[one hour and 25 minutes earlier]
[Location: CS Hangar Bay]
[Philip POV]
I stood by near the men as Oxygen intake excercise has been completed. We are now currently entering in the cabin of the Air crafts that will fly us towards pearl harbor. Taking a vacant seat, I insert my helmet on my head, Making sure my Thompson's drum mag has full ammunition I look up at Alpha 1 which will be the squadron Ill be dropping with.
"Sir! Glad your joining Alpha 1 for entry!" one of the soldier entering the bird shouts at me with a proud smile etched on his face, just by his uniform I can immediately tell he is one of the pilots.
"Oh realy why is that!?" I shout back as the engine of the bird begins to roar aloud
"I Like to call this beaut 'Roaring Wings!' sir, Mainly because this is probably the Only aircraft in the Hangar WITH SPEAKERS!!!" He laughs before moving towards the cockpit.
"Well then!....I sure hope you Pilots have a good sense in Music!" I laughed back.
"Sir! Were DAMN Pilots ALL OF OUR MUSIC IS GOOD!!!" He laughs as he inserts a disk into a audio player which even I cant believe I haven't noticed before.
"Hope you like the artist All Good things sire!" he shouts with a wide smile etched on his face. near the audio player are stacks of disks filled with music to entertain us during our flight to hell
[Present Time]
[Cleveland POV]
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" I curse as I bit my lips. the odds were against us all, no matter how many of Akagi or Kaga's aircraft I sank more just takes there place. Whats more is that were lacking on air support, and the number of new siren ships is just overwhelming.
**Bang** **Boom** **Bang** as the intensity of the battle continues to rise. I watch as Siren aircrafts rain down heavy artillery at my fellow ships, In rage I tried to charge in getting within range to send those bastards to hell. because of my arrogant nature I was unable to see as Kaga's blue flaming aircrafts drop bombardment upon me nearly sending me tumbling on the watery surface of the ocean.
"Gr...this is proving difficult than before" I growled taking in heavy breaths from the endless fighting
"Theres no end to this" Javelin says being within distance of me and Laffey. "We could be in real trouble" Laffey complains as well.
"We just need to keep pushing forward!" I roared returning in fire with my own artillery **Bang** **Bang** *Bang** sinking in a handful of Akagi's and Kaga's planes.
[Kaga POV]
I watched ontop my warship counterpart the ensuing chaos as the tides of the battle continues to lean on our favor.
"Hmpfh this is going to be an easy victory. you were right sister. Ships of Azur lane have gotten cocky and used most of the oil in there tanks during the first wave" I smiled as I continue to observe as our aircraft shredds the defenses of Azur lane.
"Qufufufu now now Kaga. lets not allow ourselves to get cocky as well. After all our purpose here is to test this new technology and if possible..." My sister stays quiet after uttering those words signaling me to continue her sentence
"Sink the Grey Ghost" I replied as I continue to look down on the squirming ships below.
[3rd person POV]
The battle within pearl harbor seems to reach no conclusion. What remains of the shattered alliance of Azur lane continues to fight the onslaught of the Sakura Empire 1st carrier division, and the unending waves of Siren aircraft and ships. Royal Navy and the Eagle Union desperately struggle to return fire against there foes. **Bang** **Bang** *Boom**.
"Torpedos coming in hot" Laffey states as her rig begins to launch torpedos straight for a Siren Warship causing it to explode within the area also sinking some aircrafts that got to close to the explosion's range.
"Laffey! watch out!" Javelin interjects as she rushes in to fight behind Laffey using her javelin like artillery to shoot down an aircraft that was trying to get a greedy shot behind Laffey.
Soon another squadron of Akagi and Kaga's planes begins to charge in preparing a handful of bombardment near laffey, javelin, and Cleveland's location.
"Laffey, Javelin Look out!" cleveland shouts as she braces herself from the upcoming shells by the enemy bombers.
