Prototypes and Kitsunes


After Shuri's introduction, she sent a message to Akeno about her safety and hearing news of her mother, Akeno had Grayfia took her to Gremory house to live with her daughter.

Shuri was really upset that she couldn't learn my secret techniques for her "Special" use but her daughter comes first.

On the other hand Baraqiel was notified by Serafall and apperantly he gave himself to drinking after hearing his wife's scolding...

He's depressed because he couldn't even protect his own family.

While that part has gone relatively well, I was summoned to Avalon by Artoria in an emergency.

Once I have arrived, I was greeted by Artoria who grown up to become like her Lancer self much to my joy.

Alex: Who are you and what did you do my adorable hungry lion ?

Artoria: When did I become yours! also that line is getting old.

Well she said that with a red face maybe I still have a chance. I have been coming here from time to time but Artoria's mentality doesn't really match with mine.

Alex: Leaving teasing behind. What happened ? You wouldn't summon me like this normally.

Artoria: That happened. *Points at a blonde dude*

I turned around to see a blonde male knight in an armor reminiscent of Artoria's but his sword is different, it's still an holy sword but it's not a divine construct like Artoria's but he seems familiar enough that I called him without thinking.

Alex: Hey Arthur, nice seeing yo... wait, WHAT!

Freaking male version of Saber, Arthur Pendragon somehow ended up here.

Arthur: Hi, my female counterpart here told me you're "The God" ?

After getting over my shock, we investigated and learned that this Arthur is DxD Arthur Pendragon and his soul somehow found its way here most probably due to his legend matching with Artoria's and Avalons existence. I didn't have Grand Saber so nice timing.

Hearing my proposal, he accepted it without complaint at least until there's a better knight than him that could take the place (His words not mine)


There was this one day I got outside for the market and after buying a hefty amount of chocolate bars for my stash(9 Year olds going to buy candy isn't absurd right ?) I found Ophis waiting for me at the exit...

Alex: Hi Ophis.

I waved at her, threw a chocolate bar and kept walking.

Ophis: Hi.

And she started following while eating her chocolate bar. She looks like a child alright but her general aura indicates she's anything but a child especially her eyes, I don't know if it's because of my power level or because I am the owner of this place but I can sense her to a degree meaning she's not all that expressionless just doesn't know how to show it.

Ophis: Your name ?

Alex: My name is Alex. May I learn your reason for visiting.

I handed her another chocolate bar she's like Artoria, she inhales snakcs and she ate it right away, one could see the stars in her eyes, or was it just me ?

Ophis: Silence.

I handed her another chocolate *Sniff my stash* and she started eating.

Alex: Could be done but you won't be able to eat things like this in void.

She looked at the bar in her hand and to me, she may look like a child but i can see the intelligence in her eyes.

Ophis: Silence can wait.

This is how I met Ophis and now, she comes in regularly to eat, I told her not to bring anyone with her since I don't want to kill anyone after the events at the Shrine.

She got along with Scathach better since Scathach keeps cooking to get the same feeling from Yukihira's cooking and Ophis will devour any food thrown at her hence they became a iconic duo.


Ophis: Alex, What are you doing ?

Alex: I am tuning this car so it can traverse Dimensional Gap by creating a road beneath the car without getting lost.

Ophis: Why ?

Alex: My wives are driving fanatics and it will piss off Great Red.

Ophis: Nice~

I turned at Ophis so fast that space ruptured but her face was emotionless once I looked at her.

Did I imagined that ?


Irisviel: Alex, I know we can just create money out of thin air but why don't we publish the movies here as well ?

That's actually not a bad idea but this world runs on anime more than movies and I know a certain Siegfried and Jeanne that would get effected by watching Sumanai and Jeanne D'Arc in Fate/Apocrypha.

Alex: I will turn the movies into anime series, it will bring more money and it has surprisingly wider audience in this world.

Tsunade: Why not both ? Just release the movies later as "Live Action" ohh let's turn the Fate/Zero and VN's into movies as well, Rin chan would be famous by the time she comes here.

I have a feeling I am going to regret this but why not ?


