bts You belong to us ff chapter 1

~Y/N pov~

I don't know where I was running, it's raining

heavily and I'm running bare foot while fully

soaked in rainwater.

Suddenly I froze at my place as I saw what is

standing in front of me.

A w-wolf.

He look at me and growl loudly... I try to step

back but my feet were deceiving me like they

were stick to the ground.

Behind the Wolf I see 6 pair of dangerous

eyes staring at me... 6 other wolves came out

behind the first wolf.

My heart dropped in my stomach and tears

were already falling mixing with the rain water.

The Wolf growl again and Jump on me.


I wake up from my dream sweating badly... I

look around and find myself on my bed... I

wipe off my sweat from forehead and sighed


Y/N: "Again those 7 wolves... I don't know why

I always saw these wolf in my dream...


I again signed and got up and went to the

bathroom getting ready for my college... I take

a guick shower and Wear my outfit.

I went out and headed to my college.

While walking let me tell you guys something

about myself... I'm Y/N, 21 years old... And I'm

an orphan child. I

don't know how my parents died but I'm still

very lucky that I have a best friend Myojin...

she is like a sister to

don't know why but her over protective mode

got ON..

haha. That's enough Let's get back to story...

While I was walking, I feel like someone is

watching me but when I look around there

was no one. So I shrug it and continue to


~??? POV~

???7: "Hyung do you think she will be fine...I

mean what if she freaked out."

???4: "Don't worry she won't."

???5: And remember she belong to us... only


We stare at her until she disappear... I just


???6: "Finally we found her after all these


I look at him and smile... we then headed to

the same college... I can't wait to see her...

~Y/N pov~

As I reach there... I saw myojin at the entrance

probably waiting for me... I went to her and

greet her.

Y/N: "Good morning Myojin-ah."

Myojin: "Ah good morning darling... Did you

heard the news about new transfer students?!

Y/N: "No!! I didn't...Are they boys?!.."

Myojin: "Maybe."

She shrug her shoulder then we went to our

first class.

We sat down and waited for the teacher to

come... After 5 minutes the teacher came with

7 boys who was handsome AF...

Every girl including me gasp except Myojin...

She scoff and roll her eyes...They have tattoos

on their hands and neck...

A boy who was most handsome look around

the class

until his eyes landed on mine... our eyes met

and he smirk but I guickly look away...

Teacher: "Boys Introduce yourself."

???1: "Hi my name is Jin I'm worldwide


???2: Hi I'm suga Don't mess with me if you

don't wanna die."

???3: I'm J-hope."

???5: "Jimin."

???6: "I'm Taehyung but call me V."

???7: "I'm jeon jungkook."

All the girls were drooling and screaming their

name but they were just starting at me... you

know it's really uncomfortable.

Teacher: "Okay guite and boys go sit behind

Y/N and Myojin."

They come towards us while smirking widely

... All the girls were sending death glare to us..

But we just shrug it off.

They sit behind us. The one who was staring

at me before spoke with his deep voice.

Tae: "Hey babygirl."

His voice was deeper than the ocean... He

smirk licking his lips seductively.

Myojin death glare at him and pull me closer

towards her

wrapping her arms around me... But I just

rolled my eyes at all of them.

~1 week later~

It's been one week since BTS moved here...

They told me about themselves like they live

together as a brother and their parents live far

away from here.

We became really close except Myojin... She

behave really cold to them... She think they're

playboys because all the girls are throwing

themselves to them but they seems very


I came back to reality as I feel someone

shaking me... I look beside me and saw

myojin with worried look.

Y/N: "W-What?!.."

Myojin: "Oh my God I thought you died like


She laugh loudly and I pout.

Classes ends and we both went outside but I

stop as I heard my name being called... I turn

around and saw BTS.

Myojin gave me "WTF" look but I ignore her

and look at them.

Y/N: "Sup guys!!.."

RM: "Today we are free... so we were thinking

umm will you guys hangout.... with us?!..."

I smile with excitement and nodded.

Y/N: "Yeah sure!.."

Myojin: "No I can't!! I have some business to


I look at her disbelief... she then walk away

from us. *weird*

jin: "So Y/N Are you coming?!.."

Y/N: "Umm sure I will."

Jimin: "Okay then we will pick you at 6."

Y/N: "Okay bye."

I wave at them and went home.

~Time skip~

I got ready and Wear this-

I went out and saw a car...they wave at me

and I giggle at their cuteness... I went to the

car and sit between yoongi and jungkook.

~Meanwhile Myojin pov~

I directly went to the house and change my

clothes and went to the strip club.

I drank until I feel dizzy... my head was

spinning but I didn't care at all... I feel

someone sit beside me.

I look up and saw a stripper... she smirk and

came closer to my ear.

Stripper: "Want me to release your stress."

She whisper seductively... Her voice was

smooth just like my love... Yeah my love. I'm


My mind went black... I guickly grab her hand

leading her

to one of the room... I lock the door and push

her on the bed.

I started kissing her roughly... I was imagining

her and did

everything to her...My love

My Y/N..

Yes She is my love... I fell for her from the day

I first saw her... she's the most beautiful girl

for me in this world....

I spend the whole night with this girl

imagining Y/N in my arms.

~Next Day~ (Y/N pov)

I was waiting for Myojin... Yesterday was so

much fun

with them... I smile thinking about it but


???: "BOOO!!.."

Y/N: "AHH!!.."

