Grand Saber Makes An Entrance


I woke up to muffled screams of Rossweisse and got myself out of hands of the octopus named Scathach, who knew she slept like that.

Getting to the living room I can see that Rossweisse is bound in a chair and she has a gag ball left over from Scarlett in her mouth.

Seeing me her eyes filled with hope and drew the attention of the girls.

Alex: Just don't kill her she's on the list.

They nodded and Rossweisse lost her last shred of hope.

Ignoring her cries for help I moved to the kitchen where I met with my wood clone and popped him to get back my memories.

It looks like events transpired the same with the difference of Issei sacrificing his bone marrows to Ddraig due to Alaya's suggestion.

Now his bone marrows are producing Dragon Blood and refining his body, increasing his talent.

Alaya had to intervene to make sure he still looked like human afterwards but it's a success now he's going to get stronger much faster.

After I sifted through my memories I sat down next to still half asleep Rin.

Alex: Morning.

Rin: Morning.

*Rossweisse SOS screams*

Rin: Are you sure that's normal?

Alex: She probably tired to send info to Odin, otherwise they wouldn't have bounded her.

Rin nodded and kept eating her breakfast she's too sleepy to make sense of what's happening to the poor Valkyrie.


Now that Asia is here, able to pray and they gone through the Raiser Arc, it's time for the Holy swords and Counter Force's public show.

I am rather excited even though I just came back from a month long tournament.

I will milk this event by using an OST and summoning circles and chants to make it look cool.


Getting to the school we managed to ran into the exorcist trio ?

Huh, I guess there was some changes on the churchs side, now they have Tosca with them Kiba's friend that we saved.

I hope he won't explode on Xenovia this time around and with Asia being able to wear that cross and pray they shouldn't have a reason to fight after all she would get punished by "God" if a devil prays, so her being able to pray must mean she's still fine in "God's eye"

Let's hope that muscle head Xenovia can come to the same conclusion as me.


Rin decided to tag along this time around since I will be exposing myself to the devils.

We toured the town and got rid of the fallens so Kokabiel can't summon reinforcements and I covered Azazel's mansion with toilet paper for shits and giggles.

By the time we were done they were already fighting Kokabiel.

Sighing we teleported in front of Sona and scared the shit out of her.

I directly used my Chains to lock the entire area and created a barrier that would hold any type of attack.

In the end I even made a Kanji for "Barrier" with my chains since I am "Representing" Shinto Faction.

Sona: Alex! Rin! What is going on?

I just showed her the badge that Yasaka gave me that represents my authority in Kuoh which she recognized it right away and pulled herself together.

Alex: I got the barrier just go help Rias and Rin let them have the fighting experience don't intervene unless they're in mortal danger.

Rin: Fine...

Sona and her peerage was in shock but they didn't have time to think and went into the fight while I got ready to summon Grand Saber.

His sword is on the line, he can fix it.

Now which OST should I use...


(Sona POV)

I just learned that the boy who defeated me in chess is the Shinto Factions watcher, that means I can finally ask him *Shakes head*

Now is not the time, he's holding the barrier and it's even more powerful than we could come up with and he didn't even looked bothered while making it.

He must be stronger than any of us and I was thinking about turning him into devil would he even accept...

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Rin one of my bests friends over the past year and his girlfriend.

Rin: You'll die if you're distracted!

She's right, I pulled myself together and focused in front of myself.

I can see that Hyoudou is charging his boosts, Akeno, Rias and Shirone fighting several Cerberus dogs.

On the other side Xenovia, Tosca and Kiba fighting against Freed who has the merged Excalibur.

Asia is healing them periodically and Kokabiel is inspecting the barrier with a serious expression that leaks a bit of desire to fight.

Seeing that Rias's side needs help I went there while my servants went to protect Asia.

Rias: What happened who's barrier is this? and why is Rin here.

I talk to Rias while using my water magic.


Sona: That explains I think.

Rias seems out of focus that Gandr was in the anime we watched, now even I am wondering how much of that was real.

Sona: She won't help us right now Alex told her to let us fight and gain experience.

Rias: What! if they can beat Kokabiel they should, rather than making us fight him!

I was thinking of the same thing until I heard a music playing on the background.

(OST- Back to Zero)

Rias: Isn't that song is from the time they* Blast of magic* summoned servants in Fate Zero.

Rin: I am flattered by your devotion to anime but you'll die if you don't give yourself to fight.

Hearing this Rias got herself fired up due to getting talked back while I noticed that there's a circle that's drawing itself on the ground.

Am I hearing chanting ?

He's not going to summon a servant right ?

Seeing the circle Kokabiel grinned.

Kokabiel: Hahaha it seems what they said about Counter Force was true let's see what it's going to throw in my way to war.

Finally the circle is completed and it summoned a servant, after the smoke dissipated there stood a blonde handsome knight with emerald eyes, he wore a blue silver armor and held the strongest holy sword I ever saw.

Grand Saber: Grand Saber Arthur Pendragon, here to stop you fallen angel.

Time stopped as he drew his sword, the sword in Freed's hand flew right towards back to it's original owner and merged with his current sword and released even more holy energy that somehow didn't hurt us.

Looking at my hands I can see that we, devils are covered in a blue hue that protects us from the holy damage.

Kokabiel: Hahaha I never thought Counter Force could summon the dead but there must be some restrictions to it, well whatever let's fight Arthur Pendragon!

Arthur: Your father warned me about you but it seems you're just like he said.

Kokabiel: Lies! Father died in the great war!

I have a feeling we just learned something we shouldn't... I can see Asia and the church exorcist collapsing on the background.

Arthur: Well, he might not be alive but he's still watching.

