The man with the blue eyes


As long as I can become the crown prince, I'll kill all of them!


'That Elia probably won't change her personality for anyone', I though to myself. "I only need to survive and make sure to go home safely!". I went to the hall and as expected, it was full of nobles and royalties. I could hear the ladies whispering behind my back: "Is she that adopted daughter of the Luvenis'?". I wanted to talk but shut my mouth, nobody has to know me. I grabbed a drink and right at that moment, a lady spilled her drink on my dress.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry miss Luvenis!", I could hear the sarcasm in her voice. "Don't worry about it, please enjoy your time here", I walked away. The ladies were laughing and smirking. I wanted to back to my real parents so bad that I was almost about to cry.

"Miss, are you alright?" I heard a gentle but deep voice behind me. I turned around and saw a muscular man with dark hair and blue eyes. "I'm fine, thank you sir".

"You're not, look at that stain on your dress. You should ask your servants to help you change" the man spoke. "My servants aren't here, they left after sending me off" I spoke with a cold voice. "Then please wear this for now" the man put his jacket on me and smiled. "Please enjoy the party miss"

*The blue-eyed man's POV*

"Roy, was that Celestine Luvenis?" I asked my personal guard. He nodded and pointed to a woman. "Lady Celestine's sister is getting married to the third prince today, she was probably forced to come". I smirked, "She looks interesting".

*Celestine's POV*

I got a jacket from a mysterious man, it felt really soft and it was probably expensive. His eyes were beautiful and gave an even more mysterious aura to the man. As I was lost in thoughts, the king spoke.

"Thank you all for coming to my son's and soon-to-be princess Elia Luvenis!" The crows started clapping until the king raised his hand. "I also want to announce that the soon-to-be princess will be living in the Royal Palace from now on, so please visit if you have time!" I was really glad to hear that, because that meant one less problem at home. "I also want to announce that duke Florys has returned!" The crows was in awe, I couldn't understand why so I just kept listening to the ladies' whispers. "Isn't he that super hot guy?" "He is! But he's the Battlefield's Demon!" My eyes widened, my fiancé, a duke, also had that same nickname.... Is duke Florys my fiancé?!

A man appeared next to the king, it was the same man who handed his jacket to me! "Please treat duke Florys well, he won several wars for us!", the king said. My eyes and the duke's met, he smirked at me?! I quickly walked away from the crowd and took a breath in the garden.

"So you're Elia's sister?", it was the third prince. I gave him a nod and sat down on a bench.

"You have some nerves to sit down in front of a prince without permission!" he jokingly said with a smile. He sat down next to me and made me quite uncomfortable. "Prince, don't you love lady Elia? Why don't you go and look for her?" I said with a cold face. "I think I've fallen for you more, my lady" the prince spoke, making me cringe. "Prince, you shouldn't do this. You're engaged" I said, getting up and sighing. "So what? Your sister is too spoiled, don't you want to be a princess?", the prince gave me a weird feeling, it was uncomfortable and it didn't feel quite right.

"Prince, please just leave me alone" I walked away but he chased me and pulled me towards him. I could feel his lips touching my ear, he held my arms tightly so I couldn't break free. I heard him whispering in my ear: "I could make you the crown princess...". I tried to break free but failed, the prince licked my ear and laughed. "You're the first woman to resist me lady Celestine!" I could feel an aura coming from him, it felt dark and it longed for power. While trying to break free, duke Florys' jacket fell on the ground. It was a moment of silence before the third prince spoke: "You have a lover?" I broke free and quickly grabbed the jacket. The prince looked at me with dark eyes, then he started laughing as a maniac. "You even believe in love! How naive you are lady Celestine!" 'The third prince seriously lost his brains or something' I thought.

"Aren't you going a little off your limits, prince Danvy?" A man appeared behind me, it was the duke! The prince quickly stopped laughing and put on his cold gaze, it seemed like the two men weren't on good terms with each other. "What are you trying to do 'duke' Florys?", the third prince was mocking the duke's title. The duke said nothing and had still had his pokerface on, not bothered by the prince at all. "Lady Celestine, why don't we continue our conversation in my room?"

"I don't think my fiancée has anything to do in your room, does she?" I could feel my heart going crazy, his deep voice was so close, I could hear him breathing too! "Your fiancée?", the third prince blinked a few times before taking his leave.

"What were you trying to do, my dear fiancée?", the duke whispered into my ear, making my heart go crazy and making me blush. "I just wanted to get some fresh air!" I quickly answered, making the duke chuckle. "Don't forget to return my jacket.... My fiancée" I felt my heart going crazier and quickly took my leave.