Now, the next event that's coming up is the Kuroka's "rampage" and annihilation of nekoshous, to manage this event for maximum gain on my part I have to meet with Shinto Faction and give them a heads up.

After that, we must present enough evidence to drag Naberius family into mud, with a dispute on the level of two pantheons fighting especially at this time is a big threat to devils.

While Shinto faction may be peaceful, they won't appreciate their people being used as experiments then getting wiped out because of it.

Surface evidence has been already procured by my trusty maid with help of Alaya, she has no qualms about this, she's only loyal to me but she was also disgusted how Naberius family operated.

Also this can be count as harming the world since every species have a certain roles to fulfill.

I am aware that I have no need for elaborate plans and manipulations but *Looks at the death threat sent by author* but this is way more fun... Yeah!

Irisviel: Woah! We're going to see real yokai!

As expected of Iris she's too excited when it comes to new things. She wore a red sundress because we will tour around Kyoto first. The dress matches perfectly with her white hair and ruby eyes.

Tsunade: Do they have different customs ? I am going with this.

Tsunade decided to go full diplomatic mode she even got a proper yukata and all, it would have been better if the yukata itself didn't have the same kanji for "Gamble" behind it.

Alex: Relax, at best we'll be meeting with Yasaka. I don't think they would let us meet Amaterasu also in most fanfictions they're slumped with work.

Tsunade: Hmph! Yasaka's ten times better 9 tailed fox than that "Orange Bastard" so don't go trash talking Yasaka.

Alex: Did you lose all your money to Kurama again ?

She didn't answer, she didn't have to her blush told everything I needed to know. No wonder she's grumpy.


Getting ready for our departure, this time I let Irisviel drive since Tsunade didn't want to drive in her yukata. Also for some reason Ophis is tagging along.

Ride to Kyoto was rather eventful thanks to us getting pulled over three times and Iris getting a speeding ticket.

Irisviel: Mou! they just don't know how to have fun.

But we're not trying to have fun Iris, well whatever we got used to her driving but Ophis... not so much.

Irisviel: Look there's a sharp turn ahead let's drift.

Ophis: I regret this.

This may have been the most emotion filled lines of words we heard from the loli dragon god. Too bad that line was filled with desperation.

Racer Iris is formidable indeed.

Tsunade: Did Ophis chan say something just know ?

Alex: You didn't hear ?

At my inquiry she shook her head indicating she didn't quite catch it despite being closer than me.



Getting to Kyoto first, we did what everyone does when they first come to Kyoto.

We roamed like the tourists we were, ate unhealthy amounts of food, took lots of pictures and bought ridiculous amounts of souvenirs.

After all, we're not sure if we would be taken seriously, they may just try to kill us and I might just wipe them out *Cough*

After we had our fill, including Ophis. We set our course to Yasaka Shirine kinda convenient that she lives in a Shirine with her name.


Ophis: Alex, why did you change your age ?

Yes, currently I am in 24 year old form but it's an illusion alas not even Ophis can see through.

Alex: We're meeting leader of an entire faction, I don't think they would ignore someone of strength but I rather not deal with "aren't you small" questions, I can change back later during the talks.

Ophis cutely tilted her head with a thoughtful expression and asked.

Ophis: Should I get older as well ?

Cute. *Head pats*

Alex: You're fine like this, this is just my personal preference.

Ophis nodded and we left for the Shrine.

Irisviel: *Whisper* Tsuna should we call FBI ?

Tsunade: *Whisper* He said, she can change her appearance but he just said she's fine like this, I don't know let's observe for now.

I really wish they would realize that we can hear them.


The Yasaka Shirine is one of the most famous places in whole Kyoto due to it being an really old Shirine but there's a another layer behind this beautiful Shirine.

If one is capable of sensing life force, one can sense the giant veil that separates part of the shirine from normal eyes.

Curiously the veil just an entrance to the Yokai side of Kyoto, if you don't enter it with the proper way, you just pass through it.

I am guessing there are legal ways to enter but that's too bothersome and time consuming, that's the reason I am visiting today is because Elemental Sight's prediction.

