Getting Girls Left and Right


I woke up in the middle of the night to see two crimson eyes looking at me without blinking, the eyes held an faint emotion that I could not understand due to the person who owned them having too much mastery over herself.

Alex: What are you doing on top of me Scathach?

Scathach: Shhh just go back to sleep.

How? How can I sleep while knowing you're watching me the whole time?

Alex: You can just talk about what's bothering you.

Scathach: Joichiro told me that I need to fall in love to cook like him...

Alex: So you choose me, I am flattered.

Scathach didn't answer back but she teleported away presumably back to her room.

I wonder what's going on with her? Our relationship has been getting weirder and weirder.

I even found out my clothing keeps getting missing before magically appearing later on. It looks like I will be adding her to the harem.



Talking about weird relationships I took Ophis to my room during one of her visits for a private conversation because I want to know what's up with her and what's up with Great Red.

Ophis: What's up Alex?

Alex: I wanted to ask why did you kiss me?

She somehow feels bashful while her face remaining the same.

Ophis: You're my mate of course I will kiss you.

Alex: When did that happen?

Ophis: You're not happy?

Alex: That's not the point, I am happy about it. I just want to know when did that happen.

Ophis: Hmm... After the chocolate bar.

Are you really that easy? my expression might have gave it away since she corrected herself.

Ophis: You're the new owner of this world, we were made to "accompany" the creator well you own 1/3 at least.

Alex: We ?

She slapped her mouth and turned her head away.

Alex: You mean Great Red is also included.

Ophis:*sigh* Yes...

Alex: By the way what do you mean by made to accompany ?

Ophis: It's not as if we don't have a choice but three of us what's keeps this world stable Terra sacrificed herself but now your daughter took her place and who'd pass the opportunity to be with a Creation God.

Huh, so that's how it's like, no wonder other reincarnated people all manage to get the two to their bed.

Alex: I feel like used...

Ophis: Like I said the choice is with us, you got me after giving that bar and slapping baka Red.

Although I was aware that this was the longest and most detailed conversation I had with Ophis even though her face looked impassive and emotionless. I needed to know one more thing.

Alex: But she liked it...

Ophis face palmed it looked extra cute as well.

Ophis: That perverted dragon. *Sigh* Do whatever you want with her, I can't give you false information anyway.

Alex: Want to binge watch Fate series while eating absurd amounts of unhealthy food.

Ophis: You got me at "binge watch" let's go.

Well, at least she's easy to bribe.


After our Fate marathon Ophis went to her little terrorist organization, it was kinda funny to learn that she knew the goals of everybody but she wasn't expecting the Samael which I explained that to her so now she has her guards up which you can't determine unless you knew her.

Not that I would let her get hurt by that dragon eater but it's good that she got her guards up.

Also she's going to keep going with it since I need Chaos Brigade as a common threat for a while they can be cleaned later.

Anyway today I am back at the Gap and looking at a flushed "Oda Nobunaga" that keeps talking about certain "Punishments" for her misbehaviour.

Who thought it was a great idea to give her that body and the personality of Tio Klarus ?(She can change her body age from 9-30 so technically loli?)

Great Red: Master I have been following you without permission will you punish me? ~Please

Why ?

Alex: No, I am not into that kind of stuff...

Great Red: What about that slap, that felt awesome!

Just why... Maybe I can match her with Akeno ?

After getting her under control we talked about her situation and as I thought she's in the same position as Ophis.

At least both of them love me for something...

Anyway she decided to stay in the Dimensional Gap because she likes the thrill of it which made no sense to me but I am not going to judge.

She's going to pop over from time to time and she decided to take Irisviel with her to her "Sick Rides" sometimes.

Two Loli Dragon Gods Get ?

Great Red: By the way call me Scarlett.

Alex: Even though your hair is black ?

She pouted as her body got matured and her hair turned crimson with the tips remaining black.

Scarlett: Happy ?

Alex: Very much.


My next destination is Avalon since Artoria called for a meeting, I have no idea what's going on but she mellowed even further after her counterpart joined her in Avalon let's hope my relationship streak goes on.

Getting here I found a picnic set up under a tree which Artoria was frantically trying to fix the sandwiches she just knocked over.

I guess my luck is turning. Let's just hope those sandwiches are edible.


Irisviel: You have been all over the place Alex what's going on?

I slumped on the couch while Iris massaged my tensed muscles, not that I am not physically tired but all those interactions has worn me down.

Alex: I just got 3-4 more wives... Well they're going to be.

Irisviel hummed in understanding knowing that I am bad at initial stages of relationships.

Irisviel: So, who are our new sisters.

Alex: Artoria, Ophis, Scarlett maybe Scathach her situation is weird.

Irisviel: Scarlett ?

Alex: That's Great Red.

Irisviel: Ohh, that's nice. Now are you going to finish the Dragon Gallery with Tiamat ?

Alex: I don't know, from what I know she has a obsession with treasures on the other hand I am planning to get Serafall and Gabriel so Tiamat is up in the air.

Tsunade: You know Serafall is going to come with Sona as well.

Alex: Yes, that's fine Sona is smart and a nice counter to Serafall in case she went into overdrive.

Tsunade: You're going to have a wild night when you finally reach 16 years old.


Now that the immediate troubles have been handled, we're going to play the waiting game.

Which I used my time to take all of my girls and my maid(Wife) to dates and I used illusions to make myself look their age because I keep weirding out myself.

I had Grayfia train in senjutsu since it's just a bootleg ninjutsu and taught her shadow clones so she doesn't have to feel bad for not doing her duties.

