bts ff our "our little sister chapter 1

Her life the heavens and hell are near each

other. She

often get beat up by her 6 brothers who hate

her more than piece of trash. She go to high

school only one middle.

grade left ,so She will receive her high school,


elementary and postsecondary diploma for 13

years. She

really wants to go to college as soon as she

wants to

escape from the six-legged brothers waiting

for food.

unhappy because the six will come and

destroy her. She

feels scared and stress. One day, She thinks

about her future and next day, She thinks how

to Flee from her evil brother.

Her friends could do only thing is cheer her up

and clear her mind but it couldn't help.

She is like...

Person have no spirit.

Start the fanfiction

Y/N : Good morning hell.....

Y/N is the girl that I was introduced her to you

guys. She

woke up with the bruise all over her back.

She stood up from the bed and get ready to


How does Y/N look for school...

her school Uniform

her make up

(imagine that the

girl in the picture is Y/N .)

Y/N : Okay! Ready to go before my brothers

come and beat me again.

??: Good morning cutie pie~

The unknown guy said to her while his cutting

the orange for other.

She turns around and see her beloved brother

who loves her more his life, Hoseok.

Y/N : Oh! Oppa! Good morning! How do you


Hoseok: Not well sweetie~ since those idiots

beat you up

almost everyday. By the way, Here your

breakfast and be hurry before those asshole

woke up.

He give you a plate of fried rice with seafood

since he can

only cook it. Just kidding, He want to eat

fried rice today so, Yeah.

You get your breakfast and start eat it fast

before your evil brothers come.

Y/N put the dirty plate in the sink and kiss

Hoseok cheeks as always.

She suddenly get an email from her boss and

it's said that she has a come to the company

before 8 AM for start the meeting. She read it

and look nervous to Hoseok.

Y/N : Oppa?

Hoseok: Yes sweetie!

Y/N : I going to skip school today.

Hoseok: Why? Anything happens?

Y/N : Boss told me to come to the meeting

before 8 AM .

I guess I going to skip school. Can you lie

other about that?

Hoseok: I can sweetie. Anything for you~ But

make sure you bring your uniform too .

Y/N : Okay, Oppa! Love You!

Hoseok : Love you too~

With that, She left Hoseok in the kitchen and

she go and change to become a workaholic.

Her Outfit black and white clothes

She go back to the kitchen and said goodbye

to Hoseok.

She hop into her car and get ready to go.

Since it 6:45 AM already, She feels concerned

about her meeting. She can't miss the

meeting. But she stick in traffic jams.

Y/N : Oh God! Why should I do?

She hit her veil and put her head on the

steering wheel,

hot knowing how to go along the trail, which

made her come guicker.

She looks up to the front and turn her head to

left. She

see to small street that no one go in there.

She turn her car to that street and go to the

company in real guick.

Y/N : Thanks god! I don't have to stick in

traffic jam .

She take all of her stuff and leave the cars,

straight into the company.

??: Good morning Miss Jung! (Her surname

change to

Jung because of ber brothers who treats her

badly. She

changed her surname for make no one knows

that she is Kim Y/N the one and only daughter

of Kim Company, The

Phone company. No one knows that after her

parents die , she suffer from her brothers.

Her brothers did not even know that her

inheritance was

as much as 70% compared to her brothers,

some just 4%

Her parent company shares her 60% more

than all of her

because the inheritance supremacy states,

"All the wealth

of Y/N Will be received when she is 20 years

old. "So her

fourth brother takes care of her as a supreme

gift." Right

now, She is 18 . She didn't want other know

that she is a wealth daughter that is the main

reason to change her

surname. ) Y/N look at the girl who call her

and smile.

Y/N : Don't have to be polite Ji-eun! Call me

by my name.

Ji-eun: I can't miss. The Boss will cut down

my bonus.

Y/N : Then call me by my name because I'm

the one who

gives the employee bonus. So, Don't worry! I

wouldn't cut

your bonus! Just call me by my name.

Ji-eun: Ok! Miss- Oh Y/N !

Y/N : Good Now where is the meeting room

and when it's start?

Ji-eun look at her computer and reply to Y/N .

Ji-eun: It's in the 4th floor. And start at 8 AM .

Y/N : Thanks! See you a round.

Ji-eun: Goodbye Y/N ! Me too.

She leaves Ji-eun and go to 4th floor.

She comes to her office and take a look at it

since she

Left her office behind for 2 years.

Y/N : Hello my beloved office!

She go to sit on the chair and open her laptop.

She looks at her right and see her family

picture. She

takes it and let out of sign.

Y/N : I wish our family will be back again with


She sign and continue her work.


Jungkook: Where is that bitch?

He looks at Jungkook in angry but try not to.

Hoseok: She left to school with her friends


Taehyung: That's bitch deserve to beat up


Jin: I agree.

Jimin: How deal she left without us? Let's

beat her real

hard this time. She better learn her lesson.

Namjoon: I strongly agree.

Hoseok: Guys! it's not a big deal if she left

first. Go to you

school! You are late!

Yoongi: Since when you become our mom?

Hoseok: Since you Guys beat Y/N up. Now get

your ass up and leave.

Jin , Jimin , Jungkook , Taehyung, Yoongi and



They take their bags and leave for the school.

He let out of sign and leave for work.

back to Y/N

Boss: Hello everyone! I would like to

introduce you to my

best journalist in the company. Miss Jung

Y/N !

She stands up and bow to everyone in

meeting room.

Everyone clap for her as she stands up and


Boss: Because of her! Our company have

today with awards and popularity.

Boss: You barely see her because she works

at home since she still a student.

Boss: Taking a great care of her! She is our


Everyone clap their heads as soon as boss

end of speech.

Boss look at you and said.

Boss: Please start the meeting~

She takes a bit breath and go to the white

board. She

explained her idea to her Boss and

employees here with her passion and love.

Y/N : And that how it goes!

As soon as she ended her speech , everyone

clap their heads.

Boss: That's is the greatest idea ever! I

accepted it! End of the meeting!

Everyone happily go back to their office while

you prepare your paperwork.

Boss come to you and said.

Boss: You leave now! since you have school.

Y/N : Thanks boss!

she leaves the company and go to her school.

At school

Y/N : Hey girls!

She yell to get her friends attention. Her

friends turn around and run to her.

Mina: How are you girl?

Y/N : I'm fine thanks for asking!

Dahyun : By the way, How was the meeting?

(She texted them about the meeting.)

Y/N : Went great as always! I need to change

my outfit since I don't change it at company.

Momo:"Better hurry! The class start at 9 and

now it's 8 : 50 .

Y/N : I know!

Jennie: I will go with you!

Y/N and Jennie go to the gym room together.