd feel bad if i didn't make sure he grew up healthy. He seems rather intelligent as well, if i didn't know his parents i would have took him for a Nara.

Hearing the tone his sister in law used Tobirama sighed.

Tobirama: What did you do aniki ?

Hashirama: I used some senjutsu on him nothing much hahaha.*Scratches back of his head*

Tobirama: That technique you've developed after Madara left the village the one with the meditation ?

Hashirama: Yeah!

Tobirama: The one that was also turns people into stone if you're not good with it.

Hashirama: Yeah...

Tobirama: Yosh, you're not allowed to go near him until we decide he's okay.

Hashirama: Sniff, sniff so mean.

Ahh this is just pure gold.


After that event i was placed in the orphanage....

Yeah that shocked me as well but Mito regularly visits the orphanage to play with the kids, guess it was too hopefull for me to think i would get adopted to Senju family.

On the research side i have determined that bloodlines come from human factor, how to put it. Here humans didn't born with chakra, humanity got chakra after Hagoromo distributed it via Ninshu in an attempt at bringing peace. Not delving into how that backfired let's continue, chakra that humanity's using is the chakra of the god tree accumulated over years by sucking nature chakra from the world and mixing that with the human DNA made mutations that brought bloodlines and the bloodlines themselves is a mystery that even involves souls, sure i found the cause but does that explain Kakashi's ghost Obito power up, of course not but it's a start i bet the answer is going to be something along the lines of "conceptual" and "It just works"

On this endeavor i inspected my own bloodline using research and learned that Uzumaki clan is essentially what you get if you made a bloodline from Enkidu. Neat stuff, i wonder if i can manifest the chains mid air instead inside my body and pull stuff like Enuma Elish.


Rest of the year i waited until i had enough muscles and bone density to walk, of course i didn't just sat around i just read the *Being a god for Dummies* book this thing is boring but it allowed me to learn how the government of worlds work, you basically sit down and let your people do it for you.... yeah i was expecting something else, apparently i just have to power up the beasts living in me and they'll take care of governing unless i decide to take the matters at my hands similar how to Tiamat birthed other gods that took different divinities and governed the world but without the betrayal stuff hopefully.

There was also how to build your own throne of heroes in ten basic steps, currently i am reading that.


During my second year here i was actually pretty isolated, my hair color being the reason. You see my hair color is red yes but it turns from bright crimson to pitch black as it goes to the tips along with my ice blue eyes painting a look that's scaring the poor saps, i think it's cool looking. It's certainly random and chuuni but my hair color turned like this because of my previous life let hope it doesn't turn into three colors if i decide to reincarnate again.

I also met baby Tsunade thanks to her following Mito to everywhere since her parents are ninjas and she just has too much energy, also she's already started gambling and i had to play with her since Mito was aware that i didn't have friends. Sometimes Hashirama would accompany them but couldn't stay for long otherwise Tobirama scold him to no end.

In my third year my chakra pathways have become stable enough for me to use them, finally having a chance to cultivate i directed the chakra to the yellow star and got it refined which to my horror turned it into gaseous gold that infused with my muscles....

Do i really have to go through that again!