Kokabiel is furious at this point due to some reason we can't understand and just attacked Arthur, seeing their fight we just retreated towards Rin hoping to find some answers since we finished killing the dogs.

Rias: Rin! What's going on is what they said about the god is true?

Rin: Don't ask me I wasn't here by that time!

While we were watching the fight Alex came to our side.

Alex: God is dead get over it. Ah you guys are injured and Asia is unconscious.

He snapped his finger opening a blue hole in the sky and from there a blonde women with red eyes like Gasper emerged.

Alex: Valerie I know you're not much of a healer but can you heal them.

The woman named Valerie nodded and manifested a cup.

The Sephiroth Graal a Longinus and produced some white liquid that healed our wounds.

Alex: Why don't you hang around Valerie, Gasper should be Rias's bishop maybe she'll let you see her.

Hearing Gasper's name the women and Rias both gasped then looked each other and nodded.

It seems Gasper will be reunited with his childhood friend?

Looking over to the fight we can see that Kiba incapacitated Freed and now Freed is covered by the same golden chains Alex made.

On the other hand Arthur Pendragon is still fighting Kokabiel.

I look over to Alex he seems different than before...


(Back To MC)

Arthur is having fun battling Kokabiel, he always gets slapped by Artoria so I guess he's blowing off steam

He's also using all of the abilities of the Excalibur the blue glow he put on devils are from Excalibur Blessing.

Kokabiel: That sword looks more powerful than the time father forged it!

Arthur doesn't answer he turned the sword into ball chain and used destruction power in the ball side and used nightmare power to make illusions around it and made the real one go invisible with transparency to confuse Kokabiel.

He's already using rapidly at all times.

Not being able to determine which ball of death is the real one Kokabiel's wings got crushed under the power of the Excalibur.

He might not have sword beams but using all these ablities together makes it up.

When Kokabiel was about to rise Arthur just raised his sword causing it to have a golden glimmer that radiated like waves, looking closer I can see that those waves contain his willpower...

He used the Rule ability like Conqueror's Haki!

Seeing that Arthur is about to kill Kokabiel I intervened by stopping his blade with my fingers...

Gotta look cool right? I can hear Kiba having an orgasm looking at the sight of the blade.

Alex: That's enough Saber.

Arthur: Yes my lord.

He bowed and I nodded then he left after separating his NP with the Excalibur pieces.

Kokabiel: So you're the leader. Tell me what happened to father.

I replied to him as my chains wrapped around him sealing him for good.

Alex: Sorry, that's classified information.

I am just messing with him.

After he and Freed was chained up I threw them towards the sneaky Vali, who was heavy breathing, did he get aroused by the fight?

Alex: Two delivery to Grigori!

He came up to catch them.

Vali: Appreciated.

When he was about to leave Ddraig called out to him which I ignored the two dragons rambling and went to little Shirone, today is the day of surprises.

I might as well present myself to my little sister in law.

Shirone looked distraught over what to do, on one side I am her senpai on the other side I just stopped the strongest holy sword user and send him back to his place.

Even Rias held her breath as she watched me approach Shirone.

Alex: Hello, there Shirone sorry for not telling you before but nice to meet you I am your brother in law.

I heard Sona's glasses break and Shirone let out a cute Nya? like her sister before she exploded.

Shirone: NYA!?

On the side I can see Sona shaking Rin like her life depends on it.

Sona: What does that mean Rin! talk to me I need answers!

Rin: He has like 10-11 women at this point and his harem keeps getting larger he got a Valkyrie last time I checked but she's not in the harem yet.

Shirone: Wait, you're the boy that my onee sama kept talking about?

Alex: Ohh what did she say?

At my inquiry she went red and refused to speak, I just patted her head and ignored the curses Issei kept raining on me and moved towards Rin.

Alex: So, our job is done we should be on our way.

Rin: Right, Sakura's cooking tonight! I am not missing that.

Rias: Wait you're going to leave the repairs to us?

Looking over indeed Arthur wrecked the school pretty bad. I snapped my finger and fixed the school.


Alex: Here good as new, now if you would I need to check up on my little Valkyrie let's hope other girls didn't bully her too much.


Getting to home Rin burst out laughing while ignoring the still bound Rossweisse.

Rin: Hahaha did you saw their faces hahaha it was brilliant! by the way are you sure it was the right thing to leave Valerie there?

Alex: Valerie is too strong for them to turn into devil and indeed it was funny but we're going to have one hell of a open house day at school.

That shut her up right away and got her thinking she's already biting her nails, I bet she's thinking about Ace and Aoi coming to record her.

Rin: Noooo! I won't allow it!


Leaving Rin to her own devices I got to see what happened to Rossweisse. She looks fine except she's still screaming.

Not that she's being tortured, just the act of being tied is enough to scare her.

Alex: Rossweisse, now I am going to remove the ball gag please stop screaming and let's talk.

She nodded and I got the gag out of her mouth.

Rossweisse: Why did those women tie me up?

Alex: You probably tried to contact Asgard now we can't have that otherwise I would have to end them like I ended Vampires.

Ignoring her shock I continued.

Alex: You see the counter force is the protection mechanism of the world against those who's trying to destroy it but we're not ready to announce our base.

Rossweisse: Then why did you get me here?

Alex: You looked cute and I wanted to go on a date that somehow turned into winning you in a bet.

She went red due to being called cute and started muttering something in hushed voice, I removed her bindings and just when she was about to get up I pushed her through the portal I made and sent her to Avalon.

There's a Wooden Clone of me is waiting to explain stuff and make sure she's on my side.

Alex: Did I somehow become sadistic ever since coming here?

Not that it matters, let's join the girls last time I checked they were bathing.
