Prince not-so-charming


I felt my heart going crazier and quickly took my leave.


Elia was talking to some other noble ladies in the hall, they looked completely stunned by my appearance. "Well, if it isn't my little sister" Elia laughed sarcastically, making the ladies grin.

"Lady Celestine, isn't it shameful to appear like that on your sister's engagement party?" a lady spoke to satisfy Elia's wishes. "Elia can just ignore me, just pretend I'm not here" I left them, they got on my nerves. I didn't know how to deal with a situation like this, since it never happened back home.


"Is that filthy woman even a lady, princess Elia?" a marchioness spoke, she didn't want to get on Elia's bad side and so she'd do anything to satisfy her. "Just look at her marchioness! She doesn't even walk like a lady!" another lady had a huge grin on her face. "She should be lucky that she gets married to duke Florys!" Elia was satisfied with all the hate Celestine got. "I bet that she doesn't even get passed the engagement. Ladies, accompany me to the prince's bedroom" Elia was so full of herself that she didn't even think of the third prince refusing her.

*The third prince's bedroom*

*knock knock*

No one answered the door, making Elia a little embarrassed. She knocked again, no answer.

"Where are the servants and butlers?!" Elia yelled, making the ladies stand silently. Elia was furious 'How can they treat me like a lowlife noble?!' Elia thought to herself. She didn't think twice and pushed the door open, she quickly closed it and her face was full of shock. She sent all the noble ladies away and opened the door again.

"Is this how you treat your fiancée Danvy?!" Elia saw everything already... Her fiancé was sleeping with another woman. "Elia, just leave the room. You shouldn't barge in like that" the prince continued and the woman in the bed started moaning, making Elia furious. "I'll tell the king about this immediately! Danvy, you should look at yourself!" Elia totally lost it and the prince smirked. "How will you become a princess if you're going to break off the engagement? Don't act stupid!" The prince yelled, making Elia flinch. "Do you want to be a commoner Elia?" The prince wasn't able to see Elia's face, but the silence satisfied him. Everything went according to Danvy's plan, he was going to throw Elia away like trash.

Elia stood there, still listening to the two making love. She had tears in her eyes, her body trembled and her dress was dirty. She slammed the door shut and ran out of the palace, hoping to go back to her parents' mansion.


I'm on my way home while eating some snacks. "Miss, you're going to gain weight!" Mary spoke, with concern in her eyes. "Mary, I'll be fine. You don't want to see my as skinny as a stick right?" I said, making Mary worry a little less. The people in this century don't know that there are different ways to lose weight apart from special meals. They thought that fruit wasn't necessary in their daily life, but it is! Most nobles only eat meat and never sport or move their lazy asses!


The carriage stopped moving, it felt like something bumped against it. I quickly got out and was shocked by what bumped into it. It was a young rabbit, but it looked odd. I quickly saw that it's leg was crushed by the carriage, it was bleeding heavily. The appearance of the rabbit looked different from my world, this rabbit was much more softer and it's ears were different too. "Mary, take the poor animal with us." Mary carefully grabbed the rabbit and put it on her thighs to prevent it from falling.

"Miss, what are we going to do with this rabbit?" Mary was quite curious, most people would think of eating the poor animal but Mary knew that I wouldn't eat it. "We're going to treat it" I said, making Mary's face quite questionable.


We're in my room and we got some bandages, instruments and pure alcohol to treat the rabbit. I knew quite some medical stuff from my past life, since I was a doctor. Treating animals wasn't something for a doctor to do, but I could lighten the rabbit's pain. Apparently, there are plants that make you feel numb and don't let you feel any pain. We fed the rabbit the plant and it was effective. I started to treat it, Mary looked over my shoulder in shock.


I finished treating the rabbit, it's ears were slightly moving. "Luckily the plant's effect didn't wear off earlier!" I said, forgetting that medical skills were quite rare for a noble in this time. "How did you do that young miss?" Mary was shocked, the rabbit's leg wasn't bleeding anymore as I wrapped the bandages around it. "That's a secret you can't tell anyone, understood?" I was quite hesitant since I didn't even know if I could trust Mary completely.

*knock, knock*

"Young miss, the marquis(the father) requested your presence" a servant spoke, it could never something good if that old man wanted to see me alone.