Chapter 10 living with a new era of wonder

As I began to wake up from the sound of birds chirping and a a sudden cold feeling coming from the opened window that had flowing in the room as I slowly

Started to move my self up as I began to stretch my arms up as I began to yawn deeply with my eyes slowly trying to readjust it's self as my vision began to become clear slowly

As I began to hear my phone alarm began to ring as I slowly began to grunt

Ugh.. damn it past me why do you have to set these alarms so dang early I said as I pushed the dismiss button

As I got up to look out in the window to see that leafs are began to fall to the ground as I saw some many different colors of leafs that are all over the sidewalks and road as I saw other cars driving by as the leafs began to lift up as I began to grab my coffee as the steam began to move all around as it began to feel so warm as I began to look at the scenery of the big city as small halo screens floated in the air and advertisements as I began to sing a song

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground one day my friend this world is gonna end and in life she falls she's down in the dirt she says this doesn't hurt I've finally had enough as I sang some lyrics of a song that I remember hearing a long time ago as I kept looking at the sky as my golden silver hair began to float in the air as it moves around in a pattern as I slowly started to finish my coffee as I began to get up from the dark oak chair as it began to creek I slowly began to get ready for my day

As I began to change and then began to comb my hair as I could feel the hair brush began to pull my hair as I began humming in my head as I looked at my self in the mirror after a couple of hours I began to put my hair in pig tails and then began to go outside as I saw other people walking behind me when I slowly walked towards the local market as I could see some people staring at me weirdly as I just ignored them and then picked up many different vegetables and fruits as my wooden basket began to feel heavy with the fruit and vegetables in it as the elderly women began to come up to me and began to ask me

Elderly women:Excuse me miss are you and elf form the country of Elfrettnland ?,

Yes I'm an elf but my mother is from that place I think she if from the town of Elfrittocy town

Oh I see I use to live Near there but the city was called elfvonnyia city the elderly lady said

To be honest elf's is a very rare race in this world

Mostly because that they are originally from an planet called Cenbnai which is an earth like planet that the elf humanoids are originally from the elderly lady said

I did not know that I'm half alien half human I said as I began to pay the money for the food I had picked from the stands that had written symbols that had a certain look to it as I began to continue talking to the nice elderly lady as we began to say our goodbyes then I began to walk through the sidewalk as a white smog began to form in front of me as I began to not be able to see for a few seconds as I kept on walk when I saw an Jewel that had a dark candy apple red and was in a ruby form that shined brightly as I began to grab it when I suddenly had a sudden shock from it as my hair began to spike up and I had sudden memories from the ruby then I began to drop it as it fell on the ground I just put it in my bag and then continued to walk home as I made it back to the apartment complex as I started to walk up the stairs as it began

To be hot as I could hear the sudden echoes of foot steps that was bouncing around all over the place as I unlocked my apartment door to see misa and exillia were hugging me as I began to put the food down on the counter then placed my bag in my room as I began to cook dinner then I began to be sleepy as I fell asleep

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