Chapter 2: Pearl Harbor

[Location: CS headquarters, Halls]

**Tap, Tap, Tap** I walk as my footsteps echoes the Syndicate's empty halls, our walls decorated in modern hanged images of the Syndicate before its golden age. Some of the pictures where changes I made which laid down foundation to what we are now....the implementation of Semi-automatic rifles, Paratroopers, other creations originating from my world that I introduced to this new one, and the expansion of our camp. the flooring is made with smooth lumber that shines in the light provided by the light bulbs above.

At first glance our halls would seem endless. That is until one would reach the end where theyll be greeted by 2 black doorways engraved with silver lining to match the theme, even the door knobs are made of silver and shaped to look like growling dogs. Making my way to the door I notice a large fluff on the ground blocking the path

"Gah! damn it Cho"

I sigh looking down at the large dog. Cho who is a Chow-Chow dog breed []. Adopted by the right head of the syndicate,my brother takes care of Cho to the point where I believe he values the dog more than his ranking. I walked past the furball making sure I dont step at his tail, because A. that would piss my brother off and B. I dont need Peta hunting me down to the corners of the earth even after death

Once I reached the door,I twist the door knob slowly entering the room. it was a well lit room, the lamps glowed in the walls and the chandalier above. The walls made of sturdy bricks, painted in with vibrant colors. situated near the center is a large round table, painted in jet black color, three seats for each head of the Syndicate. there seated at the front facing me and the door, My brother Alexander Anderson middle head of the Cerberus Syndicate; Blonde long hairstyle ,and sky blue eyes, physicaly fit, and basicaly a guy girls would prefer over justin bieber. 

Taking a seat at my spot, I glance over the right side of the table only to meet the eyes of my other adopted older brother Elias Anderson. Brown curly hair, and red gazing eyes acompanied by a wildcard like smirk. the right head of the syndicate leans back on his chair, arms crossed he looks at me.

"You left your dog outside" I retorted at him

"Yeah sorry bout that, But Cho goes were she wants too" he replied yawning, still remaining in his laid back posture.

**Sigh** "So whats soo important that you two needed my attendance this early in the morning?" I asked seeing as I did have a plan of my own today.

"This" Alex pulls up a short folder with our logo? placing it down on the table and Sliding it towards my side. Taking the initiative to open the mystery file I am greeted ny pictures of five cargo ships due last week but never reached there destination. These ships were transporting ammunition and Oil worth to supply a fleet for 6 months.

"Ok? Guesing you need a search patrol?" I asked since Im technicaly the only one of the Heads who does field work. Despite our skills having large gaps to one another.

"No need we already did. Sunken to the depths of the ocean, no survivors, and 100% stolen cargo" Elias yawns. Cho our lovable Chow-Chow dog enters the room going over to my brother for head pats "Awwww, Your a good girl, yes you are~".

I rolled my eyes before facing Alex.

"Sakura empire, it appears Azur lane is shall we say facing a civil war. Even Ironblood's gone off the radar to the Syndicate." Alex stated with a serious gaze that puts my intimdating stare to shame, his arms crossed he leans forward from his chair this act on its own was enough for Elias to straighten his posture.

//Germany and Japan. Why do I feel like WWII, Cold war, and Vietnam war will be up our asses anytime soon// I pondered imagining of the conflicts that has happened from my world thinking wether or not those will occur here.

"should we plan for retalliation? against the Sakura empire?" I suggested which is a fair response to their raid.

"Indeed, and I know the perfect method to do as such" Alexander said with a devious smile on his face making me wonder how smart is he to plan further ahead. thats saying something since I may or may not know whats to come for the future yet this guy's brain beats mine.

Alexander slides another portait. this time its a thermal image 

[Note: Thermal imaging was invented in 1929 so its not too far from the timeline]. The image portrays a large heat signature that is undoubtedly made by.

"A naval fleet" I said looking at the mass and the heat being burned.

"Not just any fleet. it appears to be a Siren Fleet, whats more" Elias said shortly before pointing to two rather small heat signatures on the portrait "Sakura Empire 1st carrier division Akagi and Kaga"

"How can you tell?" I asked curiously

"Intuition and of course we had the scouts to confirm said Intuition" Alexander says with a charming smile on his face.

"And what do I have to play in this game of chess of yours?" I asked trying to get on his level

"Easy, reports said that they're sailing straight for Pearl harbor" Alexander says in a serious tone. now that Im having a better look at my brothers, I noticed there puffy eyes a product of sleep deprivation.

"What in th-, Have you two even slept ar all!?" I asked facepalming myself at these two

"HA! Whats sleep little brother?" the right head leans forward from his chair.

I gave no response to Elias's statement.

"Anyways attack directing towards pearl harbor is iminent. however word has it that the Union's prized fighter S.S Enterprise, along with the main Royal navy are to intend the harbor later on" Alexander coughs getting back to the topic

"Great! and why are we having this meeting if the threat is as good as neutralize?" I asked raising brow at my brother.

"Because, we cant expect Ms. Enterprise and the main royal navy to arrive before the attack dear brother" Alexander says giving off a yawn

"Thats why were sending you in. Given me and Alex's fatigue we cant command ground troops much less aim a rifle" Elias added rubbing his eyes

I gave them no response.