According to my calculations today Kunou will have a little escapade on her own, her mother can't watch over her all the time since she has too much work.

Unlike other fanfictions though she's not in danger and we're just going to ask her to convey a message to Yasaka.


Seeing the adorable kitsune going back to her house, I used my trump card that being Ophis, a small sum of 100 bars of Snickers did the job.

After getting her payment Ophis gone and gave a letter to the confused Kunou but she accepted it due to Ophis looking similar to her age.

Now we wait.

After about two hours Yasaka came to find three people playing Monopoly in front of her Shirine. While an adorable kid was watching them and eating Snickers.

There was a blonde women who was clearly losing, her eyes held sadness over losing fake money.

There was a handsome man who had a neutral expression but one could see drops of sweat forming on his forehead seemingly considering his next move.

Lastly there was a white haired women who surprisingly sitting on a throne made of Monopoly money while counting some more.

She came here ready to fight with her people in the shadows, since they send their message through her daughter who conveniently snuck out today.

This means they knew her and her daughters actions but there was only one thing she could say when she saw such an absurd scene.

Yasaka: What the hell ?


Being dumbfounded Yasaka waited until both me and Tsuna were wiped off the board by capitalist Iris and right after that she came to herself.

Yasaka: *cough* Hello, I have read your letter, I was expecting a fight but it appears you people are not here for fighting.

Alex: Yeah, sorry didn't know how to get in the veil and didn't want to break it.

This was the second shock Yasaka went through today, not even other Yokai can feel the veil that separates them from normal eyes even though they knew how to enter, it was something that was put there by Shinto Gods.

Now knowing her visitors possessing enough power to just break in without asking her expression becomes relaxed since they at least tried to ask for permission to enter.

Following this Yasaka invited us inside her Shirine where we were served some snacks which Ophis just ate them all before taking Kunou with her while muttering something about soccer ?

Seeing the "children" going out Yasaka went to business.

Yasaka: Excuse me sir, I am well aware that you're stronger than me but if you don't mind me asking why have you wanted to see me ?

Seeing Kunou leave I turned back to my child form, it was all because of her actually, in most fanfictions MC would come here as a child and get mother daughter pair to fall in love with them but not for me.

Alex: Well, hi my name is Alexander and the reason for my visit is this...

I threw her the documents we acquired from Naberius labs. and kept speaking while she read the file in anger even forgetting to ask about my appearance change.

Alex: One of the test subjects is about to go on a rampage because they're going to start experimenting on her little sister, knowing the Devils they'd hunt down every nekoshou alive in retaliation.

At this point Yasaka is shaking in anger her body is releasing all the pressure her ultimate class can muster and once I finished speaking she started to talk.

Yasaka: May I ask why are you giving me this information?

Alex: Devils work fast it wouldn't take much for them to hunt down all nekoshou. What I want from you is that you take care of your people.

Yasaka: What's in it for you then? I can't imagine someone doing this out of their good will.

Alex: Yes, if you're asked how you got this information tell them "Counter Force" gave it to you.

Yasaka had a very confused expression at this point, they're helping an entire race for publicity ?

Alex: My daughter will keep in contact but for now we must be on our way. 'HIS chan WE'RE GOING!

Ophis: OK!

Taking my company, we drove back home and Iris got her licence revoked on the way back now she needs to take a proper driving course.


After MC's group left Yasaka gathered her council and distributed jobs to ensure a safe place for nekoshous while the council was going in full speed.

A blue circle manifested in the middle of the room and spoke with a soft voice that made everyone in the room feel like they're in their mother's embrace.

Alaya: Hello, my father said he forgot to give this dossier.

From the first moment she manifested herself, every Yokai started recognizing her due to them being attuned to Ki. How could beings attuned to life force can't recognize her.

They were shocked to see will of the world they're living on stopping by to drop a dossier and leaving like it wasn't anything big.

Yasaka quickly pieced together the clues thanks to Alex saying his daughter will come by, but if world they're living itself is calling Alex "Father" Than what is he ?
