Academy and anbu


For the rest of my third year i have either read my book, cultivated or played with Tsunade which generally involved gambling, seriously Hashirama rotten her to the core, thanks to her i made some serious gains.... at least serious for a child... then i had to use those gains to buy treats for her otherwise she would get grumpy.

Tobirama: You know it's not good to spoil her like that, aniki does it enough.

Yeah he stops by sometimes to check up on my body. Seal on my chest apparently gave him some ideas to refine his own, so we'd chat around he never really treated me like a child though.

Haru: I'd rather deal with spoiled Tsunade than a grumpy one.

Tobirama: Looks like you have a soft spot for her "Haru-chan" *Smirks*

Damn that smirk and that nickname.


Generally Mito would come to watch over Tsunade but sometimes Hashirama or Tobirama tags along. Although i have never met Tsunade's parents she talks about them nearly as much as Hashirama, although he left the village with Tobirama for a while, i guess that was the First Kage Summit happening meaning the First Great Shinobi War is getting closer

On the justu side i had talked Tobirama into teaching me substitution jutsu which is rather familiar to Flash Air from Nasuverse learning it was easy i don't even need hand signs since the hand signs are used to mold the chakra but my whole cultivation is based on controlling internal energy so i can just do it without them alas i have learned the hand seals for it anyway, i can just trick people with my hands signs while using a different jutsu.

The difference between two worlds are immense for example you're not really bind to laws of physics because this world doesn't run with them, you can store stuff in yourself like Orochimaru or do body modifying jutsus that just looks wrong like Orochimaru or create life like Hashirama with his trees, what i am getting at this world has different stuff that breaks the rules in Nasuverse i mean you have nature transformations for crying out loud you can turn your chakra into fire in space and it would work. It's more versatile than modern magecraft and i would be able to use some of them back there which is nice, i wonder if i can make jutsu versions of my ice series spells, imagine focusing the heat on a single point in suna desert, can i focus the whole heat of the desert into single point while freezing the rest ? so many questions.

The kids at the orphanage are still judgemental but not like i am going to get mad at other children being apprehensive of my hair color at least i don't get bullied.

Okay, it's bothering me a little, it's like that scene where Madara helps a fallen kid and takes care of the scrapes on her knees and she just straight runs towards Hashirama with tears in her eyes. *Cough*

At some point Hashirama gave the seat of Hokage to his brother and started wood carving as a hobby, moving on since i proved that i was "rather smart" for my age Mito started teaching me how to read and write (Kanji stuff) reading is easy enough i already know it, it's the writing that got me slumped, i learned Japanese in my first life yes but i had a damn keyboard, if i needed to write in Japanese i wouldn't have to make it look nice but alas it's needed for seals.

I asked if i can go to academy but i was given a big fat no, since i know the sannin became genin at 6 i figured they'd be starting around 3 years old but i guess they got to the academy once the first war started.

So, no academy for me yet.


Fourth year and the following 4 years... *sigh* this year the first shinobi war started. Hashirama's health deteriorated and passed away. Tsunade and Mito stopped coming by after Hashirama died, i can't really blame them, i myself came to like the goofy Shodaime.

Hashirama's death stirred the other villages since he was rather feared, his absence gave people ideas Tobirama was aware of their intentions but his brothers death came suddenly not giving him time to prepare for the war, he made a speech about possible war coming alas there wasn't enough time but i used the opportunity to get permission from Mito to go to the academy, having training is better than not having, after all no one knew how long the war would last. Although i did not say anything about her granddaughter she might have got the idea and that's how me and Tsunade ended up in academy alongside her future teammates alas i was in a different class.

The first victims of the war were really bad many parents died at initial start of the war and many orphans got admitted, including Orochimaru and Jiraiya, i wasn't expecting them to lose their parents like this Orochimaru looks really messed up, i never ran into them in the village but then again i never really toured the village and the war had tree of us go to the academy which the duo met with Tsunade, who was ready to learn how to kick ass.

I kinda forgot that they actually didn't get along so tree of them sat on other seats while i gone to my class because we were in separate classes "Three way deadlock" indeed.


For the next two years four of us trained and graduated in just two years.

Not much to say they taught reading, writing etc. which was easy for any smart kid on the other hand ninja training was a breeze too the trio had ninja parentage that trained them early, i on the other hand am just broken. Eidetic Memory, body refinement and being able to control my chakra to a ridiculous level let me surpass the trio, on the matter of taijutsu, i already learned martial arts in nasuverse so academy taijutsu wasn't anything glorious, i had considerable difficulty in shurikenjutsu since those shurikens are evil.


Unfortunately i have ran into a problem while the trio got placed in team Hiruzen there wasn't a team for me to be placed in, they can't put a fresh genin to a experienced team since they are being sent to front lines and they couldn't make a four man team (actually that's good i didn't want to be in team Hiruzen) so the situation ended up with Tobirama sending me to Mito and start learn sealing while she also trains me personally.

I was right about her being scary if not for my refined muscles i wouldn't have been able to function after training maybe she kept upping the regiments because i kept getting up instead of falling and passing out.

So, while team Hiruzen was chasing cats and mastering their jutsus in a relatively relaxed pace that's left behind by their sensei who was keep coming and going to the lines, i was learning from Mito about sealing and how to manifest adamantine chains, much to say sealing is similar to runes there's just no end to it.

