chapter 1 the beginning

I slowly start to open the door for Mark I slowly start to notice something different about Mark that I didn't know before was it because he got a new haircut was it because I haven't seen him in over 14 years the feeling I feel is confusing I start to feel an awkward vibe

Mark:finally got here damn the snow Is coming down hard then it usually does here in a long time some locals say

Hannah: yeah that's true it hasn't snowed since 2019 and we are in the year 7073

Mark: so what's the big news that you needed me and Emily?,

Emily: yeah same here you never mention a lot

Hannah: okay have you heard the news about the new army intelligence group?


Mark:yeah they did mention a lot last I heard there an organization that assigns people should go to other countries and find out information but that's all I can remember on the top of my head

Emily: oh yeah that's what it is? But why are you mentioning this?

Hannah:because we are going to join it and we may have to go to Galdrago republic from what I know may happen but I haven't told my family yet

Emily: well I have to tell my mom since she doesn't know that you're going to do this to be completely honest this may be the worst idea you've ever had!.

Hannah:well we still have to go to the agency to apply and get approved plus it does take them less than an hour to complete the application and after that we are gonna leave

Emily:okay I'll go tell my mother what is gonna happen

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