Time to get in action


'Do I like the duke...?'.


*This chapter contains bad words and cussing, read further at own risk*

I was walking to my study and noticed some maids whispering while working. I got curious and listened along behind the door of my study.

"The king asked the duke to visit the Royal Palace again. I think that the duke has to do the king's work again" I heard some sighing and it went silent. 'What do they mean with the king's work?' I pictured some things in my head but slapped the thoughts away.

"Just when people thought that the duke wasn't that bad as in the rumours, he has to go to war again! The king surely has its ways" The maids walked away and talked more about the war.

"The duke is going to war again?" It was the only thing I could get out of my mouth. I felt like I couldn't progress the information and shut down. "Then I will be alone in the Florys Estate...." I didn't like the thought of that and got a bit sad.

*The next day, 1 p.m.*

The duke left to meet the king and wouldn't return tonight. I was bored in the mansion with nothing to do. Sir Philip was almost fired after being controlled by black magic but luckily the duke let him stay.

I grabbed a novel but couldn't bring myself to read it. My head felt like exploding and my body was sore from training so much in the morning.

"Duchess, countess Selina sent you a letter" Philip handed me the letter and I was curious what she wrote. She sent me lots of letters about weird things, I can never forget those. I got shivers from my spine and quickly opened it.

I read it and frowned. Selina's husband, the count, was also asked to fight on the frontlines. But he can't go because he got a broken arm a few days ago, I don't know if that's lucky or unlucky in this situation but anyways. She also told me that the baroness was spreading nasty rumours about me during her tea parties.

I put the letter back in the envelope and put it with the other letters she sent me. I smirked a little and dismissed Philip. "That woman still hasn't learnt her lesson... Time to get in action" I got up from my chair and told Qin to inform the baroness about me wanting to visit her today.

There's a rule here that lower ranked nobles aren't allowed to refuse visits by higher nobles, unless they are sick or not home.

"Mary, pack that ruby bracelet. I will give it to the baroness, it suits her personality" I was surprised by what I said but also a bit proud. 'That was a good line' I thought and praised myself.

*The baroness' mansion*

"D-Duchess, what are you here for?" The baroness and the baron greeted me. The baroness looked to have prepared everything really sloppily and rushed.

'She is acting kind in front of her husband, how fake' I could see that her servants also didn't like my presence here, it was perfect.

"I'm sorry for the short notice, take this as a small present" I handed her the ruby bracelet and as expected, she was amazed by the gold and rubies in it.

"I will happily accept it, please have a seat" I sat down at the tea table and saw how dull her garden looked, there was no color unlike the Florys Estate. 'There are too much green plants here, it's unpleasant to look at' I sipped some tea and noticed that the baron left.

"Just tell me what you want, bitch. You even set my guard on fire" Rayna's personality changed, just when her husband isn't around. I smirked and put my tea down.

"You have some guts, but it doesn't suit your ugly personality. You think that other people will save you, what if I told you that they won't?" Rayna was furious she stood up, but held herself in a bit.

"What's your intention coming here?! Trying to seduce my husband? You filthy slut!" The servants were on the baroness' side, but I had Naralia and my magic. I shook my head and sipped my tea calmly.

"I'm also married, I only need one man unlike you" It was the last straw for the baroness and she slapped me. 'She slapped me so softly, there shouldn't even be a swelling' I touched my cheek and it didn't even hurt a bit.

I saw the baron coming back and smirked.

'Now it's showtime...'