I turn around and saw Jimin laughing so hard

I glare at him and smack his head.

Jimin: "Ouch so mean."

He pout like a baby and I laugh at him... I look

around and saw Myojin.

Y/N: "Myojin-ah Good morning."

Myojin: "Good morning."

Jimin: "Good morning."

She ignore him and look at me.

Myojin: "Y/N you Go I'm coming."

I nodded and went to class with Jimin... I don't

know why but she behave weirdly.

~Myojin pov~

I arrive and saw Y/N and Jimin laughing

together... my

heart hurt seeing them so close to her but I

can't do anything...

I was going to go back but I heard her voice

calling me...I

sighed and went to her.

Myojin: "Y/N you Go I'm coming."

She nodded and went away with Jimin... I

went to the girl's restroom and look at myself.

Myojin: "So pathetic."

I chuckle while my face was mess because of

tears... I can't take this pain anymore and

know she is not mine.

I took out my blade and place it at my wrist... I

again look at my reflection..

Myojin: "FORGIVE me Y/N... I love you so

much love."

I push the blade deeper in my skin... blood

were coming out but I didn't look and

suddenly I fall into the darkness.

~Y/N pov

I was chatting with BTS... I again look at the

door but Myojin didn't come yet... suddenly

the door burst open

revealing a girl... she runs to me while panting



Y/N: "What happened?!."

I immediately stand up forgetting about the

stares... I run out the class following the girl..

Every teachers and principal were gathered

outside the restroom.. I start to panic and

push everyone.

My eyes widen in shock... my world broke

apart seeing Myojin's lifeless body with blood

in front of me... I run to her and hug her body

crying my heart out.



I feel someone back hug me... I look back and

saw J-hope hugging me.

J-hope: "It's okay Y/N we're here please don't


His eyes were fill with tears but he control


The Principal came and tell us to go out...

Taehyung came to me and carry me to the


1 month later~

It's been one month but I can't forget her... I

always cry at night but one thing is I don't

have those nightmares anymore... it's been

more than one month since I sleep peacefully.

And now I'm at BTS house... they wanted to

tell me something very important...

Y/N: "So what do you guys wanna tell me?!.."

I ask curiously thinking what they wanna tell


RM: "But promise you won't be scared."

I nodded and they all look at each other and

nodded... Jin

came closer to me and hold both of my hands

Jin: "Princess W-We like you."

Jungkook: "NO.....WE LOVE YOU."

Jungkook shouted making me flinch but elder

glare at him and he guickly shut down.

My mind went somewhere else and I couldn't

process anything... Seven boys like I mean

love me?

Suga: "One more thing but please don't freak


I look at him with narrowing eyes... he signed

and continue.

Suga: "We are werewolves."

I couldn't take it anymore... I Laugh very loud

and they all look at me confuse.

Y/N: "Okay so you wanted to make me laugh."

But then I stop laughing as I saw their dead

serious face.

Y/N: "W-What?! Seriously I mean real wolf."

I ask them with my mouth wide open.

Suddenly taehyung stand up and back away...

He Jump and suddenly turn into a wolf.

Y/N: "Ahhh!!!!."

I suddenly black out.

{BTS pov}

Taehyung suddenly turn into wolf and Y/N

scream... we

look at her and she pass out... we all look at

taehyung and he just laugh nervously.

V: "Hehe I'm sorry."

Jimin: "WTF Tae she don't know our reality...

You scare her."

~After 1 hour~

She is sleeping in one of our bedroom and I

hope she won't afraid of us...

RM: "We have to mark her tonight."

V: "What Tonight!!..

We all look at RM as if he's crazy.

RM: "What!! Don't look at me like that.. what if

our enemy

will know about her and try to harm her."

We all understand and agreed with what he


~Y/N pov~

I heard what they said... I was just passing by..

it's not like

I eavesdropping... I look up and saw suga

staring at me.


Suga: "So do you heard princess?!..."

Y/N: "I didn't do it purposely I was just

passing by I-

Jungkook: "Shh badgirl needs a punishment."

I turn around and saw Jungkook...I gulp hard..

what does

he mean by punishment... I look back and saw

everyone staring at me..

Jimin: Ready for the punishment princess."

He smirk while coming closer to me... before

I could say

anything He drag me to a big size bedroom.

He pushed me on the bed and hover over me..

I heard the door close and locked afterward...

I look at the door and saw them standing at

the doorway smirking at me.

While Jimin was busy sucking my neck... V

came to me

and start to kiss me hungrily... I moan in his

mouth and he

took this opportunity and enter his tongue in

my mouth.

The whole night they make love with me...

even though

they're like animals but they treat me really

gently like I'm

some kind of flower petal...

But I feel really sore down there even I can't


myself... having a night with seven boys is out

of imagination and now I'm regretting... my

whole body hurt.

I look beside me and saw suga and J-hope


loudly... Suga in the right and J-hope left...

I turn right and hug him tightly and driffted

to sleep.

to be continued

Y/N pov

I woke up and found myself alone on the king


bed... I sit up and yawn like a lazy monkey...

The door open and jin enter.

Y/N pov

jin: "Good morning princess."

Y/N: "Good morning Oppa.

I wrap the blanket around and try to stand up

but sadly fall... jin chuckle and I glare at him.

Y/N pov

jin: "I think we were really rough on you last


let me help you princess."

He came closer and pick me up bridal style

and lead

me to the bathroom.