Chapter 5.5 Grey Ghost part 2 [Syndicates Arrival]

[3rd person POV]

this ship from afar is illuminated and highlighted by the light shining down on the reflected sea from the bright radiant sun. standing alone on the deck of this massive eagle Union aircraft is a tall slender, long white haired woman, her attire being unique for she wears a sea captain's hat and a buttonless coat. her hair sways forward as she commands as much of her air crafts to take flight and engage her enemies.

[Enterprise pic: ]

[Enterprise POV]

I watched on the deck of my warship counter part for too long. I am awared of how much the odds were against me. Being the only air craft carrier in the field other than Unicorn who is in critical condition, I know I need to take immediate action. Push my way against the fleet of sirens to the frontlines and eliminate Kaga who seems to pose a higher threat at the moment.

"Enterprise, Engage" I utter the command that allows me to in a sense fuse with my warship counterpart. doing so the ship I stand ontop of begins to disperse into hundrees blue bright wisdom cubes. the glowing cubes begins to encircle me, letting its light engulf the entirety of my body. With the light dispersing once the transition was done. I stand above the water in my combat ready rig, in my side is a miniture version of my ship deck and on my hand is a bow. A bow made from the same substances as my ship counterpart. from afar I can see my brethrens watch in awe but I paid it no heed as whats important is the success of this mission. with my might Ill try and turn the tides of this battle to the survival of my comrades.

I eye the dangers ahead, without second thoughts I dash fort into the field fighting my way against the siren onslaught.

"Here I come!" I shout as I dash forward with my aircrafts behind me to provide cover, as I try to maneuver my way into the fight. **Vrrooomm** as one of my air crafts begins to hover in a lower altitude above me. Taking advantage of this I jump as high as I could mounting my own air craft which increases the time itll take for me to save everyone. **Thump** as I sucessfuly land ontop of my plane skoaring the skies.

[3rd person POV]

**Pew!** **Pew!** **Pew!** the sounds of Siren Anti Air roars throughout the skies trying to shoot enterprise down along with her air craft entourage. with succesful piloting skills Enterprise dodges all of the anti air, flying in a lower altitude proves to be somehow advantageous seeing as most anti air are aimed sky high.

**boom** **Boom** **boom** as the Grey Ghost's air crafts manages to perform succesful bombardments and artillery fire towards the sirens sinking in a handful of them to the depths of the ocean. the sea is ablazed with such intense fire fight so far the appearance of Eagle Unions strongest aircraft had inspired the rest of Azur lane to push fort. with such act from enterprise every ship is firing there artillery till the last bullet as the light of hope shines throughout the harbor.

"Interesting!" Kaga says with a snicker as she commands the majority of her forces to sorround enterprise trying to force her into a choke point.

Enterprise who seems to be trying to make her way towards the immobolised fox like monster of kaga, sees the incoming hostiles coming her way. "Tsk" Enterprise retorts as she begins to pull the string of her bow back. Charging up her weaponry she releases the string, "RAGH!" She shouts as the energy that her bow's been charging up releases into a single golden glowing arrow with the glow being similar to the flickering of a campfire.

**Swish** as the arrow pierces the skies it splits itself into several more smaller arrows that shoots out a decent sum of kaga's planes **Crash** **Crash** **Crash** that proceeds to tumble down. not being able to destroy the entire squadron Enterprise decides to bail out of her mount trying to get a new ride from her other air crafts.

As she was about to make the leap trying to dismount from her current ride a large grin was etched on Akagi's face "Hehe~". With a flick of Akagi's right hand her planes finaly begins to take action in trying to sink Enterprise.

Flanking the Eagle Union air craft from the right it fires its heavy artillery towards her **Pew** **pew** **pew**. "Damn it!" Enterprise curses at her lack of awareness as all shots stays true hitting her hard. **Splash** as Enterprise is flicked from her aircraft mount and sent splashing at the surface of the water. still combat capable only suffering damage on her deck she pulls the string of her bow back only to realise that the Grey Ghost had been sorrounded.

Enterprise is stuck in a sticky situation. Sorrounding her are Kaga's blue flamed planes. "Your mine Phantom!" she maniacly shouts her triumph thanks to her sisters aid they may be able to sink the Phantom. "Grr.." Enterprise growled trying to find a route out of her entrappment.

"Let this day be told in history as the day the Great E has been sunk, as the day Sakura Empire will forever by truimphant!" Kaga boasts as she holds out her hands ready to command her planes to open fire.

suddenly just as before she can order the command her fox ears twitches.

a second before Kaga's ears twitched, Akagi's eyes narrows as a feeling of awareness takes over, she lookes above. Kaga seeing her sister looks sky high in a altitude far higher than there planes she follows suit gazing at the luminescent dark sky filled with there flaming aircrafts.

A beat...No a music silently roars from afar. all ships from the Royal Navy, Eagle Union, Sakura empire,and hell even the Sirens ceased fighting as silence drops on the harbor with only the strange ominous silent music playing.

"W-What is" Cleveland utters questioning what that music is. eyeing the skies which seems to be the sounds point of origin.

Soon from a distance everyone sees a squadron of large planes hovering atleast 18,00 ft perhaps even higher, soaring the clouds above. A sensation of hope from the ships of Azur lane begins to simmer followed by Karma stabbing the back of The 1st Carrier division of the Sakura Empire.

Enterprise watches and sighed in relief as the Azur lanes long awaited support has arrived.

"Cerberus Syndicate..." Kaga said with disgust as she spots the three headed dog logo painted on the sides of the Syndicate's aircrafts

"Kaga...these dogs wants to play with us wolves heheh lets give them what they came for~" Akagi sadisticly replies. She raises her hands up ordering a large fair sum of her flaming Aircrafts to fly at 15,000ft trying to get within range to open fire at the Syndicate's planes. Kaga following her Sisters example orders a more smaller quantity of her planes after the Syndicate, while the rest remains to sorround enterprise.

Taking this opportunity Enterprise takes a deep breath holding her hand out "Not on my watch!" as she orders her planes to intercept those that are trying to sink the Syndicate providing as much cover as possible for the syndicate to land.

"Tsk, just die!" Kaga screamed as she orders her planes to shoot enterprise down, but just before as her planes could fire a single shot at the sorrounded air craft, cleveland shouts rushing in towards Enterprise "Eat this!" **Boom** **Boom** **Boom** as she fires her artillery from afar. The planes sorrounding the Grey Ghost bursts in explosion as Cleveland's shots landed with percision leaving Kaga to curse and blame the Syndicate for there intrusion.

"Do not worry Kaga. Getting rid of the Syndicate's lackeys shouldnt take to long. Qufufuf" Akagi psychoticly reassures her sister thinking of the possibilty humans would match against the monsters they themselves have created. the odds being in there favor was the thought lingering on Akagi's mind

Cleveland upon reaching her idol breaths heavily. **Heavy breathing** "Hi! Um hello...Uhh USS CLEVELAND REPORTING FOR DUTY!" cleveland exclaims not realy knowing how to act towards enterprise.

Enterprise blinks at cleveland and gently smiles "Thanks" She gives her gratitude not realy paying attention to Clevelands awkward introductions which is provably for the best. she sighs before looking back at cleveland "Get as much as everyone rallied up as you can, and keep fighting back!" she orders before rushing in further towards the incoming siren. Cleveland being left in awe could only nod and follow her supperior's orders.

As Enterprises dashes forward trying to eliminate as much of the threat as possible. She glances towards the large aircrafts knowing little of this Syndicate. she can only think of what will be the strenghts of the neutral faction known as the Cerberus Syndicate bring to the table and will it be enough to finaly win this battle.