Before the bombing hatch of the bombers open a sound of artillery fire is heard **Pew, Pew, Pew, Pew** As the bombers starts to be shredded by a squadron of Royal Navy planes.
"Interceptors!" cleveland cheers as she watches the planes continuing to soar high rettaliating against sakura empire aircrafts. "Atlast Air Support!" Javelin shouts in glee looking at the aircraft responsible.
HMS Unicorn a ship smaller than Javelin herself. this small long purple haired girl hugging a unicorn doll equipped in her own battle combat ready rig
[HMS Unicorn Pic: https://images.app.goo.gl/LgARsstDXyHAWVYKA ]
"S-Stay away from my friends!" Unicorn shouts in her adorable voice as she begins to use her rigs full potential by using the power of the wisdom cubes that created her to manifest a steed with wings...and a horn... a unicorn (Its her name what did you expect?).
ridding her steed she launches more aircraft to the skies as she too took flight. with the mere pressence of another aircraft in the field the tides of this fight slightly tilts to the favor of Azur Lane. with Unicorns interceptors keeping the other aircrafts busy this gets the attention of IJN Kaga.
[Kaga POV]
As I witness the number of my aircrafts been reduced I eye the small child in her steed.
"That girl, another air craft carrier huh?" I bluntly say. judging by her looks my predatory sides begins to slowly take over.
"Such a lean body, she's not much of a meal" I malicously grin, holding my fox mask it begins to burn bright in blue flames within my hand as I also use the full potential of my ship. My warship counterpart begins to be engulfed in cherry blossom flowers swirling around. just as how this air craft carrier manifested her stead. The petals begins to wildly dispurse as my warship counterpart had been transformed into a large no massive white coated and armored fox, its razor sharp teeth glimmers when hit by sunlight, its eyes and tails are nothing more than my blue flames intensely sizzling, white fur as pale as winter snow, its armor made from the parts of my air craft carrier with shoulder pads being launch decks, and finaly its face painted in crimson paint. **ROOAARR** it roars loudly sending in the other ships of azur lane in fear.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?"Cleveland shouts commenting as she looks up on the massive canine that just appeared.
"I shall devour you! Hahahah!" I laugh sadisticly as my fox's shoulder pads begins to launch its large quantities of aircrafts with the goal being to overwhelm Unicorn.
[Javelin POV]
"Not on my watch!" I look at the large amounts if aircrafts closing distance between unicorn. I charge my javelin wanting to reduce as much of Kaga's aircraft squadron as possible.
"Watch out!" I hear laffey shout towards me. as I feel a sudden push from my behind. Having barely enough time to see, saw laffey roughly push me away sending me tumbling on the surface of the water below us.
**BOOM!!!* A massive explosion erupts on Laffeys position as I witness her save my life from enemy torpedos. "Laffey!" I cried out in horror, but as the water settles from the explosion I see laffey soaked in salt water surviving the onslaught.
**cough** **Cough** "USS Destroyer Laffey...still combat capable" Laffey utters as she holds her damaged right shoulder from tanking the explosion.
after realizing laffey was alright I glanced back looking for the source of those torpedos. Standing infront of us is another destroyer.
"Y-You!?" I shout in disbelief as I look at the ship standing before me and laffey. this ship is just our height. a blonde haired ship wearing what seemed to be a school uniform, wearing on her head is a robot like headband that resembles fox ears, and atlast a large broadsword attached to her hip.
"Sakura Empire, Improved Fubuki-Class Destroyer Ayanami" Ayanami draws her sword, charging in full speed causing a rift in the surface of the water **SWISH!**. As her sword and my javelin clashed I am held back from her momentum
"Taste the power of the demon" Ayanami threatens as her grip tightens pushing her sword further against my javelin.
"B-But why, why do this? were ships we should be fighting with one another, not against each other!" I desperately reply not seeing the point of this conflict.
"Its because were enemies of course" Ayanami's eyes narrow as she aims the artillery attached to her rig towards my face, firing point blank. **Bang!** as I managed to back away before the shell could touch me. smoke puffs from Ayanami's barrel due to the combustion.
