Chapter 6 within darkness

I slowly wake up with my body in a jolt of pain I slowly start to feel a huge amount of pain

When I slowly start to wonder why that is happening I slowly Try to get up from my bed as the bed sheets start to fall off the bed and I I put my feet on the dark oak floor that slowly started to felt like needles poking at my skin

Why the heck is my feet in pain it's never been this painful before maybe I should go to the doctor nah it's probably nothing that important

I start to get on with my day as I slowly start to turn on the shower the water starts to hit the surface of bathtub and it starts to fill up


With the bathroom mirror cover in fog of heat in the bathroom my hair starts to have drips of water falling onto the titles

I slowly start to brush my hair as the hair starts to knot and becomes painful as I brush it every time when all of the sudden I start to hear a knock on the door

I slowly start to reply in a shock Tone of voice

Yes who is it ?, I'm in the bathroom

It's me mark we are about to get ready for

The Xminblioa festival you wanna come with us ?,

Yes I would love to when are we going ?,

Mark:In about 55 minutes or less we'll wait for you

I slowly start to put on makeup I accidentally poke my eye as it suddenly starts to hurt

Ow shit that hurts so much ow

I finish getting ready and start to walk out to see the others all dressed up in traditional clothing I start to walk towards the hover car that had a black purple

Finish on it and got in when I start to feel squeezed in and the car ride started

-page 32-

Hi guys sorry I haven't posted on here I apologize for that I recent got a new phone and lost some of the drafts of chapters and ideas I had so I'm gonna be winging it I guess anyway recent I started watching one piece since I never got to watch it and to be honest i though it looked good anyway Hope you all are doing good during this pandemic and hope you guys stay safe bye !,

Nicholas and the other creators of this book. Also sorry the two pages are off so the top one is page 32 and the bottom one is page 33 sorry again