Yui Florys’ magic creature


"Duchess, the marquis has arrived"


"Let that old man in" Qin held in his laughter and put his hand on his mouth.

The marquis entered with a box of gold coins. He placed the coins on the coffee table before arrogantly sitting down.

"I had to give you this because I'm your father. I would lose face if I didn't give you something before war" I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. 'He must be glad that I will be gone'.

I looked at the box and back at the old man. He was looking at the swords that Qin and I sorted and kept staring at those.

"The duke sure wants the best quality for his people, too bad they don't like him" The marquis evilly smiled. I stood up and pointed at the door, I didn't want to hear one more word from the old man.

"Get out, I don't want trash like you in my mansion. Philip, escort him out" The marquis furiously stood up and slammed his hands on the table. Qin drew his sword and pointed it at the marquis.

"Don't you touch the duchess!" The tip of the sword touched the marquis' throat, but he wasn't shocked. "Kill me if you dare, filthy commoner! You'll end up losing a court case!" The marquis began laughing crazily.

"What's happening here?" Alan entered. The marquis went quiet and Qin drew his sword back.

"The marquis ignored the duchess' request, my duke" Qin kneeled. The duke gave Philip a nod, he dragged the marquis out.

"I wanted to talk to the duchess" Qin bowed and left the duke and me alone.

"I need your help with setting up a magic shield. The south is popular for it's mages, they probably have some tricks upon their sleeves" He sighed and folded his arms.

"Sure, but I don't think that Naralia and I are strong enough for that. I'll need more help". I saw Alan looking down for a bit before giving me a nod.

"Is one more magic creature enough?" I looked at the duke in shock, did he have a magic creature? He seemed to have guessed what I thought.

"My mother's creature is in the 'cold tower'. He will probably help" I looked up at Alan in disbelief. 'His mom's magic creature is still alive?' My excitement went up but Alan seems to get sadder.

The cold tower was in the Florys Estate, it's near the garden. The tower is covered in flowers now and it is said that there's no door where you can enter.

"We need to convince him to let us in the tower, we'll need his help with the shield too. This isn't going to be easy" Alan put his hand on his head and let out a deep sigh.

"Well, it can't be helped I guess. Let's go..." Alan had a hesitating look. He seemed to brush it off and he left first. I summoned Naralia and quickly followed the duke.


"This is the cold tower. But how to summon him now?....".

I spectated the tower but didn't see how to enter. There was an open window at the top of the tower but we couldn't go there.

"Do we need to finish a quest or something?" I said mockingly. Suddenly the wind started to blow harder, it seemed like a response to my question.

"Hello there, I'm Yui Florys' magic creature. What do you want?" It was a majestic voice, it sounded very soft but had a strong feeling.

"Can you please let us in?" I quickly said. Alan seemed pretty surprised too, his pokerface changed.

"Finish my request"

Alan and I exchanged questioning looks before looking up at the open window again.

"What's the request?" Alan said with a cold voice.

"One wanted love, the other wanted status. They looked great together, but they were too different on the inside. The one who asked for love never got it, the other did get status. Not long after, the love-longing person passed away, I want to give that person a meaningful gift"

I was touched by what the magic creature said, it felt like a story from a novel.

"We will come back soon with that gift, please wait for us mr. magic creature!" I grabbed Alan's hand and quickly ran to the mansion.

"Youth these days....." the magic creature sighed.