“No first night?”


The shop disappeared into thin air.


I was riding on my horse and noticed some children playing outside. The duke still hadn't returned from his visit with Qin. I held the music box tightly with me, I treasured it.

"Miss, is this horse yours?! It's so pretty!" One of the children yelled and ran over to me. "I got it as a gift, she's very fast" I said with a smile. The kid looked hesitant but his eyes were sparkling. "Would you like to ride her with me?" I asked. He nodded heavily and I lifted him up, putting him on the horse.

We went around the woods a little bit and I brought him back to his friends.

*The duke's POV*

I was trying to find Celestine. Some sellers told me that she went into the woods with her horse, so I tried to find her there.

I heard a lot of laughing and looked around. I saw Celestine riding her horse with a young boy. They both smiled brightly and had a lot of fun.

'Would Celestine like to have a child..?' I thought and I turned red. We didn't even spend our first night together like a normal married couple would. I remembered that Celestine said that it was too early to have a child, which I agree with.

I sighed. 'When she wants to have a child, we'll have one!' I thought with my eyes shining.

*Florys Estate, 3 p.m.*

*Celestine's POV*

We returned from the south and I felt like dying. Countess Selina sent me a letter saying that she would visit me this today. I was glad to have her on my side but I hate the servants giving me thousand layers of clothing. I felt like a walking snowman.

"Duchess, the countess is here". I gave the servants a nod and they prepared snacks and tea. I prepared a gift for her this time too, it was an embroidered handkerchief with a water lily on it. Since they don't grow here I thought it was a good idea to embroider it on the kerchief.

"Celestine! How have you been?" Selina entered with a bright smile on her face. I froze and sat still like a stone. 'Is this really the cold woman the rumours spoke off....?' I said with a twitching eye.

"I've been good Selina, you look great today" I smiled and directed her to the sofa. We talked about Elia and the upcoming ball & banquet.

"Anyways, did it hurt?" Selina asked. I didn't understand her and looked at her with a frowning face.

"What hurts?" I asked her and sipped some tea.

"Your first night with the duke of course!" She said with a smiling face. I spit my tea out and almost choked on it. Selina looked shocked but maintained her smile.

"Was he that good?" I grew beet red and my head exploded.

"We... Didn't do 'it'" I said looking away from her with an awkward face. Selina spit her tea out and wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her dress.

"No first night?!" She asked, but it was so loud that I was afraid the servants could hear it. I shook my head heavily and she just sighed. She folded her arms and began thinking deeply.

"Don't you want any children?" Selina looked quite serious. 'Having descendants is probably something really important here' I awkwardly thought to myself. It also felt quite wrong to have a child in this world since this body didn't even belong to me.

"Uhm... I think it's too early to have a child" I said with a crooked smile. Selina smiled again and we finally started talking about other things again.

"Oh, I have a gift for you!" Selina suddenly said. She clicked her fingers and her servants come in the room. There was a big box that looked really heavy. A servant opened it and I felt like my throat got pierced.

There was a dress but the thing that made me nervous was the gift next to it. It was put in a white box and it was just staying in the center..... It was a lingerie set?! My soul left my body and Selina was just confused why I looked so off.

"It would look great on you!" She smiled. The servants also seemed to look awkward opening the gift, it looked like Selina picked it out herself. I kept continually blinking and I felt sweat running down my forehead. 'Why the hell do they have those things here too?!' I yelled to inner-self.

"I also prepared a gift for you" I gulped and Mary came in with a small box. The handkerchief with the water lily embroidered on it made Selina's mouth drop.

"How do you know this flower? It only blooms in the East!" This sentence made me look at Selina in shock. 'They also have a 'East' here..?'