New (family) and Minor Setups


After I was done with my set up, Alaya started to draw energy back from Trihexa, She's going to be both adorable and terrifying once she's out of her egg.

Just to be sure I rechecked everything and put a AOE Kotoamatsukami on this area of the Dimensional Gap to make people that may find this place turn around and leave including the two dragon gods.

Unfortunately, Alaya won't be able to make adjustments to the world until she gets the complete control or relative control, she can only make contracts to take Counter Guardians at this point but I will keep my fingers crossed.

There are some poeple that I can think of like Claire Belilal and her lover, they are going to get killed anyway Alaya can offer them a way out to live their lives and they'd become CG's when they die.

Not like time matters in the Throne of Heroes(Normal Heroes have to die before going to the Throne) CG's just have to sign the contract. Since the throne doesn't have time and space it's cool.

I can even have their CG selfs to save them but won't that cause a infinite loop ? questions for later.

Apart from that she doesn't have much ability like saving the nekoshous or fixing the Heaven's System which somehow works out for me I can save the kitties myself, I of course will do some background plays to make things to my favour. In this world my motto is going to be "maximum profit"

The good thing is Alaya can focus the unused faith energy of Heaven to herself, nothing noticeable from the Heaven's point of view.

Now, how did that reincarnation jutsu worked hmm... Right!

"Perfect Reincarnation"

With this my adult body turned into white lights and dispersed to the world. Normally one doesn't see the process but all the light show is quite entertaining.

I am going with the same age as Rias and Sona because why not.


Hi, right now I am a baby *sigh* again but wait there's more, this time I was abandoned at an orphanage...

Fuck my luck with parents, seriously WTF, my parents just threw me, I even checked them through my Elemental Sight, they're wealthy and capable of taking care of me, the problem is that they're both married to different people... How did they hide my existence ?

This is getting more ridiculous as I keep reincarnating, thankfully this is the last time.

Currently I am being adopted by two ladies that happens to be my wives... is it just me or my life have took a weird turn ?

Thankfully I don't need the care that a newborn needs the only problem is my size.

Anyway Iris, Tsuna and surprisingly Scathach got identities with pasts made using reality altering techniques and they're currently taking obscene amount photos of baby me.

We got an house in Kuoh since it's the most central point in the story, it's in Japan, it's close to Yokai thus Japanese gods and it's close to devils, it's close to Hindu Gods.

The only thing that's not fitting is that Asgard and Olympus is not close but we don't have teleportation for nothing.

The house itself is not that magnificent from outside but inside is an piece of art for a space magician with all the expansions and stuff.


Scathach: So, are you going to explain the time difference between the New World and here and stuff like that.

Alex: Nope! Time is relative.

Scathach: That doesn't explain anything, you said you wanted to go to highschool with Rin by the time she left the dungeon but you're just a baby now.

Alex: Don't worry about it Scathach, it's a timey wimey thing it doesn't need an explanation.

Irisviel: Alex, you're really cute as a baby but why are you making your voice so deep.

Alex: It's my revenge for the photos.

Tsunade: Oh God, scratch the photos, we need to record this.

Scathach: I will get the cameras.

*Baby Cries*


Tsunade: So what's the plan ?

Alex: Alaya will handle the devil-exorcist couple, so we have free time until I am at age 9 after that the events follow after one another.

Irisviel: Right first Shirui dies then the nekos after that there's Kiba, Gasper, Valerie and Asia ?

Alex: Scratch the dudes and there will be minor adjustments to the events, not that I care about the cannon but the alliance has to happen, otherwise there would be bunch of needles trouble.

Scathach: Do you want me to go to Ireland, it seems my counterpart is not alive here.

Alex: I will have to trouble you Scathach, although try not to kill too many people.

She nodded and left, she will stay here at nights but she will generally work at her counterparts castle. It would be better if she gets the support of Celtic gods.

Irisviel: So, are you going to meet Irina and Issei ?

Alex: Not until cannon, Irina is too much of a believer which something I dislike, I mean, I met the guy she's praying that dude was nothing and I might just punch Issei, well hold on. Should we you know *Throat Cut Gesture*.

Tsunade: ...

Irisviel: ...

Alex: Hahaha! look at your faces, I am joking.

Yeah... just a joke. Haha(!)

Seriously why am I keeping him...

Right! I am going to use him as bait for Rias so I don't have to deal with her personality.

I could have employed another Hikaru Genji but I really don't feel like doing another one.


Me and the girls lived our lives in peace with except Scathach who keeps killing random idiots who came to her castle for marriage proposals.

The weird thing is she's being seen as her Spirit Inheritor not the original, this came in handy but she keeps complaining about the number of idiots she has to deal with.

She became more expressive ever since she started cooking, not that she had a difference on her facial expressions but she started to talk more than normal.

My wives are generally going to mountain driving with monster cars they bought (Like why ?) and my baby self have to follow them.

Not that I am incapable of growing up quickly but the procedure is troublesome enough that my lazy ass would prefer growing up normally.

Also I am losing my faith in Nasuverse humanity, they finally got access to Dungeons, so they can go to The New World.

Land of endless possibilities and resources for everyone who can pass the dungeon, you know what they did...

They closed off the entrances and started to only allow certain groups of people to enter.

Like it literally says "Filtering Dungeon" meaning you can't pass if you don't have the prerequisites but no this guys are like "If we can't pass then no one can" even before trying themselves.

