Issei's Bizarre Week

[I wanted to make his death from his point of view, it seemed fitting.]


(Issei POV)

I woke up drenched in sweat, that was one hell of a dream sadly it wasn't a wet dream, something about supernatural, I can't remember it, there's some bits and pieces about devils, chess and stuff.

I quickly turned off my waifu alarm and got up.

Seeing that I am completely drenched including the bed I quickly got up and threw my sheets to laundry with my PJ's I might be a pervert but my room has always been clean.

After all I don't want my mother to find my collection so I have to make sure it's clean enough that she won't do it herself.

Getting ready I went down for breakfast with my mind still on that dream I had.

I can't remember everything, something about gods, angels and devils?

It was weird but I feel like I have to remember the dream, it's like fight or flight response that I feel whenever me and the boys get caught peeking.

After eating my breakfast I got my bag and left for school with a incredulous feeling that something weird is going to happen today.

On the road I ran into the golden couple of Kuoh, Alexander Walker and Rin Tohsaka.

I am not that interested in Rin even though she's famous due to that anime since her breasts are not that big but still Alex can go to hell for having a girlfriend.

It's not like he's a pretty boy like Kiba neither but whenever I see him I have the feeling like he's living the life I always wanted.

Life of a Harem King, it's weird I know he has a girlfriend but it seems like he has more than one.

Anyway I pass them and leave them to their devices I will have my harem soon enough I don't have to watch them.

Getting to school I went to my class to meet my comrades, today we will be discussing "Big Titty Skimpy Maid Vol. 3" I am excited.

During classes my focus went to that dream once again, angels... fallen angels... devils and that sacred gear thingy.

This dream is too detailed to be a dream, not even my wet dreams are this detailed. During the lunch break I got my first look a one of the great onee samas of the school her crimson hair captivated me.

After school I learned that my comrades ditched me because I took too long getting ready. Maybe I can catch up to them if I ran.


Shaking my head I went to home but I was stopped by a cute girl with black hair and purple eyes in middle of the bridge.

She seems cute as hell but is she really talking to me?

???: Hyoudou Issei san?

Issei: Yes, how can I help?

Am I getting pranked?

???: Hello, my name is Yuuma Amano, I was watching you for a while I was wondering if you had a girlfriend?

Not gonna lie Yuuma is a really pretty, it actually baffled me that she asked if I had a girlfriend.

Issei: No, I don't have a girlfriend...

She looked really happy to hear that don't tell me...

Yuuma: I was wondering if we could go to a date this Sunday?

She really said that, Hell! I gotta calm down.

Issei: Su-r, Sure this Sunday.

Yuuma: Thank goodness!, here this is my phone number, let's talk about the details during this week.

Saying this she went to her way just when I was about to keep walking I heard a whisper.

???: She's not what she seems take another look.

Following this I felt some kind of heat in my eyes and turned towards Yuuma gain only to see her with black wings.

It was gone after blinking but, what was that voice and those wings, it almost looked like one of those fallen angels in my dream.

Shaking my head I ran, so I could catch up to my friends, they would never believe that I got a date.


"Great war... Sacred Gears... White Dragon... Red Dragon... Boosted Gear."

I woke up like yesterday but content of the dream was a bit different all I managed to remember is Boosted Gear and it looks like a red Gauntlet with green gems, I must say it looks cool.

For a second I saw it's illusion on my left arm...

I must be still woozy from that dream considering I slept late due to the new hentai game I bought that would explain this.

Getting up I got prepared once again and left for the school, today SC president is waiting at the school gates.

As I was entering I saw bat wings on her back...

???: Devil of the Sitri Clan...

That whisper again...

Sona: Are you alright Hyoudou san?

Issei: Yes, kaicho just couldn't sleep well.

Sona: Let's hope that would prevent you peeking on anyone today.

I passed her while laughing and scratching back of my head, I wouldn't have to peek if I had a girlfriend...

Wait! don't I have Yuuma... Then why bother peeking but wait I don't want her to think I am a pervert... Well I am but, first I need to give her a good date.

I entered the class with those ideas.

Today Matsuda and Motohama waited for me, so we're going home together and we ran into Yuuma, they didn't believe me but Yuuma took my arm.

God her breasts are soft...

???: Beware of the fallen, you're in danger...

That voice again.


"Boosted Gear, a sacred gear that can double the power of the user every 10 seconds, it houses the soul of Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig Y Goch."

"It has ablities of..."

Another dream, more detailed than the last but why am I keep having these dreams and why does it centered on this Boosted Gear?

Today I pass by the golden couple once more.

???: Gods walk among man, some may become your ally.

I stopped and let Alex and Rin walk past me...

This time the voice didn't sound dangerous more like warm like filled with love like how I called out to my parents, looking up I saw a illusion of a glow around Alex.

I must be getting crazy...

Should I go and see a doctor...