"Look Philip I understand you may have your doubts with Azur lane But understand this. Siren, Sakura empire, and the Ironblood needs to-" Elias stands up to finish his statement

"-Beware of those who don't fight back. Sooner or later, they will….and that time has come for us the Cerberus Syndicate" Alex finishes retaining his charming and inspirational personality

"...I wanted to say that" Elias sighed dissapointed before sitting back down.

"Alright Alright Alright quiet down your motivational speaker buttons" I take a stand turning my back

 "Ill be taking with me a company of Paratroopers, I want them armed with Submachine guns during airborne just incase we encounter Enemy aircrafts, Supply drops full off M1 Carbine and SVT-40 rifles for when we hit the ground. Since were on the topic of firearms be sure to add some 60mm mortars, M20 106mm Recoiless rifle for artillery support. OH! And I wanna test our FIAT Reveli M1914/35 [HMG] I wanna see if we can recycle the bullets from those and save our crippling Economy. Also I heard our weapon smiths have a new reversed engineer rig designs? This is a perfect oppurtunity to try those out" I gave out a slight chuckle.

 //Using italian,USSR, and American infantry weaponry is confusing but right now those weapons were what won us the world war back in the day….sure hope theyll win us the war in here// I thought to myself having some mixed doubts with the use of mix weapons.

"Wait Wait Wait! Hold up your asking us to give you 120-160 soldiers!?" Elias stated doing abit of math

"Indeed, Besides were dealing with Extraterrestial advanced entities, AND Woman that can survive 30-60 calibre shot IN THE FUCKING HEAD" i stated the obvious "I should be asking for more men" I sighed 

"" Elias calms down after seeing me pointing out our odds.

"Just get me those that I have listed. Be sure theyre ready to deploy by the time I get back from my shower" I said before heading out off the room.

Walking away the empty halls and towards the bathhouse I cant help but ponder //What are the members of Azur lane doing right now// 

[Location:"Azur lane Academy, Office" Time: 7:45 am.]

[3rd person POV]

Within a delicate framed office, lies a flamboyant crimson red carpet on the floor, Gold engraved designs, accompanied by red banners hanged on the walls, Long list of shelves aligned to the sides,Opened curtains to show the crystal clear windows as the morning light refracts on its reflective surface showing the serene sight of the sea as a short blonde woman stares at the horizon wearing a red royal uniform [Prince of Wales]

A yellow coach made of silk, framed with black oak wood is stationed at the near center of this office accompanied by a handful of chairs. Seating at this furniture is a woman of elegant status, wearing a beautiful white veiled dress enjoying her morning hot tea the famed Illustrious with eyes showing elegance and prestidge looks at Wales. Seated on another chair is USS Cleveland, dirty blonde hair the eagle union's knight has her own tea cup in hand.

"Hood and the others will join shortly"  The soft kind words of illustrious could be often mistaken for a whisper.

With a sigh from the Prince of wales she turns around to face Illustrious and Cleveland

"Shouldnt we be keeping an eye on Ironblood? how is that faring?" she asks as her red eyes shows the mark of a leader 

"A temporary lull,  for a lack of a better description whats more pressing is…" Illustrious replied being a bit silence letting wales finish the sentence

"Sakura empire, as we suspected…" Wales finishes, her red eyes narrowing at the turn of events. which Illustrious only nods as her response.

"If Sakura Empire is making a move then this port will be one of the hottest fronts. Reinforcing this base is a natural descision" Wales utter thinking of the casualties and damages that will soon follow with this conflict. Wales turns her back to face the sea.

"Why fight such a meaningless war…" Illustrious says almost in a heartbroken tone.

"War never changes despite the era, its the only reason we were brought forth into this world" Wales responded, her words potraying the knowledge and purpose of their creation/birth.

Cleveland decided to finaly speak and address another dilema "Umm but what about those guys The Cerberus Syndicate? who are they siding with?" she asks having minimum knowledge of the faction

"The Syndicate remains neutral when it comes to non Siren affairs...even if they did join there help can only go so far" Wales sighs 

"Indeed if we somehow manage to get there support, most of our ships wont be pleased with the alliance" Illustrious agrees

"Their Left head or 3rd in command leader, Philip Anderson...he is a known individual by the Royal Navy. Also the only Syndicate Head to engage more in the field than his brothers" Wales added, but a feeling of disdain can be felt from her voice.

"Damn, what about this Philip guy that makes you guys mad?" Cleveland asks again getting a more clearer profile of Philip.

"Its not hate Cleveland. if you must know Philip Anderson has had numerous encounters with the Royal Navy...and the majority of them werent good ones.  He had engaged in several combat with some of our ships….how he has survived the encounters remains on the testimonies of those whom he fought. With this given record most of the Royal navy had the rights to feel disdain with the Cerberus Syndicate."  Wales faces cleveland to answer her question. It appears Wales doesnt want to believe this rumours but she cant ignore the fact that a Human picked fights with Ships.

"The only thing keeping the Royal Navy from taking action is maturity, and of course the trading with there Faction." Illustrious brings out one of the bright side of the Syndicate.

"Ok Ok I get it. This Philip guy is a jerk…" Cleveland sighs but now she knows of one out of three heads of Cerberus which makes her question //How bad are the other two...// keeping her thoughts to her self.