I memorized the books on sealing, applying them however is different matter but i was able to manifest the chains in the second year of my training chains apparently is not something that's every Uzumaki can manifest Mito was rather happy after i did that, i was going pretty strong with my body refinement ending after 5 years. I am pretty sure i am at high chunin level, so i was pumped about being sent out alas that didn't happen until the war ended and Hiruzen became The Third while bringing some complications along with it.


Hokage: Look Haru-kun you might have gotten trained by Mito-sama during war but that was because there wasn't any teams for you to be placed in. Now that's not the case.

Haru: With respect sir but i am not really a team worker it would be better to have me as single operative, Mito-sama engraved everything she knew into me it would be redundant to re train me into teamwork.

This was the obstacle i was facing, while Hokage was insisting on the topic because his little genins snatched on me being a loner with only three friends. Then there's my master and savior.

Mito: *Sigh* Just test him yourself Hiruzen he's just too much to put in a team.

Hokage really considers Mito's words since she stopped meddling with Konoha's affairs after Hashirama's passing, if she says something it's going to be damn important.

Hokage: Fine, Sparrow*ANBU pops up* spar with him so i can judge his level but if i don't see something promising you're going in a team alas if you prove yourself i am sending you to ANBU training, is that fine Haru-kun.

Haru: Yes!


Following our discussion we went to the training grounds to have my destiny deciding spar.

Hokage: Now, i want both sides to be fight seriously but no lasting injuries.

After nodding to Hokage we did Seal of Confrontation then charged each other even with my refined body Sparrow proved to be faster and much better at taijutsu, after all she's Anbu Jonin after losing some ground and taking some hits that healed on the spot i backed away and did hand seals for Great Breakthrough seeing my hands Sparrow started on a fire jutsu both she and Hokage was dumbfounded when Sparrow got hit by a giant water ball even before i was done with my seals.

Then not giving up my momentum i used a minor lightning release to paralyse her.


Hokage: Mito-sama what was that ?

Mito: He doesn't need sings to use jutsu so i taught him how to trick people with it.

Hokage: Every jutsu ?

Mito: He did everything i gave him without hand sings even using C rank jutsu without sings would be devastating.

Hokage: I can understand why do you want him to be behind scenes they would hunt him down, fine he's going in to Anbu but i am not letting him go on missions until he's deemed ready but his hair color needs to change it's too noticeable.

With the cue i turned my hair to black an my eyes to red giving a nice scary look.


For the next four years i was trained by anbu on everything i need but nothing like nature transformations they taught me how to blend in the crowd, tactics on killing, fine details of stealth, fighting if caught and ect. I didn't even get to learn any jutsus, and at the age of 12 i was sent to my first D rank mission well D rank for anbu which involves assassination of a guarded merchant it's D rank since his guards aren't ninja.

Man lived in a town in land of waves close to Uzushiogakarure getting there was easy enough, be honest distance made me realize how slow Hashirama and Mito moved when they were taking me to Konoha.

Getting to the little town at night i moved through rooftops and found my target his house surrounded by guards who doesn't even think about looking at the roof. So i just climbed in to his room like it's my own house and sent a little shock to his heart giving him a artificial heart attack and left after i was sure he ain't coming back.

Suffice to say mission was too easy for me but i had to work my way up since Hokage still felt bad about showing me in the darkness while others of my age were doing escort missions. So i am stuck with missions like this


Coming back i reported to Hokage and left for my little house. After getting into my house i was disturbed by the banging on my door sighing i opened up letting the trio get in.

Tsunade: Where were you last night, we came but couldn't find you ?

Haru: Mission.

They know about me being in anbu courtesy of their sensei so there isn't much to hide.

Jiraiya: What was the mission ?

Haru: Some merchant got a hearth attack.

Tsunade: Scratch that we're hungry.

Yes i have finally gave in and attained the MC's god level cooking but it came along with people barging in my house for meals. I am joking of course i won them over with western food! who has time to learn professional cooking, at best i can come up with recipes with research.

While we were eating, we discussed how our lives have been how much money Tsunade lost and such alongside Orochimaru asking things about justus.

Orochimaru: So you're saying you have enough fine control to ignore the hand seals ?

Haru: Yeah! seals themselves just aiding to help people you can shorten the sings if you practice enough but it seems i don't need it, i just need to use the jutsu once to learn how chakra shaped then i can use it without it.

I was apprehensive about Orochimaru but then i thought if he starts stealing bodies to posses he would come for me first if i boasted long enough then i can use purification to handle him but i am not taking action against him yet but that didn't stop me from adding a safety kill switch to his soul in summary it would cut the connection to his body sealing him in his own body without being able to control himself i made the seal and placed it in his souls with Flash Air, he shouldn't go astray until the second war but it's better to be prepared.

Tsunade: Why bother with those just punch your way through!

The rest: ...

Tsunade: What! not like i don't know jutsus i just prefer my fists.

Jiraiya: Anyway, thanks for the meal, to show my gratitude i shall sneak you in woman's bath *Gets slapped into wall*

Tsunade: Stop trying to corrupt him.

Jiraiya: Lies every man appreciate the female figure don't your dare try to deny you don't want to see naked ladies Haru.

At the mention if my name Tsunade turned to me waiting for an answer.

Haru: Well, i can't argue with that logic*smack*
