Preparations for war


After Naralia and I fight a lot together, she can evolve. She and I would become stronger but would that be good? We will have a lot of enemies in the future if this keeps up.


I had to register myself at a small stand in the center of a busy market. Elia and the queen were becoming really close these days, it probably didn't mean anything good.

"Name and position!" A man shouted to me from behind the stand. "Celestine Florys, frontline medic" I said with a straight look. The man spectated me from top to bottom and shook his head.

"They even got the duchess to join with her husband, how impudent!" I didn't know if the man meant that for me or the king who decided it.

"Don't go near the real battlefield where your husband stands, you'll die. Just treat the wounded in a safe location" The man sounded pretty nice, but he had a dominant look in his eyes.

As I got a package with my clothes and a magic card ID. The clothes were a pair of leggings and a white doctors jacket. 'I wonder if they have medical instruments there'.

I heard some women laugh behind my back and turned around, it was viscountess Lily with some other ladies.

"Well well, it's the Battlefield's Duchess! Hahahaha!" Lily laughed evilly. She had an arrogant look on her face and was dressed in a dress decorated with some gems.

"Laugh one more time like that and your cheeks will wrinkle, viscountess" I said back with sarcasm. The ladies turned quiet to not embarrass Lily.

"Anyways, you registered as a medic right? Will you poison people there?" Lily started laughing again. The ladies were just as arrogant as Lily, their looks were all the same. As they kept that ugly smile on their face, I started to get a bit irritated.

"I'm a medic because I will be the one to sew your mouth shut. You'll definitely come by for implants too" The laughter stopped and they all turned to me. They all had a questionable look on their faces.

'Ah crap! They don't know what those are....'

I quickly walked away.

*In the carriage*

"My duke, what will be the biggest problem during war?" I asked. The duke seemed to think a little but didn't give me an answer. The seconds that passed were awkward and silent.

"I think our provisions, because there are a lot of new recruits this war" The duke said with his head laid back and his eyes closed. 'He really doesn't seem to care about me' I felt a sad feeling going through me. 'This was an arranged marriage anyways...' I sighed and looked outside.

'Mirei, you will never be loved....'


We arrived at a weapon store downtown and looked around.

"I came to pick up my order" The duke said to the old looking smith. He gave the duke a nod before putting a huge bag on the counter. "We added around twenty extra ones, stay safe during the war" The smith had a smile on his face, they seemed really familiar with each other.

"Thank you" The duke grabbed the bag and went outside. When I wanted to go after him, the smith grabbed my sleeve.

"Please look after Alan, he has quite a past, duchess" The smith gave me a smile and waved me goodbye. I was touched by what he said but the duke didn't show any emotion.

'So the duke's name is Alan?' I thought to myself. I didn't know his first name all this time until just now.... I sighed.

'This is indeed a weird relationship'

"Do you need anything, my wife?" The duke said without looking at me. I shook my head and kept looking at the ground.

"Can you please call me Celestine instead of 'my wife'? My wife sounds so distant" I said with an awkward smile. The duke stared at me and gave me a light nod.

"You can call me Alan" My eyes widened a little. 'He actually allowed me to call him by his first name?' I smiled a little and caught up with his walking pace.

*Florys Estate*

The duke had to every soldier's name down on a paper and didn't have the time to check the weapons. Qin and I had to do it now and it was tiring, we also had to pack all the bags for the soldiers.

"Complete..... complete....complete" I said while checking the weapons. Both Qin and my soul had left our bodies. We had checked around 109 swords and all of them were good to go.

"This one looks a bit weird, doesn't it?" I said as I held one up. It was lighter than the other swords and the handle felt harder.

"Put it there" Qin pointed at an empty bag and continued sorting swords.

As I walked over to the bag, I heard some footsteps from outside. I put the sword away and politely sat back.

"Duchess, the marquis has arrived"