

I'm Mirei Ying, but I currently live as Celestine la Luvenis. I got hit by a car when trying to save a young boy who ran up the road without looking. When I opened my eyes, thinking that I was in heaven, I woke up in a wide forest full of trees. I remember rubbing my eyes and then an old man found me with his wife. The two of them looked from a wealthy family in the Middle Ages. The man ordered a servant to bring me along with them, I have never seen someone with a servant. After I saw their carriage, I knew that I wasn't in 'my world' anymore.

*In the carriage*

The old couple was sitting across me and they kept looking at me, the old lady gave me a crooked and cold smile. The old man finally spoke: "How did you get in our forest?" I snapped out of my thoughts and answered him: "I can't remember that sir...."

The lady gave me a 'tsk' before a servant opened the carriage door and let the couple out. They told me to stay put in the carriage and not peek outside.


I woke up, still sitting in the carriage. 'They probably left me to die here' I thought to myself. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't stop my curiosity and peeked outside. I was in shock, there was a huge house, no a mansion! I saw the same crest as the carriage's at the entrance, it was the couple's mansion.


I heard the door open and pretended to be asleep, I could hear voices and the old man. "So this is the replacement you brought?" my heart dropped, we're they going to kill me?

"She is perfect, she has beautiful green eyes and beautiful blonde hair. The duke can't refuse her!" the old man said. I heard a girl laugh until she finally spoke to me: "Wake up you pig!". I sighed and looked at who spoke to me, it was a pretty dressed girl with a big chest and brown hair. A servant helped me out of the carriage and the girl walked up to me looking at me from top to bottom.

"You sure are pretty, but you won't survive with that alone!" the girl walked away and the old man stood still. "You will be living with us for some weeks, you will have to repay us though" the old man walked away, not knowing that I could figure out why I had to stay.

I'm a replacement bride for the duke.....


*2 weeks later*

"Mary, do you know how much longer I have to stay here?" Marie was appointed to be my temporary maid, she shook her head. "Do you want to leave that bad Lady Celestine?" Mary said while brushing my hair. "Anything is better than marrying someone who is known for the 'Battlefield's Demon'" I spoke, with no emotion. I looked at myself in the mirror, I had clear green eyes with light blonde hair. If I looked like that in my world everyone would've thought that I was a model or something. I sighed, 'Just how much longer do I have to endure?'. Mary helped me dress and prepare for a ball, the old woman's daughter is getting engaged to the third prince today. I went outside got in a carriage and left the Luvenis mansion.


I arrived at the ball, a lot of ladies looked at me with a grin. They looked down on me, which is expected since I popped out of nowhere in a forest. Elia, the Luvenis' biological daughter was nowhere to be seen. 'I have to get out of here as fast as possible' I left the ladies and went to the garden. The flowers were in full bloom, they had a beautiful blue glow in the evening.

"You can't even congratulate me? You are really spoiled!" Elia appeared behind me with the third prince. I turned around and bowed, "I congratulate you on your engagement Lady Elia and-" I got interrupted by a slap of Elia. "It's not Lady Elia, it's princess!" I gave her a glare, her fiancé was standing there with no emotion on his face. "I apologise princess, I'll take my leave" I left the two of them alone, she wasn't married to the prince yet so why calling her a princess?

*Third prince's view*

I saw Elia slapping her little sister and it looked really amusing. "You even treat your little sister this way?" I told her while having a grin on my face. "She's not my sister, she should be happy that she can marry a duke!" my grin faded away, all the Luvenis women are hungry for stays and money. 'That Celestine was probably better to marry than this weird Elia' I thought, but who I was going to marry doesn't matter. 'As long as I can become the crown prince, I'll kill all of them!'