Chapter 6: For The Glory

[Philip POV]

After listening to atleast 50 songs non stop I look outside the window of the cabin there I saw it. Pearl harbor the sea set in fire from the oil leakage of fallen ships, and the land were the Azur lane Hq stood is in utter chaos with structures and debri scattered around the area.

**Boom** as our plane suddenly shakes.

"What was that?" Private Robert Davies gulps at the sudden shaking. Looking at the boy I dont question his cowardice seeing as this is his first time being part of an Air borne division. Im more questioning how he was assigned to Alpha 1.

"That boy is turbulance...and by turbulance I meant flaming planes in a present bow tie given to us by pissed foxes" I respond as I watch the arial fight occuring outside with Eagle Union aircrafts intercepting and flanking hostile planes giving us a quiet enough commotion to do a Halo. I check on my thompson again, putting on a bandana mask for baddassery, wearing my chute and preparing to wear my Earmuffs which would help protect my ears from the loud noises of gunfire.

The moment Alpha 1 saw me prepare they begin to equip there gear as well,making sure there guns were loaded and putting on there own ear muffs.

"S-sorry for the shakeyness sir...first time in the skies" Robert replied in a shakey voice.

"No worries kid I remember my first time as well...took baby steps and by baby steps I meant jumping or diving in low altitudes! " I shout making sure he heard me despite the engine and music of our plane. Being in the army in my previous life I barely got airborne action. "Ill be with you all the ways kid we all are...just to make sure non of us die!" I comforted him which probably didnt sound that comforting for the poor private.

"Alright ladies and gents. were nearing our approach to land. once you jump theres no turning back. once were falling expect planes that isnt ours coming at you. Stay with the plan and stay alive!" taking a deep breath I stood up as I walk close to the hatch with the others following my example and responding with a proud along with a loud "Hoorah!".

"Hey! Pilots care to give us a song?" I sarcasticly ask the busy pilots trying to avoid enemy fire.

"Haha! For the glory, sir...For The Fucking Glory" they replied as they put in a different reserved disk into the audio player. with that...the roaring wings roars once again.

[Heavily suggested to listen to the song for immersion as readers proceed to read the continuation of the story below]

[Song name: For The Glory

By: All good things]

[3rd person POV]

||**Music instrumental**||

Prince of wales's eyes widen at the sight of large aircrafts flying in high altitudes. her and illustrious along with a handful of there attendants were having there hands full from keeping large quantities of siren hostiles at bay, preventing as much property damage as possible. Wales cant help but be in awe as the aircrafts soar the heavens with the roaring sounds of its mighty propellers, and catchy music.

"The Syndicate..." was the only words illustrious could utter as she cant help but be mesmerized by the large planes and the three headed dog insignia.

||*Better back down, you're in my domain. Got the whole crowd screaming out our name. It's a blowout, it's a hurricane. It's over before you know it*||

The Syndicate's planes is unwavered despite the turbulence caused in such heights and the desperate onslaught by the Sirens Anti Air artillery. keeping steady and on course the outstanding pilots continues to fly there crafts sky high, dodging the shells fired towards them from heavy artillery.

Enterprise gazes at the skies whilst maneuvering past siren ships, she watches as Akagi and Kaga's planes began to be shot down by her aircrafts. "Interesting..." Enterprise comments being somewhat intruiged by the coordinated planes as they continue to move, unscathed by hostile artillery.

"A-amazing!" Cleveland cheers with a large smile on her rugid face from the fire-fight. eyeing the skies she could finaly let out a sigh of relief.

||*Why you shaking, we're a dynasty; in the making, we're the royalty. Now we're breaking down the enemy move over (for the soldiers)*||

Akagi bit her lip as she watches The Syndicate's planes continues moving in closer to the fight, moving past the clouds and flying past the numerous projectiles thrown at them. the music from the Syndicate's aircrafts only roars louder as the planes now hovers above pearl harbor

"Insolent! Ill crash there planes to the depths of the ocean as we did with there cargo ships. Ill use more of my planes to flank the Syndi-" Kaga said annoyed by the interferrance of the Cerberus Syndicate. before she could finish her sentence and yell out the command Akagi puts her hand on kaga's shoulder

"Kaga...look there cargo holds are opening" Akagi pointed out as the Syndicate's planes begins to open up the cargo holds. "W-what the?" Kaga replied confused, unaware of the planes strange behaviour.

||*Take a swing, I can take a hit. If we die it's fine, we live for this*||

**Clink** as the Cargo hold opens up, Feeling the pressurized air brush Alpha 1 back chuckling could be heard from the group as they are aware all eyes are on them from the ships below. "Lets give them a show Haha!" Philip shouts.

then with the radio connecting all of the Syndicates airborn aircrafts in the area begins to stutter as the voice from all squadron begins to resonate through the speakers.