I turned the Dungeon entrance to an mental command so now people can think of going in and boom they're in.

Let's see how you assholes are going to stop people. I am really tempted to just void them but let's wait for a while.


On my fifth birthday my house was raided by a flushed maid...

Alex: Grayfia ?

Yes she's Grayfia who's panting like a dog at this point, her maid outfit is in shambles as if she dug out to earth from the underworld...

Grayfia: Master! you have finally arrived, I have waited for you all these years.

Wasn't she supposed to be this Cold/Maid waifu type, what happened to my maid!

Alex: Calm down Grayfia you're breaking your character.

She stilled for a second, I swear I saw a blue screen in her eyes, then she fixed her clothes and bowed.

Grayfia: I have been waiting for your instructions master.

According to her explanation which she admitted that she was awake during the talks but I knew that already.

She's still works as a maid to Lucifer but she's not married which she put extra importance on that part and she strived for the betterment of devil race.

She's one of the Super Devils due to refinement and holds a lot of political power even though she does not use it.

She apparently got a note about my arrival and adress from a letter with a blue circle on it.

(Mental Conversation)

Alex: 'Good Job Alaya looks like you recovered more than I expected.'

Alaya: 'Praise me more father!'

After her excitement died down she got introduced to the gang and the New World then I sent her back to underworld as my insider.


At last in my 9th birthday we got our first alert.

It's an alert tied to Elemental Sight, if you don't know the Elemental Sight's full capability, let me tell you.

This ability that I ripped off of a certain Godsuya is capable of analyzing the whole world at real time to predict the future to a certain extent using the current information he has of course that is if he wants.

He used this ability to keep an eye on his sister at all times so she won't get assasinated or kidnapped. I am using it, so I don't miss out on known plot points. I didn't use this in Nasuverse because of my arrogance thinking who'd be that stupid but it showed me that I can't pull my punches.

This world is the last and more like an vacation/Wife hunt (?) but that doesn't mean I can slack off on that front.

Now let's go and get myself engraved on a girls heart... Yeah it's still sounds creepy.


Going over I can see that the Shrine is under siege, worry not I just have to turn this place into a blood bath.

I move with an normal speed and kill every human and male fallen on my sight I can see that Shuri and Akeno are fine they're always on my sights.

I leave the female fallens though, Ace said he will have a use for them and after seeing his face i decided to not ask what's he's going to do with them. He looked really scary.

by the time I reached the house Suou Himejima is already wounded Shuri and Akeno is holding a Gremory summoning pamphlet(summons in reverse) that was conveniently given to her by her mother which was placed by Grayfia under my orders.

By the time I entered Akeno only got a glimpse of my face and teleported away, just like planned.

Shuri and Suou Himejima seeing a kid coming in in a uncaring manner had two different reactions.

Shuri had sadness in her eyes knowing I will either be killed or get my memories tampered with.

Suou Himejima was the opposite, on the other hand I finally have another toy to break.

Suou: Kid what are you doing here ?

Alex: Saw some people that looked like they're going to festival, came to see it but they exploded when I got near, old man do you know why ?

As I asked this question I completely opened the door revealing a scene from carnage. Looking back even I felt nauseous and I am the one who did this.

Poor Shuri passed out from the sight but Suou was furious.

Suou: You monster! You will die for what you did here!

Alex: Really ?



When Shuri woke up she was first surprised of the fact her body was healed completely and she was still in her house but her thoughts came to an halt after seeing the scene in front of her.

There is the kid that claimed, he brutally killed all those people outside, crouching and he's holding his hand to Suou Himejima it looked like he was trying to tame a scared animal.

Suou Himejima on the other hand looked like shit there was nothing left of that proud and arrogant clan head, his eyes held unmeasurable fear.

What Happened was the only thing she could think but in her daze she said it out loud drawing the attention of the boy.

Alex: Hello, My name is Alexander Walker, I was passing by when I saw you guys needing help but it seems I was a bit late for your daughter.

Hearing him confirmed somethings, first she's safe, second she just send her daughter to an young devil to be her queen and third this kid is terrifying.

Shuri: What did you do to him ?

He looked bashful at her question, which made her want to cry.

Alex: I needed some answers but this grandpa wasn't cooperative but thanks to some divine intervention I was able to get my answers.

Suou: You're demon! what part of you is divine ?

Divine Intervention? As this thought went through her head she learned what he meant.


Legendary black flames of Amaterasu manifested and burned Suou Himejima to ashes as he screamed.


Then as if the whole thing was a dream he came back.

Suou:*Crying* Why are you doing this to me, what did I do ?

Alex: Sorry it kinda happened on reflex this time.

This scene might have been disgusting, outright terrifying to most people but Shuri wasn't someone normal as an proud S she saw unlimited potential.

She already knew that getting her daughter back from devils are nigh impossible, she's probably already have become a devil, sending her news of her safety is the most she can do.

So she decided to follow this young kid to learn his techniques so that she may properly punish her dead beat husband.


Not to be weird but Shuri wasn't really herself after she first woke up, the whole inner monologue she did was audible.

That women is "Interesting" but I only do "Meta NTR" not regular NTR, I will have to make do with her daughter.

So, after making sure this guy didn't reproduce and forgot my name, I took Shuri and teleported to home.
