Offers and Grails


Kuroka: Please take care of me ~nya.

Kuroka came to meet with the rest and well a certain bubbly Iris couldn't hold herself.

Irisviel: Kyaa! She's too cute right now with that kimono.

Currently Iris is smothering Kuroka with everything she has and poor kitten can't escape from her since even peaceful Irisviel is at Mid level God on power scaling.

Tsunade: Iris, let her go she can't breathe like that.

Irisviel: Ah! Sorry. *Head Pats*

After poot kitty got herself together the trio made their way to living room to get to know each other while I got to my workshop to complete the designs for my "Master ball" that would capture me a legendary Serafall.

After my work for the day was done me and Alaya are going to handle the Holy sword project and she said something about a new Counter Guardian but she didn't give clues.


Getting to my bicycle I pedalled inside the Dimensional Gap towards country side of Italy where the Holy Sword project is taking place.

As I was pedalling Great Red decided to tag along this time being totally relaxed around me and it almost looks like she wants another slap.

Is this version of Great Red happened to be an M ?

Questions for later, after getting to my location I left the Gap leaving behind a disappointed Dragon God but as I was leaving I swear I heard "Neglect Play"...

This world is messed up on so many levels that I am going to just ignore the masochist dragon god.


Arriving to my destination I look around to see the laboratory and a certain poisoned blonde kid catches my attention, well Rias can take care of him.

The only woman in my list that will become devil is Akeno. The rest will be diverted like Rossweisse.

Getting in the laboratory I made my way to the chambers where that sicko is gassing children.

I can see the children are about to die due to being gassed and due to their light element being sucked out. The only one that's fine is that one girl with barier sacred gear who freezed herself.

So I put the scientists into a genjutsu and healed the kids from shadows while Alaya drew a blue circles to the walls.

After that dude thought he killed and took the light element from the kids then left. I need the whole holy sword Arc to happen, so the peace treaty could happen.

For the kids however they just saw Alaya healing them and freeing them.

Holy Sword Arc will both get the peace going and will be the first "public" display of Counter Force.

I don't want to bother with bunch of pantheons messing up my plans there are two other small worlds to conquer after this place and to be honest if I were to start killing there would be mountain of bodies piling up.

Church operatives are aware of what's going on here thanks to Alaya's nudging lead by Vasco Strada himself.

Seeing there's nothing else to do I teleported back to home so I can keep working on that "Master Ball"


(Sairaorg POV)

First son of Bael Clan Sairaorg Bael is currently in Sitri Clan hospital looking at the face of his sleeping mother.

It has been 4 years since she lost herself into devils sleeping disease and also it's been 4 years since he learned that even if he had power he couldn't protect those he loved.

Devil children mostly skips the early stages of being a baby so he was aware of himself ever since he was 2 years old.

At first his troubles was just his inability to use their clan trait Power of Destruction, in an effort to overcome the difference in power he trained his body getting stronger that way but he lost his mother to this disease.

Ever since then he saw through this joke called devil society, people using each other for gains, betrayals and abuse is the norm if you don't have the power and social class to protect yourself.

So after his mothers sickness, his life got worse but he never stopped his training waiting for the day his mother would wake up to see her son and be proud.

Today wasn't any different from the past, he came to talk to his mother hoping that she would hear him but today something else happened this blue circle manifested inside his mother's room and started speaking.

Alaya: Hello young devil, my name is Alaya, will of the world you're living on.

It was a absurd claim but somehow he couldn't help but believe in her even surprising himself.

Alaya: *Chuckle* You're all count as my children of course you can't refute it but today I have a proposal for you.

After saying that Alaya explained her reasons, how she needs "Heroes" to be her guardians and benefits she can give such as accessing his dormant Power of Destruction and curing his mother.

In return he would live with the gifts she gave until to end of his natural lifespan and he would become her eternal guardian in summary he would become her guardian after his death.

While knowing it's stupid to sell your afterlife, there's three things to consider due to him being a devil.

First being that there wasn't a concrete evidence there's an after life for devils, second that her mother being cured and the last is that devils can live long as 10.000 years that's enough time to live out his life and pass on without regrets.

Even though he knew what he's selling is far more precious than what she was offering he took the offer after considering the benefits.

After that he watched as this blue circle extending light tentacles and enveloped both him and his mother.

Today was a big shock for many devils because someone woke up from sleeping disease for the first time in history and even more shocking was useless son of Baels, Sairaorg Bael awakened his Power of Destruction not one bit less powerful than Princess Of Destruction.

While no devil other than the Sairaorg himself being aware that Counter Force just gained one hell of a Counter Guardian.


I put down the item I was working on after hearing Alaya's report

Alex: So he accepted your offer huh ?

Alaya: Yes father, but I am having trouble putting him into a class.

Alex: Right he's a CQC fighter and doesn't fit any classes, even as a devil he's honorable and he won't start assassinations anytime soon but CG's doesn't have to fit, right ?

Alaya: I guess *pouts*

How did a blue circle managed to pout I don't know but I don't really care.

Alaya: By the way father Gasper is planning on running away with Valerie what are we doing ?

Alex: Does Vampires add any benefits to this world ?

Vampires in Fate were introduced to cull humanity since they were killing the planet but humans here are taking care of the planet and many supernatural forces are making sure the planet lives.

The only problem is that the negative aura that's been around ever since the world wars, which can be fixed once Alaya becomes fully operational.

So unless vampires have some important reason for existing I don't see them surviving.

Alaya: That actually bothers me, they have no benefits it's the opposite they're drinking humans and desecrating my body, can I wipe them out father ?

