Royal ball and banquet(1/2)


'I'm the one that can save Elia's face, you better show me a little respect' I thought to myself while glaring back at the marquis.


It was the king's birthday and the ball and banquet were celebrated today. While Mary was dressing me up, I put a belt on my thigh and put a dagger in there. "We will never know what the princes can do" I said to myself in the mirror.

Mary chose a red dress that matched with the duke's suit. The theme of the ball was 'masquerade roses', so the duke prepared a bouquet rare roses and a box of gems from the Florys Caves. I wanted to add a finishing touch to the gifts and embroidered roses on a cape.

"My wife, we're leaving" The duke said while peeking his head in our room. His eyes went up and down while looking at me. He smirked "You look good today, my wife". He left the room and went outside. I clenched my fists.

'Only 'today'?! Do I look so much like a potato?' I angrily thought to myself.

*Royal Palace, 5 p.m.*

The duke helped me out of the carriage and we were immediately greeted with a crowd noble ladies.

"Duke, you look so handsome~" "Duke, please dance with me!" "We would look great together, my duke!". Those were the only things I could hear ever since we arrived.

The duke gently grabbed me by my shoulders and he smiled. "I already have a companion for tonight". I don't know why or how, but I felt my heart going crazy when he said that. The crowd became smaller and we could finally enter the ball. There were masked servants who handed out the masks for the ball.

"I need to greet someone first, please look out for weirdos, my wife" The duke left in a hurry. I was left alone at the ball. 'Why does this situation feel similar?' I thought to myself with a crooked smile. I went to grab a drink and saw the third prince entering.

'Naralia, I'll summon you if I need you. Please be my 'extra eyes' for now' I said communicating through telepathy. 'Okay master' Naralia replies back. I kept my eyes on the third prince, I couldn't lose him from my sights.

I saw the marchioness entering with the marquis, they had a big wrapped box with them. I also saw Elia coming down the stairs and greeting them. They were whispering in each other's ears and they moved to another location. I quietly followed them and hid behind a corner.

"Mom, the third prince prepared everything. We will get rid of that bitch today". It was Elia's voice. It was vague about who they were talking but I could feel that it was about me.

"Why not take that countess with her, I heard they got close. I'm sure they would be the main attraction in a brothel!" The marquis sneered. I heard them laugh and it was confirmed that they were talking about me.

'Naralia, you heard that all right?'


I smirked. 'You old hags are going to pay for your actions' I walked back to the ball.


"My wife, I was looking for you. Where did you go?" The duke was standing at a table. He looked really tall and muscular when I saw him leaning on the table. I heard my mind going 'POOF' while thinking about it.

"I was dealing with the old couple" I said while sipping on my drink. I saw the duke grin and he folded his arms. "You are quite a woman, my wife" I gave him a glare and sighed. "They planned something to me and countess Selina, they said something with a brothel"

The duke broke his wineglass and had an irritated aura. I couldn't see his face properly but his eyes were dark. "They surely will pay" He said while looking at me with the warmest look. I felt my heart going crazier and I looked away, my head would explode if I looked at him any longer.

Music started playing and all the guests bowed to each other. 'Oh crap, the dance' I felt my inner self crying. The duke gave me his hand and we danced. I noticed that he was quite experienced and he danced really calm but elegant.

'He will be an idol in his next life for sure!' I thought while dancing with him. My dancing was pretty awful, the marchioness never taught me the basics back in the Luvenis Mansion. My posture was really stiff and I couldn't properly keep up with the duke.

I became a bit nervous and twisted my ankle. 'Oh no!' I shut my eyes tightly, waiting to fall. I never felt pain so I opened my eyes. The duke saved me by supporting my back and holding my hand. People stopped dancing around us and looked at the duke and me. "Wow, they're really loving!~".

"Uh um, welcome to the royal ball and banquet! I separated you in two groups so please look above to see in which group you are" The king was standing on the stairs and was smiling. A magic screen popped up behind him with group A and B.

I saw the Florys name in group B but I didn't feel too satisfied. The baroness, viscountess, Elia and the princes were in the same group. I saw countess Selina's name as the last one on the screen and didn't have a good feeling.