In return she sneaked Akeno out for dates, she was already told that I have many wives but saving Shuri impacted her more than I could have guessed.

We managed to snuck Kuroka in the Gremory Castle to have her teach Senjutsu to Shrione which Sirzechs was totally aware of and approved but he just knew that Grayfia located her and made a deal with her.

Now that the whole world knew the Naberius family's experiments he couldn't really get her killed and she was helping her little sister's rook so he turned a blind eye to it like he did with King Pieces.

I am keeping the evidence of the King Pieces for my own use, so I can blackmail the devils.

Not that I need to, just a show of strength and destruction of some pillar familes would make them sing but author wouldn't have stuff to write otherwise.

Also Kuroka finally joined Chaos Brigade she will be keeping me updated on Vali, he's not important enough for me to use Elemental Sight but I will have her reports.


During our waiting time I visited Yasaka from time to time and gave her some Office type Einzbern Homunculus to help with the paperwork and she got a scroll containing Shadow Clones with warnings to make sure she didn't overworked herself.

Of course she doesn't know Einzbern Homunculus are artificial but she thought I made an entire new human race for my use...

Why people keep exaggerating things ?

She and Kunou also learned my real age thus Kunou started calling me Ojisan which got me depressed while cracked up Yasaka.

I just didn't want her to fall for me but it back fired now I am being called old.

Yasaka: Although I must ask why are you not using a technique to get yourself older?

Alex: That's too bothersome and I am too lazy.

I also took her to some dates but she's way too busy even with all the help, so it's going to be some time before I can add Yasaka to harem which is fine.

Once I was home I was greeted by Iris in a purple succubus outfit and Tsunade in a black Bunny girl outfit, I am 15 this year so I guess it's time to go back to the fields.


Today is a good day because Nasuverse finally have all got inside the dungeon...

Well not all of them but the portion of the humanity I need have gone in only living that's left is the animals and those who tried to keep people from entering the dungeon.

So they're all going to the star of creation to boost up the New World.

On the other hand Tohsaka family and Yukihira family have all passed and Rin just straight jumped on my 15 year old face and started kissing me after realizing who I am.

Not that I am complaining but her mother and sister are watching.

Rin: *Cough* Sorry.

Aoi and Sakura and Yukihiras decided to live with us on DxD, Rin is staying here by default but Sakura and Souma decided not to go to school and join Joichiro with their new restaurant in Kuoh.

They already attracted a lot of attention.

They grew really skilled with their chakra and stuff in the dungeon and due to timeless nature of the dungeon they didn't even age one day.


This year I am on the first year of Highschool and there's two years before the cannon.

Kuoh academy is yet to become coed so I am studying at a different school for now which I am going to transfer to Kuoh alongside Rin.

She decided to de age herself to my age courtesy of Valerie who mastered her sacred gear, so she can experience the whole School love life she read about (She denied all claims)

Also we finally made Yukihira and Tohsaka families watch the Fate series while saying it's an alternate reality.

It made Rin flustered since this stuff have already been published and she's already famous.

It gave Sakura a new resolve and we looked over the noises made by Sakura and Souma that night.

Heaven's Feel FTW.


Now at the age of 17 me and Rin are finally going to our new school, Kuoh Academy.

Although it was rather disturbing to walk to the school while people kept pointing at the two of us due to me being handsome and Rin being famous even though it has been years since the Fate series aired.

Getting to the school gates we were greeted by Sona Shitori herself due to her being vice president this year, she becomes the President of the SC in her third year I guess.

Seeing us she focused on Rin for a while, no doubt recognized her, Rias probably forced her to watch the animes.

After collecting herself she looked towards me. She started talking while writing something on her notepad.

Sona: I am assuming you two are the transfer students? I did not expect you two come together?

Rin: We live together.

*Page ripped*

Huh, Looking over to Rin I can see some kind of fire in her eyes, oh boy they gave her my list didn't they.

Sona: Sorry?

Alex: Our families live in the same house thus we live together.

Sona: Okay...

Rin: We're also a couple.

*Pencil Broken*

Sona looked up in shock as Rin just walked away. Leaving me with her.

Looking over I can see Sona judging me with her eyes but luck was on my side. So I just pointed to to now freshmen perverted trio who was looking at girls with perverted faces.

Alex: At least I am not like them.

She didn't have any choice but nod, and gave me a pamphlet about school clubs.

Alex: No chess clubs?

While she's here I might as well throw out some bait.

Sona: I really wanted to open one but it didn't have enough students to join, are you interested in chess?

Alex: Well, I play from time to time, if you're interested we can play sometimes but I need to catch up to my tsundere girlfriend.

Saying this, I got a nod from her and caught up to Rin.

Rin: I am not a tsundere!

Did she reinforced her ears to listen my conversation?

You're too scary sometimes Rin and that comes from me.


Getting to the class I was happy to end up in the same class as Sona, Akeno and by nature Rias let's just ignore her.

During our introductions many recognized Rin and many were wondering if I had a girlfriend.

They weren't thinking about Rin due to her being celebrity which elevated her rank to same as Rias.

Akeno almost jumped at me the moment she saw me only to have her dreams crushed by Rin who took my arm right after entering the class even though she was blushing like there's no tomorrow.

This didn't cause too many reactions amongst the girls they were just nodding like it's the most natural thing in the world but the male curses were near tangible.

School after nearly 100 years is going to be so much fun(Not) I still have Akasha's book on the burner I will keep reading that I guess or let's just calculate every chess move ever to beat Sona.

I don't have super fast chibis capable of running a cosmos for nothing a simple chess is nothing I can't handle.
