[Prince Of Wales POV]
It was a enjoyable day. I, accompanied by illustrious and cleveland are idle savoring the hot tea that simmers in our hands. I looked at the window admiring the peace. watching as the wave of water washes down the beach. My eyes darts across the horizon as a mysterious pitch black fog envelops the distance, about a mile away. at first glance of this phenomenon I thought it to be harmless, that was until my eyes widen at the threat it imposes.
Emerging from the dark fog are numerous vessels made of some sort of cold black metal substance, whilst glowing in this red hue that illuminates through the fog. Soaring the skies are aircrafts whos description matches its sea vessel brethrens with the only exceptions of being high tech airial fighters.
"The Sirens!?" I announced
I turn to my attendants, Illustrious, and Cleveland. quickly I shouted out a command
"Intercept them hurry! this is not a drill!"
I imediately announced to my attendants ordering them to take action against the threat as I extend my hand signaling my authority and order. my attendants gave a quick reply understanding my command they hurriedly rush out of my sight. Cleveland hastily glanced at the window seeing the siren threat. I can see her bit her lip before dashing with my attendants along with her rather short cape.
"The sirens, now? what a terrrible timing" I muttered as I once again gaze on the once peaceful and calm scenery of the coast to a bombardment zone for the Siren air crafts. **boom** **Boom** **Boom** as the echoing roars of there explosives wreaks havoc on the shores of Azur lane the roars of there bombardment shook our office.
"Is it by chance or?" I asked myself the rarity of this attack on such occasion looking back at Illustrious wanting her opinion on the matter
"Could it be?" Illustrious commented on my statement seeing as she and I both know this attack wasnt by chance
[Cleveland POV]
Running across the warm sands of the harbor, I grit my teeth as I pushed onward avoiding enemy air craft as my entire mind and body heavily devoted to the goal of reaching the water as fast as possible. **Bang!** **Boom!** **Bang!** as the sound of artilery fire being exchanged from both sides rang throughout the entire beach.
"I Cleveland Knight of the sea, Entering Battle!" I announced with my face held high and a smile on my face I lunge fort from the docks onto the sea. As I perform such act a ship out in the distance from its mere sight could be easily guesed to be a ship from my nation the Eagle Union. this ship which serves as my warship counterpart starts to breakdown, dissipitating into several blue glowing cubes. these cubes rockets upwards towards the skies before crashing down on my location engulfing me in there light as I enter my presumed battle mode. the ominous blue wisdom cubes begins to manifests my gear. equipped in my combat ready rig that allows me to stay afloat in the water, armed with loaded anti air turrets and with my main artillery ready. **clink** **clank** as my weapons adjusts itself, taking aim with that the fusion between me and my warship counterpart was successful.
with a maintained grin etched my face, I hold my left hand out with my weapons aiming to were Im pointing. A nearby siren aircraft soars the skies with its own weapons burning hot. Refusing to take any chances I open fire releasing the power of my anti air craft turrets. **Boom** **Boom** **Boom** My shells pierced through the Siren's hull sending it to crash down with no delay.
" How's that huh? The Ultimate weapon of humanity developed to combat you sirens!" I taunted with a smile not realy sure if such machines are sentient, however I do wished my words would give inspiration to fellow ships on the field.
**Boom** As my taunts dont go unnoticed by another siren aircraft with it raining down heavy artilery upon me causing a large wave around my area. **Bang** as my weaponry returns fire with the shell piercing the skies sinking another siren once more, I surviving its barrage only smiled. thanks to being a ship my defenses are thesame as a fortified fortress merged with the mobility of a human Ships are indeed the ulimate weapons.
"With the power of warships embedded into our bodies, thats the power we'll use to send you back from whence you came!" I roared loud enough for all to hear my words.
Soon enough the other ships follows suit as they soon enter there battle modes engaging the sirens alongside me.**Boom** **Bang** **Boom** It doesnt take long for our numbers and fire power to overwhelm the siren threat.
