Marriage Tournament


Issei finally became a devil, I must say Alaya's plan was nice, giving Issei warnings and how the world work and knowledge about his sacred gear.

Let's hope he won't use it to get himself killed early and the mark of Alaya will remain on his hand and Sacred Gear because Alaya made a deal with Ddraig.

I want to have his transformation to rely on the world and his own Oppai power or whatever he's going to use.

Now I have to tame Tiamat so, I will be going to her cave and beat her to submission.

Irisviel: Take care try not to kill her!

Alex: I am not promising on anything.


Getting to the Familiar forest I locked on Tiamats signature and moved to her cave, she's staying inside I can hear her TV, she seems to be watching Pawn Stars.

Of course she does.

TV: Best I can do is 500$.

Tiamat: Come on! that's authentic Mayan relic it worths at least 700$ learn how to identify treasures you bald asshole!

Somehow I don't want to meet her, anyway I knocked on her door(wall of the cave) and drew her out and of course she came out in her dragon form.

Tiamat is a giant light blue western dragon, seeing her color palette and full form I can say she has no connection to Tiamat of Nasuverse.

Tiamat: What do you want?

Alex: I am here to beat you into submission and force you to forgive Ddraig.

That got her laughing too bad she won't laugh after I am done with her.

I decided not to have her in harem so I am not even bothering to talk to her, I just need her to obey to orders like a good pet.

Tiamat: With what power? I can't sense shred of power from your pathetic frame ahaha this is so good.

Well, it's been a while since I got laughed at and it still doesn't feel good.

Sighing at her foolishness I sprung up my chains I tied her down and I even tied her mouth.

Ohh yeah that expression of shock and realization of you just pissed the wrong guy, how much I missed that expression.

Alex: We're going to play a little game little lizard, you will die and come back until you submit yourself to me, how does that sound...

Tiamat: ...*Muffled noises*

Alex: Sorry I forgotten about your inability to communicate, not that you had a freedom of choice anyway.


The beasts in the familiar forest was silent that day except there was only the screams of Tiamat the strongest being in that forest.

Even the bootleg Ash Ketchum shat himself.


Getting to home I threw the sobbing Tiamat towards Scarlett.

Alex: Make sure she knows her place.

She gave me an super serious salute then burst out laughing then left with sobbing Tiamat.

Alex: Now let's get ready for school.


I wasn't going to bother with the fallens since the devils can handle it but this fedora dude decided that Rin is a threat and must be eliminated.

I don't even know how he managed to sense her power.

Rin's blushing she must've done something.

Rin: I got scared because of some ugly stray and killed it with fire... like a giant pillar of fire, he must've sensed that.

Alex: You handle him then but don't kill him, we shouldn't be known until the holy sword arc.

Fedora Dude: Hey don't ignore me pitiful humans!

"Finn Shot!"

Rin: He's incapacitated now what?

Alex: I will tinker with his memories using Kotoamatsukami he won't even realize.

After dealing with the dude I didn't even bother remembering his name we went home.

Later I would learn that Issei managed to kill him due to Finn Shot turning the fallen very weak.


Currently I am looking at Alaya who kept fidgeting, she looks like she did something bad.

Alex: What did you do?

Alaya: I put Sairaorg in Berserker class but he also qualified as Ruler class so he got that double class stuff.

Alex: What was your reason for it.

Alaya: He sometimes forgoes his own health to keep fighting, there was even one time he kept fighting after he passed out but he also has a peerage so he can call them like Jason's NP if he becomes a ruler.

Thinking about it, it does make sense well he's going to be double summon like Semiramis then.

Alex: Then why are you fidgeting like you did something bad?

Alaya stopped, turned around and ran...

Getting to the kitchen I see that she finished the cookies...



During the whole duration of the Asia becoming a devil and Raiser being an asshole I was at Ireland due to some urgent business.

I left a wood clone in my place, now what kind of urgency you can have one might ask and I will show you just this.

[Scathach marriage battle tournament]


And she didn't even warn me before designing a month long tournament for her hand in marriage she just send a invitation.

