Royal ball and banquet (2/2)


I saw the Florys name in group B but I didn't feel too satisfied. The baroness, viscountess, Elia and the princes were in the same group. I saw countess Selina's name as the last one on the screen and didn't have a good feeling.


The duke saw my anxiousness and calmed me down "Don't worry, I'll protect you for sure". I looked at him and gave him a nod.

I told Naralia to use magic and check the banquet room beforehand. 'Naralia, anything suspicious?'. 'There is nothing weird but you should stay alert' I sighed and looked at the duke.

"I think the king doesn't know about Elia and her schemes" I sipped from my wineglass again and folded my arms. The duke gave me a nod and looked at the magic screen. "We should be more careful around the princes, Elia won't be a burden compared to them".


We were told to enter the banquet room and the king was sitting on his throne. It was gift time and the king didn't look too satisfied with the gifts. The queen liked all the more expensive and rare gifts. 'The queen probably only married for better status' I thought to myself. The duke and I had to hand our gifts and I saw Elia smirking like crazy.

Elia steppes forward and put a smile on her face. "Your majesty, I shall give my gift first to show my younger sister how this works". Two servants came with golden eating sets. The queen loved it but the king looked indifferent. "Thank you soon-to-be-princess Elia" The king forced a smile and looked at the duke.

Mary arrived with the bouquet of rare roses and the box with gems. The king looked bored again. 'This is my moment' I have Mary a nod. She had another box with her, the box with the cape. The duke looked pretty surprised and kept watching.

"Your majesty, I knew that you would receive expensive and luxurious gifts. Because of that, I embroidered this cape for you" I bowed and took the cape out of the box. The king rose from his throne to take a better look at it, he was shocked.

"The roses aren't embroidered that well, but they look nice on this purple cape" I bowed again. I glanced at Elia and smirked. 'That's what you get, spoiled girl'. The marchioness was sitting with her mouth wide open, her eyes filled with despise. The marquis was nowhere to be seen just like the third prince. 'That's not a good sign...'.

The king was holding the cape and looked at me. "Duchess Florys, your gift is probably the best I got this evening. You should compete in embroidery competitions". I smiled and shook my head. "You flatter me, your majesty" I sat down again.

While the servants were preparing food, I noticed Elia staring at the door. It looked like she was waiting for someone. The duke noticed it too and scanned the table. "The crown prince and the third prince are gone" the duke whispered to me. I gave him nod and looked at Elia.

The king and queen left the banquet. Elia started smirking and she looked at Selina, she fainted.


"Duke cover your mouth and nose! Don't go near the tea!" He didn't think twice and did what I said. The nobles started fainting one by one, the served tea had a heavy dosage of sleeping pills in it. The banquet was starting to smell like drugs.

The duke gestured me to lay on the table and pointed at Elia. Elia had a handkerchief to prevent her from breathing the scent in. I closed my eyes and pretended to have fainted. The crown prince and the third prince entered the room with gas masks. The second prince also fainted and was laying on the table with us. Elia's servant entered the room with some rope and other things.

I felt someone tying my hands and legs together. 'Naralia, where are the princes and Elia?' 'They left the room, the servants are tying you up'. I felt that they tied my hands in the front, which was an advantage for me. I could easily reach the dagger on my thigh now.

I heard the doors opening and closing, the servants left. I opened my eyes and saw that countess Selina and I were isolated from the other nobles. I couldn't spot the duke and started to stress a little.

I tried to untie myself but heard someone entering. I quickly pretended to have fainted and closed my eyes. I didn't see who entered but it couldn't be someone good.

"My beautiful Celestine..." It was the third prince's voice. He held my chin up and I heard him laugh. "I can only get you in this way, but that's okay. We'll have a lot of fun tonight" The third prince licked his lips and let me go.