||* Its all for this*||

"Charlie 1,2, and 3 going in dark! Bravo 1,2, and 3 going in dark! Alpha 2 and 3 going in dark!" as the said squadron begins jumping off the planes soaring down the skies in style. **woosh** **woosh** **woosh**

||**Drum roll**||

"ALPHA 1 GOING IN DARK!" Philip shouts with his voice resonating as well through the radio. **Woosh** As he jumps off the Roaring Wings. just as he launches off the plane, the entirety of Alpha 1 follows suit as the Cerberus Syndicate begins to fall from the heavens together.

as such act is performed by the faction. the eyes watching them widens as Eagle Union, Royal Navy, and Sakura Empire are at disbelief at the sight.

||*We're gonna stand on top with our hands in the sky. Gonna raise our cup to the stadium lights. For the glory (For the glory). *||

"WOOHOO! YEAH!" As philip cheers, enjoying the moment. As the Syndicates militia begins to fall from the skies, they raise there hands up in the sky. they feel the wind brush there hairs back with the aid of gravity pulling them closer to glory alongside the cargo holding there supplies.

"T-theyre falling" Cleveland comments astonished and yet dumbfounded by the Syndicate's actions.

"Quick! shoot them down!" Kaga orders as her planes begins to fly towards the falling soldiers.

||*For the glory (For the glory)*||

the left head of the Syndicate watches as a handful of hostile Aircrafts begins to charge towards them he roared out the command heard by all of his forces "RELEASE AND FIRE!"

*Swoosh!** As he and the troops pulls the release levers of there chutes! releasing the suspension lines and the canopy of there parachute slowing there decent to the ground. this display of the Syndicates military might catches the eyes of Azur lane as it leaves most of them enthralled and filled with hope to win this battle. leaving alot of positive remarks

||*We celebrate with the city tonight. Hear the hometown cheer, it's the ultimate high. For the glory (For the glory), We do it for the glory (For the glory)*||

now being in a stable motion the troops armed with submachine guns begins to return fire towards the hostile air crafts **Pew!**

**pew!** **pew!** as there bullets pours down heavily on the unsuspecting squadron of hostile planes. Aiming for the cockpits of there foes, one after the other enemy air crafts begins to crash down the shores and in the water.

As the battle rages on, the horrendous scene continues as Kagas planes manages to shoot down a decent sum of the Syndicate's paratroopers while loosing a larger amount of aircraft given the training and preparation of the Syndicate to such scenario. the skies are glitteref with the sight of the Syndicates chutes and numerous supply drops along with the sound from gunfire. this has truly been a badass moment for the Cerberus Syndicate.

||**Music Instrumental**||

Soon Syndicate's troops reaches solid ground. The moment Philip's boots ouches the warm sand he began to shout out commands to get all his remaining soldiers organized.

"Alright! Everyone remember your squadron and Role!" Philip shouts out as he removes the empty drum mag from his thompson. checking how much shots he has remaining in the fire-arm.

"4..." philip utters underneath his breath.

"Commander! weve lost half of Charlie 1 and most of bravo 1 during entry!" Robert shouts back as he helps the men secure the precious supply drops.

"Its alright! stick with the plan, I want whats left of Bravo 1 set up a machine gun section in the towers of the city! as for Alpha 3 have them set up a quick trench and provide fire support for Charlie 1-3. I want our Mortars and M20 recoiless rifle heavily secured and sinking Sirens! inform our medics to use any large building as a medbay and have them put the medic insignia at the front door! Have whats left of everyone get a rig and assault rifle to settle the score with Sakura Empire! NOW GO GOO!!"" Philip commands with an authoritive voice similar to his brothers. not a second has passed since he shouted the command to Robert, he begins to run towards the nearest supply drop.

"Sir yes sir!" Robert shouts back doing a quick salute before running the other direction to spread Philip's command.

||*Yeah, we've waited, for our time to come

Calculated everything we've done. We've upgraded, now you can't outrun a champion

(Now you're facing one)*||

With the command of Philip spread throughout the remaining soldiers of the Syndicate it doesnt take long for them to open up the supply drops retrieving in there main weaponry and supplies for field medics.

A machine gun section was stationed near freshly made trenches. FIAT Reveli M1914/35 [HMG] the machine gun section is composed of this italian machine gun uses 8×50 mm round, it is a belt fed gun, This saved the Syndicates econonmy since its parts were recycled from the original Reveli M14.

heavy Artillery was quickly set up by the troops. mortars firing 60mm rounds and M20 106mm recoiles rifle though the m20 was meant to be an anti tanks bazooka it still holds promising results against extraterrestrial technology. all the pressure produced by firing such a large cartridge from the M20 is instead of being contained and shake wildly; it is it releases the propellent gas on the other side of the fire arm making it recoiless.