[3rd person POV]
As Javelin and Laffey becomes occupied against a fellow destroyer, Unicorn remains having her hands full against kaga. Taking the risk Unicorn decides to circles back with Kaga's aircrafts still following behind her inbound. Unicorn closes in the distance between her and the big bad wolf launching in more aircraft trying to bombard the beast.
The beast tilts its head at the small ship's futile effort its blue flaming nine tails oddly adjust itself in a tilting motion upward as if aiming. **Pew, Pew, Pew, Pew** the tails starts to serve as anti air artillery firing down heavy ammunition engulfed in blue flames it begins to mow down on Unicorn's aircraft "W-What!?" Unicorn says in disbelief as she witness her planes sinking down. Laffey helplessly watch from her location Unicorn desperately trying to avoid anti air from shooting her down.
"is that it? Was I fool for accepting such measly challenge?" Kaga snickers from afar toying with her prey with her sister watching her from a distance.
"oh? Kaga you seemed to be enjoying this~" Akagi comments on her sister as she stands ontop her own air craft carrier.
Time passes with Azur Lane still distressed with pushing back against the endless wave of air craft and sirens. **bang** **pow** **Bang** as both sides wildly retaliates, returning fire trying to sink as much of the opposition as possible.
**BOOM!** as a lucky shot from the wolfs anti air finds itself making contact with Unicorn's body. The explosion caused by such devastating shot was enough to send the poor ship crashing down on the ocean **Splash**. Barely alive she floats at the surface of the water, weak, exhausted, and unable to move she helplessly looks up.
the massive beast slowly makes its way towards it's prey. **Roar!** Roaring aloud for all to hear of its truimph and might. Opening its wide jaws showing the defeated Unicorn its horrendous massively sharp fangs. breathing heavily down upon her the fox's head retracts back abit before lunging in with the goal of eating Unicorn whole.
"Nooo!" Cleveland helplessly shouts from her location trying to rush towards Unicorn's side to protect her, however the knight of the seas could only do is pray for help.
**Caww!** as the cries from a bird of prey echoes in the sea. ascending from the skies is a eagle coated in blue light. **Caw! Caw!** the radiant bird soars flying majesticly.
The beast upon seeing another prey stray near it only roared back at its cries. the beast begins to send in a handful of Kaga's aircrafts to shoot it out of the skies. **Vroom**
Kaga:"Another pest, another meal" Kaga snickers as she watches from afar.
Suddenly instead of fleeing the glowing eagle boldly charges in. Ramming each planes the beast throws at it **Clash** **clash** **Clash**. As the eagle closes its distance between the beast Kaga is left speecheless
"W-What is this!?" Kaga surprisingly utters. in disbelief at what she had just witnessed. This sudden appearance silences the battle for a few seconds as all attention was stolen by the bird
The eagle didnt stop as it begins to ram itself in and out of the fox's tough hide **BOOM** doing a large sum of damage against the beast causing it to stagger and collapse down rendering it immobolised for the meantime. As the bird's luminous blue light disperse it is revealed that what was thought to be a glowing bird turns out to be a Eagle Union air craft. After performing such deed the air craft retreats back, Flying past Akagi with ease and evading Anti air by the sirens trying to sink it down.
"What the!?" Akagi shouts at the sudden appearance of the aircraft. Doing her best to command her planes to follow the craft trying to pin point its source of origin it didnt take long for all to see afar in a distance another ship.
in the horizon sails another Air craft. its nationality being obviously from the Eagle Union's. "T-that ship" cleveland comments in astonishment as what she is seeing is a legendary Air craft.
"An Eagle Union air craft carrier, is that who i think it is?" Akagi questions while sitting on a pole of her warship counterpart, her eyes fixed on the sudden arrival of the ship.
"Thats her, The Eagle Unions strongest air craft carrier.." Cleveland says as she watches from her distance her camp's prized fighter...USS Enterprise.