Yaatra Parvat

Caith's father made them mediate for what seemed like years. The dark smoke that seemed to be spewing from Caith's lips subsided as they sat.

As the sun moved in the sky Sionna's body began to ache from sitting. No matter how she adjusted her bones ached and her eye lids became heavy. She stifled a yawn. And his voice though soft was deep and seemed to vibrate her bones.

"You sleep like a human, it's not good for a magical being like yourself to sleep like a mortal." Yaatra said as the sun fell bellow the mountains casting brilliant colors through the clouds.

She glanced at Caith who's eyes were closed and his face as still as glassy water.

She wasn't sure if she was mediating but she was completely lost staring at the sight before her. And when the sun finally hid behind the jagged mountain cliffs she heard Yaatra stir.

"It is time for you to learn air magic." Yaatra said breaking the silence with his usual soft rumble. Silently he rose from his place like a giant shadow.

"Come" he said heading up the mountain again.

She quickly followed after him stumbling over the rocky ground cutting open her bare feet on the sharp jagged rocks. Eventually her eyes adjusted to the growing darkness and her footing became more sure.

"Look at the sky above you." Sionna lifted her head looking at the stars playing across the night sky.

The rocks felt like ice against her bare feet and the wind cut through her dress. She let out a shiver as she continued to examine the brilliant lights above her.

"Magic is about harnessing the energy around you. It is most powerful in places like this where nature is allowed to be free." Then suddenly the wind stopped and she looked around. The air around her was warped so that she could see an transparent barrier between them and the air around them.

"Air magic is what most people learn first because it is all around them. However they are rarely able to master it because they are not able to understand it."

"They know it as something that sits around them, something that smells of smoke and dust. They don't know it as an unstoppable force." As the last words left his lips the bubble burst and the wind roared around her knocking her to her feet. Desperate she clung to a boulder as her hair was pulled so violently she feared it would rip out of her scalp.

"It can kill." The wind ceased abruptly and the bubbles formed around them again. She tried to return her breathing to normal but with each breath her lungs screamed. She looked up at Yaatra who had his eyes closed and palms out in front of him.

'Is he trying to murder me?' She thought unable to speak.

"It gives life." His voice shook her body and air entered her lungs. She gasped and coughed.

"Every element of magic has the ability to bring life or to bring death. It is your job to use it for good. To keep balance."

"As you grow older and see more of the world you will notice they usually use magic for retrieving things, repealing things, casting barriers and using air to attack others. These are things I will not teach you. I will teach you air magic and you can to do with it as you please."

He then sat cross legged in front of her and held out his hand. Cautiously she placed her hand in his.

She could feel something between their hands.

Curiously she glanced but could not see anything.

"Don't look with your eyes child, look with you heart."

Sionna closed her eyes and felt the air between their hands. For the first time she was aware of the air around her. When Yaatra removed his hand she could still feel it in her palm. Not as something she could move through but something she could move. She took her other hand and began moving the air between her fingers packing it into a small cypher.

Then taking it between her hands she blew into it and it expanded finally she opened her eyes to look at what she had done and it quickly withered away. Reclaimed by the air around her.

"You must learn to rely less on thought." Try again.