[Location:"CS headquarters, Capt. dormitory"]
[Time: 4:59 am]
It was a dimly lit room, with the only emiting light source was a night lamp forgotten to be turned off. the room itself was full of mediocre decorations, walls with portraits hunged on it, A bed with steeled frame and a comfy matress; situated near the closed window attached with slightly opened blinds. Amongst the other other noticable possesions within the room was a steel chair infront of a well crafted smooth wooden desk made of good lumber, and a tightly sealed black Safe. Ontop of this said desk lies a old 1940 audio tape recorder attached with a microphone and a casset nearby, finally accompanied by a traditional analouge alarm clock showing the current Hour to be 4:59 am before shortly hitting 5:00 am. As it does so the hammer quickly moves back and forth between the 2 bells making a ringing noise that puts a rooster's crows to shame.
**Philip POV, **
I soon began to awake from the irritating ring the clock would make upon reaching 5:00am, slowly I woke from my slumber. My hair messed up, and my expression resembles that of a drunkard. I quickly turned off the alarm as to not cause any sort of distress within the base. It took me a while to regain conciousness and composure, but as I do I began to comb my shaggy black hair shaping it into my preffered style. I crack my stiffed neck, and stretched my limbs as a form of morning excercise. wearing nothing more than shorts and a tank top I looked underneath my bed to pull a flask of liquor to start the day....of course the liquor was more or less tasted like cider since drinking strong stuff would hinder me for the rest of the morning.
After a few swigs I opened the lights to illuminate my dorm shortly before I took a sit near my desk putting down my half empty flask I yawned...abit hangover but somewhat concious. I looked at my recorder before rubbing my eyes, noticing the time was 5:10 am. I put the casset in and I began to record my new daily log. Being a private prick I refused to share my recordings,only to keep them in my room if ever I needed to listen to my own voice as I succumb to the insanity of war. Being my first time to make a entry...I hesitated at first.
"Ok Ok...Testing Testing, is this thing working?"
I said, being newly introduced to old 1900s technology. I began my entry slowly
"Philip Anderson log entry #1 : Listen...I am aware I maybe a madman speaking, for what I am about to say may as well be the craziest shits in the history of crazy....But I was once nothing more than a man who has lived and died, only to live once again."
I openly said through the mic as it records my voice into the tape. this was the part where I closed my eyes in order to recall about my past...my past which I never told anyone in this life.
"I was previously a man named [REDACTED]. now it appears I am a otherworlder, a Reincarnated man as one would call it. I came from a world or...perhaps time far far away from were I am right now."
I stated
"The previous life I lived in my old world...I was KIA American Ranger; my unit was stationed on a nearby local settlement in foreign soil. of course being KIA I didnt make it out of that hellhole alive if I did I wont be stuck in this place. Anyways we entered a fire fight, one were even I thought we had the chance. I got shot in the back by an enemy rifleman as I was trying to fall back along with my Unit...."
I said, noticing my hands begins to shake as my forehead begins to sweat. I started having a flashback of the scenario, hearing gunshots from all angle...the fear have followed me despite my death. I paused for a good amount of seconds before continuing
"....Only thing I felt after the burning pain from my behind feeling my blood gushing out from my open wound was the cold sensation of death, the only thing I could hear as the gunfire begins to slowly be muffled in my ears were the throbing heart beat from my chest as I slowly die. Silence soon falls as I close my eyes one last time, laying on the ground and breathing no more...Or so I thought."
I said no longer shaking, a blank expression remained on my face as I continue my recording
"....I saw darkness,... I heard silence, ....and I felt emptiness....ever heard of the quote 'seeing my life flash before my eyes'? well...gues that was a fact to those that had something worth living for in the first place."
I looked up not once letting my mouth be two faraway from the microphone to hear my voice.
" Old soldiers fought for freedom and there country, young ones died for the Government's desires. Gues which category I fell into?
Time APPEARED to be irrelevant in death, but as I continue to ponder about my life adrift in darkness....I start to hear numerous muffled voices all around me a sudden feeling of panic rose within me, that's when a flash of bright light began to blind my nocturnal eyes. I tried to extend my hand trying to cover my face from the source. Wincing at it I began to notice my arms have drasticly shortened, along with the rest of my limbs."
I shuddered remembering the petrifying moment, wiping the sweat off my forehead.