I have a date this Sunday doctor can wait until then.


"Boosted Gear has the ability to boost and Transfer that boosted power to others, once the prerequisites are fulfilled one can achieve Balance Breaker: Scale Mail Armor..."

"Most Boosted Gear users gotten drunk on power and unlocked the Juggernaut Drive and died using that power..."

I am pretty normal towards these dreams at this point.

I started to write down what I have learned so I can show it to my doctor after the date.

Today I ran into our school mascot Shirone.

She has the same bat wings and cat features, what is that so cute!

???: Rook of Rias Gremory...

Wait what's a rook.

???: *Sigh*

Did that voice just sighed ?


"High class devils can receive Evil Pieces based on chess and use those pieces to reincarnate other races into devils."

"Rooks for Physical power

Knights for Speed

Bishop for Magic

Queen for Mix of everything

Pawns are able to promote into anything"

I got another dream again this time it gave me the explanation on what rook is and I remembered that she showed me this before.

It's basically slavery with extra steps but hey if they got harems I am down if someone offers me the chance.

Today I didn't have time for breakfast and ran to school but bumped into someone, she has crimson black mixed hair and a body I can only say perfect but I didn't have enough time to enjoy the view since I am getting late.

Issei: Sorry for crashing!

I just apologized and kept running but I heard her call out to me.

???: Don't worry about it Ddraig.

What! She was gone once I turned back

???: Dragon God of Dreams...

After hearing that my left hand burned like something in me got agitated due to hearing that name.


"Fallen Angels, Angels of god that fell from his grace due to the sins they committed...

They founded Grigori as their faction but not all Fallens like humans..."

"Go for their wings..."

*Sigh* Today is Saturday so I finalized my date plan I think it's good, some shopping, a little stop at the cafe and a dinner at that new Restaurant Yukihira but why do I feel like I am going to my death...


Today I didn't have a dream but there seems to be an circle on the back of my left hand, I must have slept on my hand...

Anyway I got ready for my date and left the house, my parents are really excited about it, they're already talking about grand kids.

Getting to the spot we agreed on I saw a cosplayer handing out pamphlets and she gave me one as well.

???: Devil familiar.

Okay, that's not creepy at all. Looking at the pamphlet it says my wish will be granted huh the symbol looks familiar.

Yeah it's from my dream...

???: Gremory summoning circle.


I didn't have time to think because I saw Yuuma coming, so I just put the pamphlet in my pocket, I will have time think about that later.

???: Will you really?

Stop giving me the chills


During the date Yuuma was smiling near constantly but the voice in my head kept giving me warnings and I honestly started to get suspicious of her.

In the end we came to the end of our date at the park, there's sunset it's actually a perfect moment to kiss.

Yuuma was walking in front a couple steps turned to me, her eyes holding a peculiar glint.

???: I will help as I can but don't hesitate to call for help using that pamphlet.

Thanks random voice in my head.

Yuuma: Issei, can you do something for me?

Issei: Sure.

Yuuma: Can you die for me?


???: Jump!

It was as if I had guidelines that told me where to go, I followed it and dodged to the side and the pink spear like light missed me.

Yuuma: Hoho, you dodged that, I guess you're not that stupid.

Yuuma turned into a more mature version with the same black wings and stripper outfit ?

???: Fallens are weird just try to survive and get help.

Following the voice I kept dodging Yuuma's attacks using the blue guidelines at some point I noticed the blue circle on my hand, it's glowing and feels warm.

???: Follow my lead and punch that bitch.

You got that right, I will!

I don't know how but somehow I got close and sucker punched Yuuma across the park, her jaw is broken hanging at a weird angle but I am also spent.

???:Use the pamphlet and call for help, I can't help you much, your body can't take it.

I guess I should have worked out.

I felt like I can direct the warmth in me and I redirected it into the pamphlet in my pocket causing it to glow.

Yuuma: Oh no I am not letting devils get you, you're dying today with your sacred gear.

How did she talk with a broken jaw?

She send another spear but I didn't have the any strength in me enough to dodge but I managed to turn and let it graze me and I fell to the side of the pond and got a look at myself.

My eyes are filled with blue light same color as the circle on my hand.

Hearing a noise I turned back to see Rias Gremory blasting Yuuma, after that Yuuma flied away while spewing curses about bats.

The voice said Rias Senpai was a devil, it seems correct.

I feel dizzy, ahh so much blood, it seems I didn't dodge that very well

I passed out there, once I got woken up again the same voice asked me a question.

???: Hyoudou Issei my name is Alaya the will of the world, Rias Gremory wishes to reincarnate you as her Pawn do you accept?

Issei: Will I live?

???: Yes.

Issei: I accept.

Alaya: I wish you the best Hyoudou Issei the Current Red Dragon Emperor

I see now it makes sense, as I was laughing at my (mis)fortune everything went dark.
