Who was I?


"Duchess, where did you learn this from?" The duke had a concerned look on his face, it looked more scared than happy.


"I studied a lot in the library..!" I was a terrible liar, you could hear that my voice cracked and the sweat was running down my forehead. "You should rest duchess, you must be tired" The duke's voice turned cold, it didn't sound like him. I left the room and looked rather sad. 'Do they think I'm a witch?'


*The duke's POV*

'Celestine could heal a person without being a healer! Her skills can't be leaked, we need to prevent that as much as possible!' My thoughts went crazy, she must've lied about studying it in the library. I had to know where she comes from, it was already weird that she was found in the woods. Her profile also didn't show any related family members, where are her parents?

"Duke, you look bothered. Is there anything wrong?" Perin was standing in the doorframe. "You should be resting, what are you doing?" My eyes looked at his wound, it was treated in a professional way. Could Celestine have been a divine healer?

"Perin, I want you to investigate more about Celestine." He looked at me in a confused way but nodded his head. "It'll take some time but I'll try. If you are that curious about her, ask her. You're married now, be more friendly to your wife!" Perin mockingly said.

"I'm afraid that she might not be from here, her skills and knowledge are too advanced. She literally was found in a forest, how did she get there?" My mind wanted to ask her, but she probably wouldn't tell me.

I dismissed Perin. 'Can I really trust Celestine?'


*Celestine's POV*

'The duke must've caught my lie, but he let me go. He probably is suspicious of me now.' I sighed, there wasn't much I could tell him anyways. How do I have to explain how I came here? I died and got reincarnated into someone who was found in the woods? But I was curious about one thing, to who did this body belong to in first place? There were so bruises, but how? Did the previous owner get hurt or abused? Where did she come from?

I needed to stop overthinking, but the curiosity killed me. "Naralia, can you show me memories of my past?" Her eyes looked away, she probably didn't want to tell me. "Why? Do you have amnesia?" She looked back, her eyes were so serious that it pierced right through you. "I can't remember anything before being found by the Luvenis". I had to get the owner's memories! Naralia gave me a nod and pointed at the cursed book.

"There should be several spells for that in the book, but please keep in mind that there are consequences, master". I immediately turned the pages to the part for spell casting, there were living sacrifices needed for most spells but I found one without it. Naralia quickly shook her head when she saw the spell.

"You can't cast that one! It doesn't need a living sacrifice but it will curse you, you'll become a living puppet!" There was panic heard in her voice, it probably was a bad spell judging from that. I turned some more pages and just decided to with the first spell, it will give me flashbacks while conscious.

Needed for spell:

1 lily

1 dead animal

1 gem

A strand of hair

The ingredients didn't look that difficult to obtain, but using an animal was pretty sad. My thoughts were more worried about how the spell works, did I need to drink the mixture like in tv shows? I blinked a few times before sighing deeply.

"Please help me prepare the materials now Naralia". She disappeared to find all the things that were needed. I called the servants to bring me a bowl. 'I'm really starting to act like a witch' I awkwardly thought to myself. I grabbed a brooch that I got as wedding present and popped the gem out. It was quite a waste to use it for a spell but it was needed.

Naralia came back with a lily and a mouse. I jumped from seeing the dead mouse, it felt so uncomfortable that I didn't even dare to look at it.

I cut a strand of hair and placed it in the bowl, like all the other ingredients. It stinked so bad that Naralia and I even cried of the smell.

There was something happening with the bowl, there were movements! The bowl looked like it turned into a small tv, the past started playing. There was sound but I couldn't understand a thing, it was in another language.

I saw the previous owner of the body walking to a giant palace, was she a princess? No, it looked like she was sold off to get married judging by her clothes and facial expressions. Her husband was a fat old man, he kept grabbing her hands and sometimes even checked out other women's bodies! A pervert!

The bowl changed, the owner was now with a young man. They looked really happy, they probably were a couple. The bowl changed again, this time a huge fire was shown. The palace was on fire, the pervert was seen but the owner wasn't anywhere to be seen. The pervert ordered some knights to find the owner, but the owner was running away with her lover, the young man.

The pervert found them and fought against the young man, the owner ran away. She travelled quite a distance from her home country to the forest.

"Master, do you perhaps know where your lover is?" I shook my head, the previous owner of this body had quite a tragic ending.