"I felt helpless I traid to wail around in fear trying to make sense of this phenomenon. Wanting to grab a gun, I instead tried to shout but instead of my monotone voice....I cried at a high pitch voice...that's when my blurred, blinded vision returned on me. I saw black and white, luckily I was able to somewhat form an image around me...I was in a hospital, more specificaly in a room...the first face I saw was a doctor wearing those surgical mask and green coats. Holding me in his arms 'Congratulations Mrs. Anderson Its a Boy!!!' he shouts.....and it didnt take long for me to understand what the fuck was happening...the fact that I was reincarnated back as an Infant...."
I sighed, recalling the ridicolous memories of learning how to walk AGAIN.
"...I....I had to undergo Puberty twice"
My eyes narrows as I tackle on more crucial topics
"Turns out I was born into a different world, a world with a history similar to mine but different in a sense. turns out War here was waged in the seas through air and naval supperiority from what Ive learned that is."
after a brief amount of time I looked at a nearby portrait of me accompanied by my 3 syblings, 2 elder brothers, and our eldest sister. The first time we've established our own federal non state militia force/organization.
"....I was brought and raised into this world by a loving family...something I lacked in my previous one. Our family was wealth, weve owned a company that was responsible for the mining of oil to fuel the ships of 4 major military occupation of this world.....Eagle Union which was basicaly America in my old world, Royal Navy....the Uk, Ironblood was technicaly Germany, and Sakura empire....the imperialistic representation of Japan"
I paused recalling of the infamous war from my world.....World War 2
"Our parents died....because of Sirens, Otherworldly and highly advance Abombination that ruled the seas...pushing humanity off the oceans....they werent satisfied with that....they began bombing populated areas, they bombed our home"
letting out a sigh as I recall the fire, the sirens, the ringing sound the alarm would make during the event, and witnessing death a second time.
"....A global Alliance was made, Azur Lane....they used unknown technology like the Wisdom Cube...which brought WWII ships that I know off to life, in humanoid female forms....as odd and crazy as that sounds...I gave up on making sense of the logic in this new world....These ships maintain the durability of normal warships and firepower...Only major difference I spotted was since they are now in human form they were more mobile which gave them the edge against sirens"
I yawned looking back at the clock with now being 5:17 am. I continued with my log
"My sister along with my 2 older brothers....wanted to take matters into there own hands....With our inheritance and the money we recieved from international trade, weve formed our own faction. We called ourselves the Cerberus Syndicate, we were a independant federal force. Continuing on weve expanded our trading products to Ammunition which would be used by Azur lane and at the same time supply ourselves. Ive contributed my own knowledge from my world. mostly knowledge regarding recoiless cannons, Semi automatic rifles, etc. I was the weapons guy within our group...Weve also hired some Gunsmiths to further help us with our exploits"
I explained thoroughly.
"I bluffed out parts of were or how I know much about fire arms, which was for the best. Our command structure was...less superior than the rest unlike the others whom have covered even platoon level, the entire Syndicate is under the command of the Three heads...those being my sister, and 2 brothers. Middle, right, and left...were the aliases we used. At first they didnt know what they were doing...so I took it as an innitiative to secretely advice and guide them on how to run an army...after a few lectures they got the hang of it quickly...which surprised me the most"
I let out a chuckle remembering the days when we were arguing on how we should arrange our ranks.
" It didnt take long for us to be recognized by the Azur lane as a self standing faction, theyve offered as a spot within the alliance...my sister promptly refuse wanting to continue on our independance. The rest of us agreed to her wishes, and the alliance did not pushed on the topic further as a sign of respect."
I was silent for a few more seconds before continuing
"....My sister died. 2 years ago we were Off on a mission to fight against the sirens in a unknown location accompanied by a brigade of troops...only 3 of us returned along with the remaining 250 men. with that the trio was down to two, My brothers rose up from there old ranks. the second eldest taking our sister's spot, and the third taking the Right head....I rose up as well taking command as the new Left Head of the Cerberus Syndicate..."
a tear flowed down my right cheek....I quickly turned off the recording
"I cant fucking do this...."
I muttered, Taking the recording off and hiding it in a safe of mine. Sealed tight I rose from my chair, taking my jacket off the closet I putted it on before closing the lights leaving my room at 5:30 am. Not one step off my dorm and into the hall I look down to see that Ive been left a small envelop on the ground near my doorstep...with the Insignia of the Syndicate, carefully picking it up I opened it. Reading the content it was a handwritten letter from the Middle head....my older brother, requesting a meeting of something urgent. it was due in 5 minutes.
I sighed at my own laziness...noticing the sun was about to rise I took a moment to take a deep breath before slowly walking down the hall towards the meeting room for this urgent briefing.