

'Now it's showtime...'


I went to full actress mode and placed my and on my cheek. "Baroness, please tell me if I did anything wrong! I never intended to offend you!". I let out a fake tear and sobbed. The baron ran over to us and looked at the baroness and me.

"What happened duchess Florys? Did my wife do something to you?" The baron was coming over to my side, he didn't even go to his wife... Perfect for me.

"Baron, I think I hurt the baroness... She must've felt so offended that she slapped me" I let out more tears and showed him the red cheek, which wasn't that red at all. The baron looked over at the baroness in shock.

"No-No I didn't! She tried to seduce you, that's the reason she came here! Please believe me darling!" The baroness fell on her knees and held the baron's hand. The baron quickly pulled his hand back.

"How dare you say that to the duchess! Duchess, I will teach my wife better manners. Please forgive us!" The baron bowed down. 'Just what I imagined. Rayna, you'll pay' I stopped letting my fake tears out and continued sobbing.

"Baron, do you trust the baroness? Please answer honestly" I said with some fake sobs. The baron looked up and gave me a nod. "I trust her".

I gave the baron an envelope. "Okay, please accept this. I'll be going back to the Florys Estate, please excuse me" I walked to the carriage and smirked.

"Rayna, I should've been harder on you in the past. You will be the center of tea parties now" I looked at her mansion one more time, the baron would come to my side soon.


*The baron's POV*

I gave Rayna some scolding but I didn't know which side to believe. The duchess was known for being truthful but Rayna was my wife, it was really hard to decide.

"Darling, she must've given you a love letter! You should open it quickly and believe me! The duchess was putting up a scene!" Rayna was pretty confident in her answers.

'Rayna should have spoken the truth and slapped the duchess, Rayna did it for me' I convinced myself.

I opened the envelope and felt like everything went blank. There were pictures of Rayna sleeping with other men and even her own guard.... I was furious

"Darling, you see! You should always believe me!" Rayna still had that proudness on her face. I slapped her and threw the pictures at her, she was more shocked than I was.

"She-She framed me! This isn't me! Darling, please believe me!" She was crying on the ground, the pictures were real. 'My own wife even lied to me... I must punish her...' I gritted my teeth and looked at her.

"Move our of my mansion by tomorrow, I will send you the divorce papers" I left her crying on the ground.

"I must've been a fool to believe her in first place!"


*Celestine's POV*

I finally got back to the Florys Estate and was quite surprised to see a commotion. They were several guards trying to make way for my carriage but they couldn't get through. I had to get out and walk for a little.

"Is it true that the Battlefield's Demon will make a come back?" A woman asked, she asked similar things like a modern times' journalist or a reporter would. The people outside all held a small notebook with them, they were writing everything they heard.

"I'm sorry but the duke isn't here, please don't come here" I saw that Qin and Perin were busy answering the questions asked. They saw me and heavily shook their head to one side, I couldn't get what they were doing and just looked at them with a straight face.

"Oh my! The duchess arrived! Quickly interview her!" The reporters immediately ran to me with their notebooks.

"Is it true that the duke will go to the battlefield again? Will you be left looking after the mansion?"

"Is the duke's personality different from the rumours?"

"Does the duke love you?"

These questions all got me a bit irritated, I wouldn't dare to answer them because there would definitely be rumours tomorrow. I had to give them a satisfying answer if they wanted to leave though.... I can't enter my room if I won't answer them.

"The duke is an admirable man. When he goes to war, he looks after the people under him. Although he's the Battlefield's Demon, he takes responsibility seriously"

I saw the reporters scrabbling everything down in their notebooks. Qin and Perin looked quite glad with my answer, they must've been through a hard time when I was at the baron's mansion.

"Now that I've answered your questions, leave" I said with a cold tone. I saw the reporters slightly nodding and quickly leaving the estate.

"You saved us duchess! We couldn't get them away when they came, we're sorry" Qin apologised. Perin also bowed and gave me a firm look.

"Duchess, I have to tell you something. It has something to do with the viscountess"