After taking arms all of the Syndicates troops began to take positions as ordered by Philip loading in the heavy cartridge and inserting the magazine. The soldiers without hesitation squeezes the trigger letting all of hell loose.


||Can you hear them, yeah, it's all for us. You believe them, yeah, it's serious. Hear the siren, we're victorious. I'm telling ya, can I get a hell yeah? (Hell yeah!)*||

Akagi and Kaga watches as there aircrafts began to be mowed down by the machine gun sections at the towers and in the shore lines**Ratatatata!**. it didnt take long before the ringing sounds of the Mortar and M20 160mm rifle can be heard throughout the field.

like a crashing rocket the mortars 60mm rounds begins to pierce the heavens crashing down upon the Siren ships **Boom!** followed by the loud sounds of the M20 recoiless rifle**BOOM!** as the shell roars travelling through the wind like a hornet. as it makes impact against siren's heavy armor there was no dent left by the bullet only a large hole. the rounds sinks deep into the siren's tough hide, it does its job as soon more and more of the Siren and Sakura Empire's forces begins to diminish with every round fired.

**Ratatata** **Bang!** **Bang** **Boom!** **Ratatat** as the loud sounds of gunfire forever echoes the seas, empty shells from the chamber of each fire arms lays wasted on the sands as more rounds are fired endlessly towards the Siren onslaught. surpressing the threat.

"I-Incredible" Cleveland coments as she witnesses the coordinated shots delivered by the Syndicate sinking every Siren in sight.

||*Take a swing, I can take a hit. If we die it's fine,we live for this. Its all for this*||

Standing on the shore lines is Philip accompanied by an organized lines of armed Syndicate troopers. Holding in there arms are loaded assault rifles, M1 Garands and SVT-40 rifles. On there backs are what seemed to be black jetpack, with a hose connecting to a flyboard attached to there shoes.

the newly made rigs that would help the Syndicate fight in the frontlines, forming in a formidable infantry unit.

Philip inserts a clip loaded with ammunition inside his garand, surveying the sorroundings. his eyes narrow as a grin appears beneath his bandana mask.

**Vroom** **Vroom** **Vroom** as the Syndicate's rigs roars with the sound of fuel being burned.

||**Beat drops**||

||*We're gonna stand on top with our hands in the sky. Gonna raise our cup to the stadium lights. For the glory (For the glory), For the glory (For the glory)!*||

**Crink! WOOSH!** the rig begins to thrusts all the soldiers forward into no mans land. The Syndicates infantry unit dashes fort above water floating in a similar fashion as the Ship-girls.

**Woosh!** as the soldiers passes by USS Cleveland. "Wow..." Clevelands utters as her eyes met with the soldiers insignia as water splashes everywhere leaving a trail of the Troops's path as they continue to move through the battle field.

||*We celebrate with the city tonight. Hear the hometown cheer, it's the ultimate high. For the glory (For the glory) We do it for the glory (For the glory)!*||

Azur lane's numbers drasticly increases thanks to the Syndicates assistance. Siren and Sakura Empire forces begins to collide with the Syndicates Infantry**Pew, Pew, Pew** the desperate sounds of hostile aircrafts trying to shoot down the Syndicates Infantry doesnt go unnoticed. **BOOM!** as the sight of a Siren aircraft harmlessly bombards the sea in an effort to eliminate three soldiers. **Bang!** **Bang!** As the Syndicates infantry returns fire, shooting either the tail,wing, or cockpit of the planes; regardless the planes begins to crash down from the skies as there hulls are littered with gun shots.

Syndicate troops starts to dash towards the nearest Siren warships. The moment they got close enough they began to attach explosive demo charges on the Ship's hull.

||**Music ends**|| [end the song]

"DEMO CHARG IS SET!" Philip radios in to his comrades within the vicinity as he attaches the demo charge in the Siren ship, holding the trigger and waiting for a response from the others. "Charge is set sir!" Robert radios in from his squads location farther from Philips.

"Set here!" "Here as well sir!" as the response from 15 other squadron can be heard through the speaker of Philip's radio.

"Our rigs can only stay online for 15 minutes! We gotta get back to the beach and refuel! Clear out of the area and set off the explosives!" Philip commands as he signals his men to order a strategical retreat. moving away from the ticking siren time bomb.

"Sister...theyre retreating. Hmpfh humans cannot destroy what they created" from afar Kaga watches as she comments about The Syndicates forces retreating back to the beach while maintaining contact against them.

The moment Kaga finishes her statement the Siren ships they were proud so proud off begins to explode **BOOM!****BOOM!** **BOOM!** as 15 Siren warships began to blaze in flame and sink towards the depths of the ocean.

"W-what" Kagas voice resonates with anger and disbelief, she clenches her fist letting out a frustrated growl. "...." Akagi remains silent as she watches more and more of there so called invasion force begins to be reduced to ash.

--To Be Continued