[Location: CS headquarters, Bathouse]
[Philip Anderson POV]
I stand in the showers, shirt naked as I let the seemingly hot water flow down through my body. the steam vaporises within the bath house as the excess water drains down the sink holes.
slowly I twist the knob ceasing the flow of water.
Combing my soaked hair backwards I look up at the shower.
my hearing began to be muffled by the sole noise of water going down the drain, the sounds shifts as I remember my old life the life were in I said many farewell than greetings, I remembered the sounds of gunfire from the firefights ive witnessed and seen through the end. to think that with all the deaths Ive seen and caused I would get used to it by now. Its the war within me that never ever goes away. leavin the showers I walked slowly on the cleaned tiled floor that was recently shined, seeing the reflective surface reflect my image I paid it no heed and heads towards the locker room.
Entering the locker room, witnessing the many other black locker I quickly head for mine. I punched the codes for my lock as I Slowly took off my towel to put on my Combat Trousers, along with a new cleaned shirt. wearing my dogtag on my neck and putting the other tag on my boot, with a Heavy sigh I closed my black iron locker scrambling the code and locking it tight. I take my leave to check on the supplies and troops on the Hangars that I will lead to help in the defense of Pearl harbor.
[Location: CS Hangar bay]
Walking about in the hangar bay, this time armed with a standard issue military vest, A parachute on my back, and carrying with me is a specialy designed Helmet that will serve as a life saver from Hypoxia when Im 25,000 ft off the ground. I immediately took notice of ever soldier within the hangar helping load up the birds with my requested fire-arms, wearing same attire as I, and also noticing the 25 air crafts we will be using for this mission. Marching towards me is a fellpw soldier, wearing the same attire as me and everybody else
"Sir!" He gives me a salute, to which I replied with
"At ease Soldier, Whattya got for me?"
"Well you see sir, The Right and Middle heads have provided us with two more extra platoons" he replied showing me a clip board full of listed number of weaponries and men for this opperation
"So my brothers are generous enough to give us 80 more men. Thats nice of them" I sarcasticly replied
"And sadly we dont have enough M1 Carbines to supply the men, so were replacing the vacant firearms with Garands" the soldier states as he points to a supply boxes being loaded with the weapons.
"Well as long as the men dont get themselves a Garand thumb we should be fine" I said slowly looking over the other changes on the list.
"Also sir, Weve been supplied with Lots of explosive Charges" the soldier procceeds to point at three drops filled with Explosive demo charges.
"...Well then lets hope they dont fucking explode to early otherwise were fucked" I retorted seeimg as this will serve as a double edged sword for us.
"Anyways sir, all thats left now is for you to give us the orders" He stands looking at me. With a closer visual of this soldier I took notice of two things Firstly he appears to be a private quite a lower ranking soldier, and second he seems younger than I in this current world
"Alright. Hey son just a question? how old are you?" i asked curiously
"Umm...Im 17 commander" he sheepishly replied.
//17 huh?// "Quite a young age to hold a rifle there lad arent you?" Raising a brow at the boy before handing him back the clip board
"Sir yes sir!" his eyes for a moment glimmered, as essence of patriotism surely is present in the young boy's personality.
"Alrighty then lad...I just hope you know the shits and horrors your getting yourself into" I sighed
"what do you mean sir?" he innocently asked
"Listen here kid. War isnt a place for children of your age, I heavily suggest you go home...start a family, and die old than die young" I answered his question. I recalled a time at my world where it was said boys of 18,19,20 would sign up and die during WWII. Im trying to prevent as much death as I possibly could but I cant help but pity those who remains vigilant.
"S-sir! with all do respect...I cant sit by and watch while others go out there and die for me. Sir! I signed up so that while the rest of us are out there taking lives...I wanna be there to saving them" he vigorously replied. Which even moved me, I can truly testify that those in the 90s were the best generation of my world…
//Desmond Doss...// I gave out a chuckle as I recall a war hero, and one of my favorites
"Whats your name private?"
"S-Sir, I am Private Robert Davies of the Fi-" I immediately stopped him before he announces his platoon.
"I only asked for your name not your profile son." I put my hands on his shoulder.
"S-sorry Sir!" he replied
"Now then! Rally up everyone for a briefing" I commanded with a stern voice befitting of my own rank. the young lad looked at me with inspiration which was clear just by the glimmer of his eyes and the nod before proceeding to follow my order.
