The king’s invitation


'They also have a 'East' here..?'


"Please tell me more about the East!" I grabbed Selina's hands and looked her in the eye. I had to find out more about the countries here, maybe there is a country like China!

"Well, the East got destroyed by the angry gods. There was a mountain that spew fire and the East got burned to ashes". I felt my heartbeat stop, just when I thought there was a 'home' for me, it shattered.

"There was an eruption?" I asked Selina. "What's that?" She looked clueless, I slapped my forehead 'Is everything here by angry gods or something?'. I felt pretty down after hearing about the East and it did bother me.


Selina left the estate and apparently there was a country similar to the East. You could only come there with the king's permission, so that meant I could never go there. Well, I can go there with teleportation magic but I would be discovered after some time. Selina told me that the country was 'magic-less' and that most 'witches' get killed on the spot.

"Duchess, the duke asked for your presence"

I was on my way to the duke's office and noticed a pink tree from a window. It looked like a sakura tree, but the petals were different. 'There are so many similar things in this world' I sighed and kept walking.

"You asked for my presence?" I saw the duke and Perin holding and pointing at some papers. They didn't notice me so I sat on the sofa and listened to the two of them talking.

Perin looked over and his face went pale. "DUKE, A-A GHOST..!" He jumped behind the desk and didn't come up. The duke looked over to me and looked down at Perin.

"How can you mistake my wife for a ghost?". Perin jumped up and he kneeled down. "I'm sorry for calling you a ghost, duchess! Please punish me!" He put his hand above his head and shut his eyes tight.

The duke sighed and opened his mouth: "Perin, just leave". Perin straight up ran as fast as an Olympic athlete and was gone in a second.

"The king's birthday is in a few days so he hosted a ball and banquet. He wants us to attend" I gave the duke a nod. The duke looked troubled and put his hand on his head.

"He is planning something... If he isn't, his sons are. We need to stay alert, the crown prince is not like the rumours say"


I received a letter from the marchioness and she told me to get the duke on their good side. She also mentioned to absolutely attend the ball, since that would show people what I learned at the Luvenis Mansion. 'This old woman can't stop, can she?' I crumbled the letter and threw it away.

"Master, Elia and that prince will be attending too. Shall I go with you just in case?" Naralia said while stuffing her mouth full with food. I nodded my head, the royal family was not someone I could offend or get along with. The third prince would definitely try something again.

*The next morning*

I was training with my spirit weapon and it felt great. The sword was light and it was made of really strong gems. The tip was really sharp and could stab right through a tree. The sword could also absorb magic and make it even stronger.

Qin looked exhausted from always training with me, he always falls on the ground after some sparring.

"Duchess, the marquis is waiting for you at the gate" Mary came running with a laundry basket in her arms. Qin stood up from the ground and went to accompany me.

"What do you want?" I said with a cold voice and look. The marquis immediately looked away, h wanted to ask me something. He gritted his teeth and looked up to me.

"Please give Elia a splendid present to give to the king" He spurted out. I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms. 'This old man still tries to act all good with me?' I smirked.

"Your daughter is becoming a princess, she has everything. You should just choose a humble gift, the king isn't as greedy as you people" I said with a cold smile. The marquis froze and clenched his fists.

"You ungrateful brat! We let you live a life too luxurious for you! You belong in a brothel!" The marquis sneered at me. I removed the cold smile from my face and glared at him. I stepped closer to him and slapped his face.

"Talk to me like that one more time and I will humiliate Elia at the banquet" I gave him a smile and walked away.

'I'm the one that can save Elia's face, you better show me a little respect' I thought to myself while glaring back at the marquis.