Alex: I understand but killing an entire race.

Alaya: Please daddy...

Alex: Fine but leave the dhampirs.

I think I am spoiling her but meh... I can just cover that place up with mist.

Vampires here are arrogant assholes and they normally don't have contact with others unless it's to their benefit.

In summary no one will notice their dissappearence for the next 10 years, unless Riverzm decides to ally with them but I will be taking Sephiroth Graal, so he shouldn't have a reason for contacting vampires.

Alex: Let's observe how they are doing and also I will send Gramps to handle the job.

I contacted Gramps after getting a cute node from my daughter.


(Valerie POV)

I did it. Me and my childhood friend Gasper were finally running away but we didn't know that they were tailing us the whole time.

In an act of desperation I threw him out the barrier and ran off to another destination to draw our pursuers but they caught up too quickly.

Just before I thought I was going to die I felt a warm sensation inside and it manifested in the form of a golden cup.

Seeing it, my pursuers stopped and I finally got a look at who was the one that messed up our escape.

I was heart broken to see it was my own brother. He never really got along with me due to my mother being a human but I never thought he would betray me like this.

I wasn't even able to talk after seeing him in front of the people that kept chasing me and Gasper... Let's hope he made it out fine.

Marius: Oh, my dear sister I see that you have awakened such a treasure, we must use this to elevate our race don't you think ?

I don't know what this cup I am holding is but the whispers I am hearing is enough to let me know I shouldn't use it.

Just when I was about to make a desperate attempt my brother's head rolled off from his shoulders and fell in front of me.

Looking at his back, only thing I can say to describe the being I am seeing is "Death" it's as if "Death" himself came for us all.

He looked at us, his blue ghastly eyes lingered on me and the cup I was holding and then he moved in front of me I never saw him draw his sword but everyone died as he moved.

Looking up I can't see his face only a skull and eerie blue lights in place of eyes.

Grand Assassin: Thou shalt go to the contractor for thy hold the Sephiroth Graal.(I can't write stuff like this, if anyone can make a better one I will gladly copy it)

Saying something I couldn't even begin to make sense of he put his hand to my head and I felt a tugging sensation.

Then I found myself in front of a group of people which consists of three women and a kid?


(Hassan POV after he sends Valerie)

Grand Assassin: Time to collect some heads.


(Back to MC)

Seeing Valerie coming I cast my eyes to Romania and did a small illusion to make sure no one tried to brute force inside while Gramps handled the killing.

He was maybe a little too eager to "handle" the heretic vampires... More for his head collection I guess.

Now I have to explain bunch of stuff to a little dhamphir girl which also holding the "Holy Grail"


Alex: You must be confused Mrs.Tepes but please listen before you freak out.

I explained her situation first starting with the Sephiroth Graal because that's the only thing that's making her valuable if you don't count the fact that she's gorgeous but it's easy to find beautiful women in this world.

Valerie: So this cup is Sephiroth Graal and it can revive people?

Alex: In a way, yes but the cost would be your soul and sanity, in the hands of someone nefarious you'd be used like a doll and eventually die from overuse.

Now that got her scared as it should.

Alex: Don't worry I have no use for something inferior like that grail.

Hearing me of course she didn't believe but she has no choice since she's in an unknown environment with people that seemingly powerful than her.

Moving on I talked about the end of Vampires.

Valerie: What about Gasper!

Well it's good to know she's not that attached to Vampires.

Alex: Gasper Vladi is no longer a Dhamphir and Dhamphirs were spared in the first place.

Valerie: What do you mean he's no longer a Dhamphir?

Alex: After his escape he was injured by some church people after that he got reincarnated as a devil.

That got her to sigh in relief, after which she asked the question of the day. I was actually going to use a certain technique called "Twisting Heaven and Earth" on Gasper but Iris made me change my decision.

Valerie: What's going to happen to me now ?

Alex: You will train your sacred gear with the best expert I have while going through combat training, after which you're pretty much free to do whatever you want I just don't want that thing to fall in to wrong hands.

Valerie kept nodding as I talked and she only had one question.

Valerie: Who will be my teacher ?

In return I summoned Biblical God himself he made those stuff he can teach others to how to use it. Although I was sad to learn it didn't have a balance breaker the base Sephiroth Graal is good enough for any faction especially the weakness removal stuff... Huh maybe I can get dragon slayer resistance for Ophis and Great Red.

After an explanation he was gladly teaching the young Dhamphir who was gobsmacked to learn from the God himself.

I sent them to Avalon so they can have a peaceful place to practice and there's no wandering ghosts to haunt her while she practiced also Biblical God loves that place.


Irisviel: You're not going to have her for yourself ?

Alex: While she's pretty, she doesn't suit my tastes, even Akeno is on the list to mix stuff up.

While saying this Kuroka hugged my head from behind, it didn't give the same pleasure as the other two but she's still growing.

Kuroka: What about me ~nya?

Alex: You're not naive nor stupid. I want intelligent woman like Iris and Tsuna and Valerie might just try to cross dress me*Shivers*

Hearing my praises the trio beamed getting visibly happy. I can see Irisviel cupping her cheek while saying ~Ara ~Ara, I guess she finally started awaking her onee sama side.

Tsunade: What about Ophis?

Alex: You don't get that strong without having a good head on your shoulders, she's more expressive than you can imagine but you need to fill certain conditions to understand her.

This got them thinking, I looked into it, more I own this world more I can understand Ophis.

It has no connection to my power level since I am the strongest being in this world.

That's the only reason I am going to conquer ExE and FxF and for a certain *Cough* Breast Goddes.