Like, what the hell women.

Anyway so here I am in my adult image on a fucking line to battle registration so I can marry Scathach.

Wasn't she in love with me ?

Did I got the wrong signals, let's hope not.

If not then why bother with such unneeded stuff.

Wait, did she make this because she knew I would win in a public fight and she wanted to be married in public so people would let her go.

Now that sounds like Scathach alright, shooting many birds with one spear.

To have extra fun I pulled out Gea Bolg prototype that I copied from Gilgamesh.

I am going to use this in battle, now I just need a black jumpsuit like Scathach's with Counter Force logo and we're golden.

Fun fact: Scathach's jumpsuits match hers and her students hair colors like Cu Chulainn had blue jumpsuit and she has one matching her hair.


Line took me an entire day and that was just to register.

There are gods everywhere, make no mistake there are only gods here, no devils no fallens no mortals just gods.

I even saw Olympus trio, just how popular did she get?

Anyway I finally gotten my number and arena number, due to large number of gods attending there's no news coverage since they didn't want to lose face in live.

The fighting itself is taking place in land of shadows and this place is dreary but it has a sky instead of the look of Dimensional Gap.

My flights were rather tame at first, you know no name forgotten gods and goddesses... Yes she got the attention of both genders.

I saw Nyx going around beating people talking about owning Scathach...

She's already on kill list there's no reason to get mad but the fights have become redundant since no one knows me they decide to fight unlike known gods who got free wins due to people giving up.

I only got my attention back after I accidentally humiliated Apollo...

Yeah... He's not sitting anytime soon and now I know how does it look to have Gae Bolg up your ass and it's not nice.


While the main body was dealing with marriage problems me the wood clone is currently in SCR and I am playing chess with Sona while ignoring Saji's venomous gaze.

That dude has problems alright, you might love your king but showing hostility towards a dude with a girlfriend is not cool.

Well, I am gunning for Sona as well but he doesn't know that, so why the hate bro.

Sona: Another defeat...

She looks haggard at this point I have been strategically beating her while keeping her hopes up.

Alex: Well, I told you that day I learned your patterns, there's no way you're going to beat me now.

That did the trick and now she has a renewed fire in her eyes.

Sona: One more match.

Alex: Sorry gotta go home.

Sona: Has it been that long?

Alex: Yes, we're ordering from Yukihira's today there's no way I am missing dinner.

Sona: Don't they live in your house as well?

Got her!

Alex: And how did you know that?

She froze started stuttering and finally came up with an answer.

Sona: I saw Rin's sister working there once I just assumed it that way.

I just hummed as I left my ears picked up her girlish scream and Tsubaki's scolding.

Life is good.


Currently I am facing Odin who's reading his spear and Rossweisse is watching from the side with a blank look.

Alex: Aren't you a bit too old for this old man.

Odin: Hahaha I see that the youngsters are getting arrogant with each year.

Can I drag him down in a bet and get Rossweisse on the side ?

She looks like she gave up on life already.

Alex: Why don't we make this more fun old man?

Odin: What do you have in mind?

In return I drew Balmung causing him to straighten his back and pay attention even Rossweisse has her eyes on the sword.

Odin: That's not the demonic version, Alright kid you got my attention.

Alex: If I lose I will give this sword to Asgard but If you lose I will take your secretary.

Realization dawned upon them and both had different reactions Odin just laughed like he got the best present in his life and Rossweisse had horror on her face because her chief god may just use her in a bet.

Odin: I don't see myself losing kid get ready to lose.

Nodding at him I moved like a tiger which means nothing in supernatural world and we clashed our spears.

Odin: Hooh, I didn't think your spear was good but it matched my Gungir good going.

Alex: Well it was made by Scathach herself.

Hearing this Odin's eyes widened in surprise and looked at the spear once more after a bit of recognition, he disengaged and kept attacking in quick strikes, he knows what this spear is capable of, if he gives me time to breathe he could even die here, so he kept attacking while sending Ansuz runes my way.

