chapter 5 ever expanding

while i slowly start to wake up and grunting in pain .

i start to get up and feel my head as a sudden jult of pain expands around my head

ugh why the heck is my head in so much pain right now it hurts so much

i get up and the sound of bed springs making loud sounds and the wood on the ground creeking soft sounds as my feet start to hit every single one of the wooden floor and i slowly walk around the corner of the hotel as i see exilla sleeply softly i slowly take steps slowly as i can and i slowly feel whats around me

with it being dark as i see the city lights right from the sliding windows and i walk towards those things and i open them and walk while i see some snow falling softly and the wind blowing past me as my hair flows with the wind and my sleeping gown blows i feel the cold wind and goosebumps start to form all over my arms and legs

i start to dance around the falling snow feeling happy

then i go back inside as the warm air starts to make my body feel toasty

and i grab water and take a pain medication then i head back to my room and fall back to sleep

-page 29-

authors notes hey guys i know ive not posted new chapters and i appologies for that ive been busy with life and not working because my work place is closed due to the croana virus

plus other authors as well as me have been not speaking to eachother because they are in different parts in the world so we are gonna be doing something new but don't worry we still will be posting new pages and chapters

so please bare with me for the time being

anyway please do stay safe and make sure to stay home

from the author and writers of this book alpha warriors thank you very much for the support and bye