[Current time: 6:30 am, 1 hour and 30 minutes
before bombing of pearl harbor]
I stand near a short pedestal, with a microphone attached to two speakers I began giving a short briefing
"Alright Now Then! Ill try and keep this briefing short Azur Lane is gonna be bombed in less than 1 hour from now.
"HOORAH!" The men in sync replied, which made me give out a short smile.
"Aleight then! Yall will each be assigned with a SMG where gonna perform a Halo 25,000ft above ground. Expect enemy aircraft and AA to try and shoot you down, and when they do shoot them the fuck back, Protect the Supply drops containing most of our supplies, Once weve landed make sure to take up land and there we will take a stand. Charlie 1-3 you will be incharge of establishing Artillery support with the mortars and M20 106mms!, Alpha 3 and Bravo 1 you will be incharge of forming our machine gun sections, the rest cover fire or if your feeling dangerous test out our new rigs. Am I clear!?" I stated awaiting everyone's response
"HOORAH!" The men replied in symphony echoing the hangar.
" I understand you have doubts with this mission I do too. to them we are just but petty wolves But those carriers from The Sakura Empire messed with the wrong wolf and if we stand here today we will show them...if you try and kick a wolf a few times soon its Pack will make ye pay for your crimes" I stated loud enough for everyone to hear. the hangar was silent as I let my words seep into the minds of every individual present. Granted Alexander wouldve made a more inspiration speech than I but its the best I could come up with on such a short notice.
"We cant waste any more time, load up the supply drops and take 30 minutes to intake pure oxygen as to not get decompression sickness. Remember Your training Boys!" I shouted for all to hear
"HOORAH!!!" They shouted back louder than a mad dog's bark.
With that the men began doing as theyre told. I myself took the initiative as well to spend 30 minutes on the ground intaking oxygen before proceeding to hope for all the 240 troops that I will try to bring in and out of hell.
[Location: A few Miles away fron Azur lane, Time: 7:50 am]
[3rd Person POV].
Across the horizon about Miles away from the docks of Pearl Harbor a sea stack which is a geological landform consisting of steep rocks in the sea somewhat far from the coast. atop one of these rocks are two kitsune. One of which has white hair, fur, and 9 tails wearing traditional japanese attire painted in you guessed it white hue along with some sky blue pigmentation [IJN Kaga]. Acompanying her is another kitsune this time wearing a black kimono her ears, hair, and tails are of brown color with her eyes being crimson red, nine tails visible behind this other kitsune [IJN Akagi]
{ Link:https://images.app.goo.gl/THTX2C4w8P7LtK2t7}.
The Sakura Empire 1st Aircraft carrier division Akagi and Kaga spies afar on one of the unprepared Azur lane fronts 'Pearl Harbor'.
"Kaga, what do you suppose is the fundamental nature of war?" The smiling Akagi eyes the Unsuspecting base. Her crimson eyes hides a psychotic twisted personality as she asks her dear sister.
"Um,my dear sister Akagi. Please use my code name" Kaga interjected trying to keep proffesionalism within their line of work.
Akagi simply ignored this and continued on with her shall we say opinion on war.
"To battle is to inflict injury, To battle is to recieve injury. A battle is a mutual exchange of pain" She kneels down wrapping her slender arms around Kaga she continues
"Through pain we understand each other's feelings...in other words to battle, means to love~" her twisted words somehow partialy makes sense to her sister's ears. However Kaga seems driven to finish the mission's objective as she breaks free from Akagi's grasp.
"I dont fully understand what your saying,I will destroy my enemies" she replies in a stern voice looking over the Harbor.
she takes one of her blue plane shaped conffetti which in reality is her arsenal. placing it near her eye, it goes ablaze in this blueish fluorescent flame that circles around the frame of this confetti.
"Oh how apathetic of you~" Akagi replies in her sweet voice, still hiding her psychotic intent.
she follows her sister's example but instead of raising her own plane shaped confetti, she holds this hand sized cube; englulfed in a black texture, the cube's smooth surface appears to be cold to the touch.
The skies darken as the atmosphere drasticly changes. A black fog out of nowhere could be seen a mile away. Silence filled Pearl harbor as most of its populace are either scared or confused.