It looked like I was on the losing side, it gave hope to Rossweisse since she didn't want to be given away in a bet but I had to break her hopes.

After some time I used a minor Genjutsu to make him miss his attack then I got close to trip his feet and I used Izanagi to reappear on the other side of the arena ready to throw my spear.

Alex: Gae Bo...

Odin: I give! damn kid you tricked me.

I lowered my spear while Odin went to frantic Rossweisse and told something to calm her down.

Odin: She will follow you, *sigh* I missed those god slayer tits and Balmung.

He really looks like an pitiful old men now, I know he's playing but I will give him Balmung not like I can't make more.

Alex: Here not like I am using a sword.

That surprised Rossweisse but Odin had a knowing smile no doubt he knew that I saw through him

Odin: So kid who are you, it's not every day you meet someone that can beat a chief god.

Alex: Counter Force Representative.

I love the lighting that went through his single eye.

Odin: I see, take care of this little Rose she's useless but she has good "personality" if you know what I mean.

Rossweisse didn't get the innuendo, she had a bright smile on her face while she looked at Odin even though she just got given away thanks to him.

I just gave her a pendant for teleporting home and send her home then left.

I have a wife to win.


Somehow I found myself in a deadlock with Nyx, Poseidon, Zeus and some poor gods that I don't know that's going to fight Nyx, Hades gave up after he got matched with Nyx and now I am facing Poseidon. I will face Zeus after this.

Other Primordial gods, Hindu gods and ect. didn't bother coming here the oldest being here is Nyx who's currently having a orgasm just by looking at Scathach.

Poseidon will probably going try to wear me down so, Zeus or Nyx could beat me but unfortunately I am not that weak.

Poseidon: You have done well coming this far stranger but this is where you stop.

For this match I used lightning release on my spear making Poseidon flinch at the sight, as the God of Sea he's bad with Lightning but he didn't waver thinking it doesn't match Zeus.

How naive taking a page out of Sasuke's book I occasionally used Fire Release to gather clouds during the fight.

Zeus was able to realize what am I doing but he wasn't fast enough to warn his brother.

Seeing the clouds gather I jumped straight into them and clad my spear with the natural lightning and used Gae Bolg's ability.

"Gae Bolg: Kirin Lightning!"

Giant red thunder struck Poseidon right im to his heart and threw him out the arena the only thing that came back from the rubble was my spear while Poseidon lived thanks to putting his trident above his heart.

His trident didn't survive... Thankfully we're having these fights in realm of shadows where there's an atmosphere, if we were in dimensional gap it would have been pain in the ass to make that move.

The whole arena engulfed in silence with the occasional lightning that's spewing out of Zeus.


Now, I am facing Zeus and he can't do jack shit because my jumpsuit has god tier insulation. Rubber>Electricity

He's getting frustrated and wherever he tries to fight me close combat I just teleport to the other side.


I stopped and let my spear go, breathe in and out.

I got in the perfect form for punching seeing me like this Zeus grinned and came at me only to find himself in 50 m inside a mountain due to the punch he just ate.

He probably passed out since he didn't came out.


Well now we have Nyx.

Nyx: My, my why don't you give up and come to my harem boy. I will let you play with that girl as well.

Alex: I am afraid I must refuse.

She just clicked her tongue and engulfed the arena with darkness.

Nyx: I wonder how will you win like this you can't even see your own hands.

In return I put on my Bane mask... and moved closer to her as I delivered my speech.

Alex: Kukuku you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man but by then it was nothing to me but blinding!

"Konohagakure Hiden Secret Taijutsu Technique: One Thousand Years of Death"

Nyx: ~Ahh.

And she's out and due to darkness no one saw the secret move.

I got Scathach's hand in marriage, other gods only know that I am from Counter Force.

I see this is an absolute win, I took Scathach's hand and noped out of there before Nyx turned critical.


After coming home Scathach kissed me and threw me in her bedroom.

Scathach: Thank you for wining and lose those clothes now!

It's time for her to officially join the harem.
