jimin lust lsland ff chapter 1

Going through the multiple tabs on her

computer, Y/n's eyes scatter across the

screen as she sighed frustratedly.

Continuously typing away on the keyboard,

getting her work done.

The sun shined brightly through the tall

windows, almost blinding to Y/n's heavy

eyes about to close any minute by now. Due

to the sleepless nights she's been having,

endless work she was given.

All her coworkers and everyone else who

worked in the same company as her always

knew how much of a hard worker she is.

Consistently on top of everything,

gets all work done on time on matter how

big their

business was. she was organised and clever

with many genius ideas.

But that was only the side of her she wanted

to show everyone, they never really knew

her behind closed doors. Because she was

constantly putting on a mask. Faking out

a smile, even when she was never happy,

and never truly organised with her personal


There was just a touch of calmnes

lingering onto her, struggling to

keep her sane. She was in need for some

serenity in her life, maybe even a holiday.

Brushing off all the worries and concerns

off her shoulders, she decided to just let it

go and let her mind concentrate instead of

getting worked up over things. Trying to get

onto the right mindset.

She closed some of the tabs she didn't need

anymore and begun working on a doc she

needed to finish. Her fingers tapping

guickly as her eyes scan left to right.

Out of nowhere, a figure walks into her

peripheral vision, sluming down onto the

chair from across her. Sighing heavily as

she could recognise that voice in an instant.

She could sense the man right front of

her starting deeply into her eyes like was

trying to read her or something, her eyes

remained fixated on the computer screen.

knowing he would most likely just bug her,

she ignored him without getting bothered.

Continuously typing away as he eventually

opened his mouth.


"Hey Y/n, I swear last time I saw you, you

were at your desk working on your computer."


"That was literally eight hours ago and

you're still guestioned excessively, leaning

into the table in front of him.


"Look Hoseok, there's no need to worry

about me ok? I'm fine, sometimes I don't

need breaks." She replied politely, her eyes

still not pulling away from her screen as she

was too focused.


"Are you sure? I'm pretty certain Boss

won't mind."


"I'm positively sure Hoseok. Focus on

yourself." She assured him, flashing him a

guick grin before going back to working.


"Ok, well, I just wanted to let you know

about this...mysterious island that's

suddenly became popular out of nowhere."


"Apparently a lot of people are going there

for their holidays and whatnot, thought I

might've mentioned it to you." Y/n looked

up at him, interested in this topic.


"I mean...you just seemed like you could

use a vacation right now." He leaned back

in his chair, struggling if whether or not

she'll considered it.


"Tell me more about it."


"It's a very magical place some say." She

lets out a snicker, wrapping up the few work

she's done.


"Ok, so what's this mystical island called?"


"Lust island."


"Let's just say, it's not family friendly."


"Lust island..?" She knits her brows

together, shutting her computer down as she

stared back at him in pure disbelief.


"Who knows? All l've heard is that people

who go there definitely get the pleasure they

desire for-"


"Ok. I think I get it." She cuts him off

before he could go any further about this

"lust island" which definitely screams

trouble to her.


"Well..what do you think?"


"Umm, I think I'll pass." she smiled

assuredly up her belongings inside of her



"Oh come on, really Don't be so boring."


"Ok..and you're really getting annoying



"I just don't want you to miss out."


"What are you on about? Are you going

there yourself or something?"


"And you want me to go with you?"


"Well.....technically....yeah..." he looked to

the side, swinging back in his chair while Y/n

picked her purse up in her hand. About to



"I don't have the time." She used an excuse,

desperately not wanting to go some secret

island she knows nothing about...and with


They're not even close.


"Alright then, it's your decision anyways.


"Yes it is and I hope you can respect it." She

crossed her arms over her chest, looking

down on him as he signed dramtically,

dragging his attention towards the computer

in front of him.


"Fine Ms Sass, see you later."

She rolled her eyes at the sudden nickname

he gave her, eventually leaving the office.

striding down the hall followed by the taps

of her heels.

Making her way through the guiet lobby,

she soon feels her phone vibrate in her purse,

remembering she had put it on silent

because of meetings she was occupied with

earlier this day.

Her hand dug into her purse and grabbed the

phone out, answering the call without even

seeing who the caller was, putting it up to her



"Hello?" She asked, fixing the strap of her

purse back onto her shoulder as she

continue walking.


"Y/n! Oh my god, my god, guess what!"


"Oh, Nova, haha what is it?" A grin is

automatically spread across her face,

hearing that familiar voice.


"We are going on a vacation!! No buts

because I've already booked us into a

luxurious hotel!"


"Wait what?" She stops in her tracks,

tightening her grip on the phone between

her fingers.


"I expected a totally different reaction from

you. Come on Be excited! You're finally

going on a break!"


"Nova why do you have to do these things

behind my back?" She grumbled at her best

friend, looking around the lobby as she stood



"It 'll be fun trust me! All our friends are

going too!"


"W-wait a second... where exactly is the

location of this vacation you've already

booked for us..?"


"Lust island! Oooh just that name itself gets

me excited."


"Nova!" She complained at her friend,

rubbing her temples worriedly.


"What?! Y/n, you've been dying to have a

break from work! You complain about it

everyday to me!"


"Yeah, but not doing work doesn't mean

having to go out to some island. Besides, I

just...don't like the ocean...and you know that."


"please Y/n, I'm your best friend, you can

trust me on this."


"We are going to have so much fun..and

who knows, Maybe you'll even find

yourself a boyfriend." She giggled.


"I don't need a boyfriend."


"I'm coming over to your apartment tonight

to tell you all about it ok?"


"Ok fine, see you later."


"Byeeee babe!!" She exaggerated from the

other line, Y/n hung up on her.

"Oh gosh...lust island....is this crap like

love island? Cause my introverted self could


"I just hope the actual place itself ain't as

bad as it's name.

time skip


"Ok...I will admit, it does look pretty

awesome." Her eyes stuck on the ipad's

screen Nova was holding, showing pictures

of the island they'll be visiting.