chapter 1 the beginning

Hannah:you sure are right well please do meet me at the front of your house I have something I want to tell you

Emily:okay I see then I'll be outside and see you latter right now I have something to do see ya latter

Hannah:see ya

As she starts to hear the call start to hang up she sees a poudel of water and a streak of water coming from the bathroom she starts to sigh and then she gets ready she heads down stairs with the carpet starting to rub on her feet she feels a tickling feeling as she reaches the kitchen she has a smell of food that is cooking and the steam cover her mother's face she starts to smile with a warm feeling

Mom:Emily good morning how did you sleep?,

Emily:good I am supposed to be meeting hannah young soon what's for breakfast

Mom:German style eggs

The smell of food cooking makes her mouth drip with drool as she head to the living room she looks for her snow boots she struggles with getting them on and begins to get pissed off her mouth begins to swear words that can be heard from the living room and her mom could hear her

Her mom is to busy with cooking Emily begins to hear the door knock she begins to open the door slowly seeing a women with faint pale white skin and black hair

Hannah: hello Emily long time no see how many years has it been since I last saw you again ?,

Emily:at last since kindergarten at least from what I can remember at least

She begins to be shocked by the fact that her friend had changed since the last time she saw her she wonders to herself what she was doing but her mind went to a blank when started to get lost in her thoughts to much that she begins to forget that hannah was right in front of her

Hannah:Emily Emily hey are you there are you not listening to me ?,

She begins to recognize and responds to hannah

Emily:huh oh sorry hannah can you repeat what you were about to tell me

Hannah: I swear you always in a different world sometimes

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