chapter 2 friends and enemies

I slowly start to open my eyes the vision starts to look blurry and my blond long hair covers my eyes and my body feels heavy

Hannah:emily wake up we have to get packed soon we have a plane to catch so get your lazy ass up

Emily:jeez's okay I'll get up

I start to get up and walk to the bathroom where I see mark and rin and grace they start to give a werid vibe or they start talking about plans on where they are gonna do

Emily: good morning guys

Mark:yo good morning



I start to get ready the water drops off my

Hair and I start to comb my hair the pulling of my hair makes slowly painful feeling I start to braid my hair as it starts to glow from the morning light

Hannah:emily we need to get ready now seriously you all ways take forever to get ready

Emily:okay hannah shut up for once in your life

Emily: you talk all kinds of shit geezs

I start to get finish getting done and I start to do my makeup my loose clothing on the floor they slowly make a mess

I start to get out and go to my room and pack my bag the halo screen start to show up and It starts to seal all my stuff in it with a dark purple galaxy black hole opening they all go in my room starts to get blank with all my cloths and bed sheets

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