I saw the Royal Navy's Destroyer Javelin, a girl with tied purpleish hair on her own rig sshe wears a somesort of small skirt with a scarf tied around her neck, wielding her Javelin which serves as its very own artillery it fires many rounds of shells towards an enemy aircraft the mere force of those bullets was enough to send it crashing down like the rest of its brethrens. She also seemed to be accompanied by the Eagle Unions own destroyer USS Laffey a short girl with curly pigtails, wearing a headband and a short jacket fit for her size. With Laffeys rig sending in her own barrage towards another siren aircraft drilling deep holes into its hull it sinks down the ocean followed by the other siren aircraft sunk by Javelin. **BANG** **BOOM** **PEW** **PEW** **PEW** were the roaring words of there heavy artillery. Soon as time continues on the sounds of gunfire and shells dropping ceases as the siren threat seemed to have been eliminated.
"YES! We did it!" Javelin cheered with her cheery smile as she extends her clenched fist to the skies with Laffey giving a slight drowsy nod at Javelin's cheer
what once was a peaceful scenery of the ocean had been tranformed into a warzone full of armed ships and sunken aircrafts. The sea is ablazed with fire from the oil leakage from the crashed and destroyed sirens. the land from afar releases smoke given by the recent siren bombardment
I smiled at the sight of what seemed to be an easy victory for Azur lane.
that was until I felt a chill slide down my spine as the air around me drasticly changes giving off a colder and dreadful sensation. It didnt take long for my comrades to feel the same feeling that somethings not right.
At the corner of my eye floating adrift despite this chaos occuring on the sea is a bright pink sakura petal. it floats in the air, drifting in the wind as if trapped in a dance. soon more of these cherry blossom petal flutters in the breeze.
As the sight of never ending petals baffles the ships of Azur lane, A loud echoing voice emits in our sorroundings. The Voice rings throughout the harbor for all to hear.
"Yes, We were created by humanity to fight the Sirens" the voice says, having everyones attention including mine. I look around to the source of this ominous voice being very weary I grit my teeth, Eyeing the scene for anymore threat.
"But! a difference in beliefs splits the four major camps that forms the Azur Lane Alliance into two faction" The voice continues which proceeds to perplex us more. this time all cherry blossom petals begin to swirl around as if caught in a hurricane. Soon out in the farthest corner on the other end of the swirling storm of sakura petals are two massive ships, followed by many more smaller variants of ships but made with a different design with its hulls far different than the two other massive ships. this sight gets all ships of Azur lane on guard.
"One faction restricts itself to using only powers created by humankind. Thats you Eagle Union and Royal Navy" The voice continues. The cherry blossom petals begins to disperse wildly as it does so all ships on the sea now has a clear perspective and vision of the two ominous massive ships "The other faction is..." As the voice proceeds to speak more it is now recognizable that the two massice vessels resembles two aircraft carriers with each having a kitsune like figures ontop of the vessels. given the clear view the two aircrafts are also showing an Ominous emblem that shines at the top as if like a flag
"T-That Emblem" I shook as I eye the emblem that resembles a gold flower that is attached to the two aircraft carriers
[3rd POV]
"The faction that will use Siren Technology to beat the sirens. Ironblood and us The Sakura Empire" Everyone eyes the one Kitsune that seems to have been the ominous voice the entire time. wearing a decorated yukata this black haired kitsune with red predatory eyes looks down on the confused and petrified ships below. behind her are numerous world war 2 aircrafts with there propellers starting to swirl signalling its nearing of launch. the wind caused by the propellers of each aircrafts pushes the hair of the kitsune back along with the fur of her nine tails. Akagi retains her sadistic smile.
Soon Kaga, the other kitsune follows the example of her sister as her own air crafts begins to turn on its engines.
[Image Urls
Akagi: https://images.app.goo.gl/azH94v1RcW76GLsR7
Kaga: https://images.app.goo.gl/5oRNqEWLR6F3PT21A]
as the planes of the two kitsunes begins to soar the skies, the aircrafts are engulfed in flames with Akagi's air crafts begins to be dyed in a red roaring flame, Kaga's on the other hand are dyed in a swirling blue flame beffiting of her color scheme.
Soon the fleet of flaming aircrafts circle the dark skies sending fear to strike once again to the hearts of the fighting ships from Azur lane.
"Sakura Empire, 1st carrier division Akagi" Akagi states wanting everyone to know her name before there incoming doom
"Sakura Empire 1st carrier division Kaga" Kaga begins to follow her sisters example
"Behold and Tremble!" The two sisters shouts for all to hear as the battle in Pearl Harbor continues to rage on
--To be Continued
[Image Urls for recent characters
Prince of Wales: