Door-kicking duchess


"I can only get you in this way, but that's okay. We'll have a lot of fun tonight" The third prince licked his lips and let me go.


When the third prince finally left, I quickly untied my hands. I grabbed the dagger on my thigh and hid behind a broad pillar. There were no guards, only the royal servants. 'I need to find the duke!' That was my first thought after being freed.

Sleeping pills aren't that effective here because of the poor knowledge in medicine and herbs. The sleeping nobles would make up soon without any harm.

I saw a man entering, he had documents in his hands. "Where is that woman?" He looked around, he was looking for me. I held the dagger tightly and made no sound, he doesn't look like a good man.

'Naralia, make him leave'

Naralia teleported the man outside. "Hey! Who did that?!" The man shouted from the outside. I immediately went to check the other side of the room, hoping to find the duke. I could only find Mary and a guard, they were both sleeping.

I noticed that the door couldn't open and summoned Naralia. "Master, there are magic traces on the door. A magician was hired" Naralia touched the door and there were blue traces of magic. I stabbed the dagger in the lock and kicked the door open.

Naralia looked like her soul left her body after seeing me kicking down the door. 'I can't ever go against master!' She thought.

"HEY! DON'T ESCAPE!" Baroness Rayna was chasing me with her guard. Her guard managed to grab my arm. I kicked his nuts and freed myself. I turned around and faced the baroness directly.

"Your luck stops here, filthy woman! Get that wench!" Rayna shouted at her guard. He managed to get over the pain after getting kicked in his nuts, he drew his sword and sprinted to me.

I used the dagger to block his movements, but the dagger broke after the guard swung his sword a few times.

"Hmmmm, if you're going to knee and beg for your life I'll let you live" Rayna had a rotten smile on her face. I smirked and looked the guard in the eyes, his expression changed to a scared one.

I grabbed his arm and used my black fire magic. The baroness jumped from fear while the guard's arm was burning. I flicked my fingers and the fire was gone. The arm had some burns, he should be happy that I didn't burn his entire arm.

The baroness immediately kneeled and put her hands in front of her head. "I- I am sorry! Elia made us do all these things!" I gave her a 'tsk' before turning around. "I don't need an excuse from a woman like you" I glared at her from a distance and left.

I came across another room and tried to open it, it was locked. I peeked inside from the keyhole and saw the duke sitting on the bed. There was someone sitting across him, they were having a conversation. 'They must've locked the room because of this' I looked at the lock and melted it with black fire.

I kicked the door open and my eyes immediately went to the person sitting across the duke. It was a man but I didn't know who it was. I noticed the man and the duke looking at me with a difficult expression. The duke facepalmed and looked at the door, the wood was totally broken. The other man also looked rather shocked.

"Celestine Florys, you're quite a woman! Kicking my door down like that, I like it" The man licked his lips. 'Hold on.... If this his room, is he a prince?...' I looked at his clothes, there was no doubt that he was a prince. 'That uniform is the crown prince's!' I looked the man in his eyes, he had a creepy expression when I looked at him.

"I don't have time for this" I said irritated. I helped the duke with untying his arms, he looked really cold towards the crown prince. After untying him, he immediately drew his sword at the prince.

"You should use your time and get some help, instead of threatening me" The duke put his sword away and grabbed my arm. He dragged me out of the room.


The king and queen came to know what happened and the king immediately ordered someone to look for the suspects. He didn't even suspect his own children and Elia, he wanted the servants to be checked and the nobles who came.

Guards entered the ballroom with Elia's servant. "Your majesty, she confessed to drugging the nobles!" A guard said. Elia's servant fell on the ground and looked at Elia, she realised that Elia wouldn't help her and so she tried to drag her into this.

"I was ordered by my master, Elia! She gave me the drugs and-" The third prince slapped the servant. "How dare you talk back like that?! Your majesty, please make her entire family pay for it!" The third prince kneeled and asked his father.

The king sighed and rose from the throne. "Execute her and her family tomorrow morning, humiliate them right before getting beheaded!". The king and the queen left with the crown prince. Elia walked to the servant and grabbed her chin.

Elia whispered to her servant: "I'll make sure to ask for mercy for your pregnant sister, bitch". The servant's eyes immediately turned dark and she went silent.